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Everything posted by Tuhalu

  1. It isn't by planet. It's simply random. Items like Krayt Dragon Pearls are a result of a critical result when doing other missions, which is most likely when doing a Rich mission. Specifically, doing a Rich tier 3 Gemstone mission with a character that has +crit for Treasure Hunting is most likely to get you some Krayt Dragon Pearls.
  2. 30 minute white materials missions save at least 15K (more if you crit). Not "a few thousand". If you have enough companions, that's well worth the investment.
  3. The stats on crystals are so small that they only have a version every 8 levels. Hence the 48 and the 56 with nothing in between.
  4. If you force leap/charge from a standing start, no problems. If you force leap/charge while in the air, you take falling damage equal to the total distance dropped while in the air. It's always been like this. Pretty sure it has to do with how the falling mechanic works and not how force leap/charge works.
  5. There is an obvious reason why you wind up at the npc in your class trainer room on the fleet at the end of each Act. Because that is where every new Act of your class quests begin. What happens if when you finish Act 3? Currently, you enter an Interlude state where you have no real class quest. Several months pass, Act 4 comes out. Where do you pick it up? Ah yes, the class trainer room in the fleet. Of course. In the long run, this will save players time as they don't have to wonder about which part of the galaxy they need to wander off to for the next part of the story. In the short run, it's a minor annoyance. Some people over-react when faced with minor annoyances.
  6. Excuse me if I am misremembering (I'm a bit of an altaholic), but I think it was part of the Sith Warrior questline. Made me do a bit of a double-take!
  7. At least one of ingame Darths is capable of force choking through a holocall. From halfway across the galaxy. Apparently the force connects us all, even through holocalls.
  8. I agree with the OP in that this mission should not feel so hard at all times. I feel like "I won it" if I can get the escorted shuttle through on 30% health and that's just not right. I have full Tier 6 upgrades. I have all fleet commendation upgrades. I don't use the Proton Torpedos because their control system interferes with your normal missiles and therefore makes it nearly impossible to complete some missions (I hope they fix that sometime!). I have no problem beating the "last 3 space missions" and even collecting all bonus missions for them. Taspan Ambush is just overly harsh on shooting the crap out of your escorted shuttle and leaving you with very little leeway for the level at which you start doing it. For the repliers: Taspan Ambush is a Level 32 mission which requires Level 1 upgrades only. The warships do the bulk of the damage to the shuttle. The fighters do some damage, but nowhere near as much as the big capitol ship turrets. If you do it right, the shuttle will enter the meteor canyon at about 85% health. It will leave it at maybe 75% health. Then a brand new ship sweeps out of the left side of the screen, giving you about 3 seconds to shoot missiles and weapons at it before stripping about 40% health off your escorted shuttle! The second ship you can see as you come out of the canyon between meteors has all shields and guns operational. No, it is not one of the ships from before the meteor canyon. This is what the OP is talking about.
  9. This definitely looks like a major step in the right direction. I'll have to see if I can "see" what the cooldowns of things are despite the GCD, but at least the cooldown timer will help with that. Would be nice if there was the ability to include a thin GCD bar above your hotkeys (or above your character along with the health and energy bars) or the ability to turn GCD visuals completely off if wanted.
  10. You can still fail with a maxxed affection companion. Heck, I've sent Vette (+5 Underworld Criticals bonus, 10000 affection and I married her) out on an Underworld Trading mission and had her fail. She doesn't fail a lot, but it's still always on the cards.
  11. The current global cooldown UI makes it impossible to see any of the other visual indicators while it is executing. In case you didn't guess, that is a fatal flaw. The biggest problem with the last iteration of the UI was that you couldn't really tell if a long cooldown ability was ready to be used or only nearly ready to be used unless you moused over the icon for the additional information. That problem seems to have been "fixed" only to be replaced by a new one.
  12. See the current test server patch notes. They are fixing the Exotech Med Unit schematic in the next patch.... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260938
  13. Actually, these missions can be quite lucrative if you go after the rich missions for them. For instance, as a Scavenger at 400, I am able to send my companions on a Rich: Thermoplast Flux mission. For ~2000 credits I can get back something like 32-48 Fluxes. They cost 400 credits each. So I save at least 14000 credits each and every time! It's hard to beat that. I think scavenging (and hence armormech, armstech and cybertech) has the only max-level rich mission for that kind of thing, but it's certainly not something you should ignore. I've certainly saved hundreds of thousands of credits that way already. Yes, my point was more that the varying mission skills give varying results on their lockboxes. It may be just luck on my part, but Treasure Hunting lockboxes tend to give armor far more frequently than the Slicing Lockboxes. That may be because Treasure Hunting simply has more variety of Lockbox missions than Slicing, making it easier to go after the Abundant Lockbox missions.
  14. Factual Error: ArmorMech does NOT use luxury fabrics as far as I can tell. It only uses underworld metals. Quibble: Artifice also provides an epic Relic in the endgame (in addition to the epic lightsabers). Additional: At tier 6, treasure hunting may also provide orange crystals. Note: It is worth noting that Treasure Hunting lockboxes can provide prototype quality gear on a critical result (although a sum of cash a little less than that invested is more normal).
  15. There is a ramp up in gear from champions. I've fought just about every champion at one point or another (Juggernaut + Operative = ownChamps) on every world. At the lowest level, it is mostly greens, but blues are not uncommon. After level 30 or so, you start seeing a mix of oranges as well. From Voss onwards, blues and oranges are a common result.
  16. First, the mission discovery items for diplomacy seem to have their alignment written on them now. Secondly, if you are maxxed out on Light Side, it's not a big problem. For each light side mission you do, if you have any Dark Side points it will reduce them by the value of that light side mission. Sure you may dip below light side 5 for a few minutes, but then you can do those missions
  17. Those torhead links are wrong. Better to check with your crew skill trainer by clicking on "show all". There are very many types, but it's so you can have any option you prefer. For instance, there are 3 different enhancements with endurance, defense rating and shield rating on them. Each one has one stat low and the other two high.... It's the only slot where you can really customise to that extent. Armor and mod slots you can only choose tank/dps as you say.
  18. There are just as many light side relics as dark side ones. Try the light side vendor in your fleet! Or check the GTN (treasure hunters can get them out of lockboxes sometimes). Also, anyone can make a matrix cube if they collect matrix shards from datacrons.
  19. A wild opinion is spotted! It wasn't very effetive.
  20. Tuhalu

    Patch 1.0.1

    Yeah, that's a completely different bug that occurs when you change from one character to another and the game holds onto some of the information from the previous character. It also leads into problems like party/guild chat not working and having messages from the previous character appearing in your chat window when you log in the new character. Obviously, I don't know how exactly they are handling logging off one character and onto another, but they are doing it wrong. On topic, I hope they fixed all the problems with the nodes and not just some of them! Their statement was hedged very neatly so that they have an out if it turns out they didn't actually fix all problems.
  21. There is no difference between orange items except appearance. The level of them is determined by the armor/hilt/barrel you put into it and the other stats are determined by the mods you put in. Blue and purple items have a set level because the armor/hilt/barrel is built into the item. Basically, orange items exist so you can keep a look that you like.
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