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Everything posted by Andronicos

  1. I love to hate Kaliyo, every time I see that -1 pop up it brings a smile to my face Even so I still get overall positive affection with her simply because she likes it a lot when I ruthlessly remove a threat.
  2. I know about that but it doesn't proves anything since the Hand could have sent the mail hours or days after he found out about the Emperor, and even then I doubt the first thing in his mind once he did was to run to the closest terminal and write a text message to the Wrath.
  3. Broonmark, I don't even bother to give him my hand-me-downs while on my Agent I think I only used Doctor Lokin once, but at least Lokin is good for conversation.
  4. I wish they would add shades of blues and greens and the rest of the colors, even in the movies blue lightsabers in EP1 look different than blues in EP3, etc
  5. Well the reality of the situation is that different humans react in different ways to different emotions in different situations, so yes most people may get sloppy when angered while some can channel their anger for as long as they have an objective in front of them. What I think the Sith teachings do is let anyone who gets properly trained gain that ability to focus their emotions into power without being enslaved by them and get sloppy, like Palpatine said "I can feel your anger, it gives you focus, it makes you stronger"
  6. Did you saw the size of the Agents knives? (they have more than one) it's more a sword than a knife!
  7. Chat bubbles would be nice to have for sure, but in the other two games I have roleplayed that had them (LotrO and GW2), it droved me nuts that people would do most of their talking in /emote rather than /say thus creating the exact same problem of having to look at the chat window since most people are not using the chat bubble, because of that I don't mind their absence in TOR since more likely they would go unused most of the time. To be fair it seems it is mostly a european/american thing, I noticed in European servers of the above mentioned games most people actually use the chat bubble, while it's the americans that are obsessed with using the /emote channel for their roleplaying.
  8. Depends on your personality I think, for example when I play sports and I get angry for whatever reason most of the time it helps me perform better, focuses my mind and makes me redouble my efforts, not everyone reacts the same way, it's why some people break under pressure while others thrive under it.
  9. Less force/lightning attacks more Darth Maul inspired acrobatics attacks would be nice, at least for the tanking tree since that's the most Darth Maulish I think.
  10. What I want is Zeltrons, come on BW its so easy just grab all of those human faces you love to dump in other races and change the skin and hair colour to shades of purple. What I think will be next? hmm I want to say Togruta but I doubt it, all of the Togruta in the game only have one face, even Ashara shares her face with all other togruta female NPCs, so I'm going to go with Arkanian offshoot simply because they would be easier to implement.
  11. You are one messed up individual I love that smuggler line...I loved it a lot more the first time I heard it when talking to a Hutt and a lot less the second and third and so on, but still that's my favourite of the repeated lines....as it should be.
  12. That seems unlikely since while the JK is infiltrating the Dark Temple there is a republic fleet attacking Dromund Kaas, It's seems awfully negligent of the Dark Council to ignore that just to watch the outcome of the SW fight, most likely the SW finishes several hours or a day or two before the assault on DK. As for the Smuggler...Nok Drayen is present on the Cabal meeting that is shown in chapter 3 of the IA story, and we know Nok was only "back in business" for a short time at the end of chapter 1 of the Smuggler story but before the start of chapter 2, so either the IA is one of the earliest ones or the Smuggler is one of the later-most storylines.
  13. Having to take T7 to fight the freaking Emperor of the Sith was tremendously anticlimactic, I mean the little guy is awesome and all but he's comic relief...I would have preferred having to fight him alone, which is what ended up happening for me because he died so fast into the fight, but yeah Imagine if Luke took R2 with him to fight Darth Vader or the Emperor...
  14. I wish so but I doubt it, In my opinion all the sage needs is a couple of melee range escape skills that use the lightsaber to feel right, kind of like the Ranger in LotrO it's a ranged class but most of the snares and slows to help you get out of melee range use the sword so it makes you feel like your melee weapon is useful and not just ceremonial. Take for example Tumult, is a melee range skill to help you finish off trash, being melee only it could have used a lightsaber attack animation but instead it's just a random (albeit awesome) kick animation, seems like a wasted opportunity to make the Sage/Sorc feel a little more Lightsaber proficient.
  15. I have a male Shadow and a female Sage, I like both voice overs but prefer the male, I think it's one of the best performances Nolan North has ever done alongside Uncharted, he really brings the character alive with slightly different intonations and such, in every other thing he has worked he always sounds like Nolan North voicing someone, example GW2 and Prince of Persia I think what rubs people wrong is the zen-like quality that is unique to the consular voicework.
  16. The night at the roxbury routine is also done by an imperial officer on the Tatooine imperial cantina, he's on stage near the Jukebox
  17. My Sage has only just got to Tatooine but I'm liking the story so far, it makes me feel like a... well..Jedi Sage very wise and yoda-like, it also feels more mystical than the JK story which outside of Tython was just very formulaic action, action, action and then after chapter 1 it became boring also At least the JC story (so far) makes you feel like you are a jedi and not just an action hero like JK
  18. The YT-2000, like the Otana from X-Wing Alliance...best YT design ever
  19. I like to pick species that go with the theme of the class, so for my mystical yoda-like Jedi Consular I picked the very spiritual Mirialian as a race, but for my former slave Sith Assassin I went with the quintessential "slave" race in SW...twi'leks and so on.
  20. Jedi clothes based on the movies, like what Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon wear, preferably without the brown robes And long sleeved robes! I don't mind not seeing my gloves
  21. How is it different from replacing your Tionese 51 purples with Black Hole 61 purples?, now there will be new 62 purples or whatever...getting max gear is always pointless, the expansion won't change that.
  22. Sadly no, I hated her too levelling my first character a year ago but she grew on me interaction by interaction until finally by the last convo I had with her I ended up thinking "you know what Kira...you're allright" I am now making another Knight and decided to try the romance to see how it affects her interactions.
  23. On the one I hand I think Elara is more qualified for the executive officer position with her perfectionism and her deep knowledge of every regulation, on the other I felt bad for Jorgan because of what happened to him in the prologue, so I asked them why they should get the promotion, Jorgan just said he should because he once was a lieutenant and thus is qualified while Dorne reinforced what I mentioned above and pointed out that as a former imperial she knows their tactics inside and out, which I agreed with so she got the promotion. Which I think it's the best choice because choosing someone because of prior history rather than current potential is never the best thing to do, I just hope I can give Jorgan a promotion eventually, don't want him to become Havoc's Harry Kim.
  24. Imperial Agents get quantity but Smugglers get quality
  25. Obi-Wan must be a Shadow that stubbornly uses a single lightsaber since he used stealth and Mind-Maze to great effect in the death Star, but since mind-maze doesn't works on droids it didn't worked so well in Episode II when he tried to solo that Heroic 2 in the droid factory and ended up aggroing a whole bunch of gold droidekas, Anakin had to come all the way from Tatooine to rez him
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