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Everything posted by Shadenuat

  1. I would go with Matrix cube and augmented Rakata relic, or Cube and best PvP relic.
  2. Yes, there are "neutral" 25 and better armorings dropping in OPS. I have +55 EN and +51 WP in my belt from Karagga. Along with BM mod, this belt owns rakata or warhero alike.
  3. If you'r attacker at Voidstar, you can climb up broken spaceship and do something funny from there on the heads of people running below. In Civil War, it's sometimes funny to climb the wall from behind mid and run all the way that wall to the corner. And you can run back and jump inside balcony, actually. It's even funnier when knight/jugg jumps on you just to fall down instantly through textures or hit by Force Wave. You won't be protected from harpoons unlike when standing in balcony, however. On Novare coast, all bunkers are positioned on hills, so I find it's good to stand not on top of the hill, but near it's side, throwing Salvations. Overall I prefer to position myself near mid hill on the right, using LOS blocker there, and throw Salvations and Quakes inside the bunker.
  4. By the way, sage's primery kiting ability is 6 seconds 50% slow. Include it into your rotation. And if you're full Balance, then it would be even better with Sever Force.
  5. When you'll start gettin jumped by two-three marauders simultaneously. Oooh, that would be so fun, grow to 50ies quickly.
  6. My scrapper soon will be 50, and I am going to give him some warzones. I started to bind abilities to keyboard recently a lot, and I am looking for advice to what abilities would be useful to bind and to what keys. As a Sage, I have a lot of abilities to use, but when it comes to shear number of them, Scoundrel and Guardian sure take the top. I have a simple keyboard with half a dozen additional keys I use for that (like tab, tilda, C, X, Z, spacebar) and only one additional button on my mouse (I use it to swtich targets now). What skills are most important to bind as Scrapper?
  7. Because of healers really lacking in PvP on my server, I used this spec today: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GhrRrdbkGzZf00MZ0M.1 I must say, it went better than expected. I still would like to point out that healer is as good as his/her team is. It's great to heal when being guarded and heal people in BM/WH gear, because I have trouble healing someone who has less HP than me (without stim, I have 17.2K HP). Well, first what I did is tried to bring my level of playing up, so I binded everything exept DPS skills and some utility stuff to keyboard. I actually binded Wave to spacebar, which fit it perfectly. I re-thought my kiting abilities, as I did't have exploding bubble or root on wave, I started to rely heavely on Slow and slowing Weaken Mind. Other thing that helped me to kite great deal was Restoration binded to tilda and Rejuvination. With all this, and instant healing abilities, I would say that healers kiting can be as good as hybrid DPSers, actually (but not as good as Hybrid healers, of course). I managed to heal 300K on huttball somehow, and overall healed 400K per other warzone, even if they usually ended pretty quick. So, imo, pure healer is not dead, but you have to try and bring yourself into new level of play and kite a lot, because standing and soaking damage would't work for sage. I know it sounds really banal, but marauder mocking one of my teammate sages about him standing still like a true turret in front of melee DPSer eating hits and using up my heals just makes me to repeat that banal stuff other and other again.
  8. If you can push him from ledge or you have root on Wave, then sure, but I tend to save my wave for something like, heh, second mara.
  9. FoB > Weaken Mind and Sever Force, and while they tick, TT followed by procked Mind Crush. I found it simple and pretty effective in PvE at least.
  10. I don't think healer needs crit, but if you want to try it, then you need to load up Surge intil you get 75% crit modifier (that's 260 Surge for me), and Alacricity seems to work better when gives 10% speed boost to skills (which is about 300 Alacricity). However, I suggest looking for equipment with POWER in it, it's your second priority after Willpower.
  11. The worst thing about those is that, if you want to be good PvPer, you can't silence them, else you don't know if their node is capped or something. We have one particularly vocal "godfather" of PvPing who seems to follow me by some random choice of a universe (i go PvP 50ies - and he's there swearing on his loosing team; I go 10-49 - he's there again, swearing at newbies and mocking them), and swears and shouts at everyone, including his own clan members. But you can't do much about him - he's running a premade, and you want to know what he's planning with his slav-... friends. And you know what? Even making a ticket about him would't help the cause, because he is actually GOOD with his class, and loosing him would make it just one less good player and a win for other side of the Force. And I am the one who'll always take a better person other better player.
  12. This thing not being fixed yet just does't make any sense.
  13. This is a great guide. I would like to say that soloing marauder as a sage is still not a smart thing to do, you should always think about yourself as a support class, not solo class. Still, I would like to make a TLDR version to 99% of sages who end up dead by melee classes a lot: 1) Mara jumps on you, bubble yourself and put FORCE SLOW on him. 2) Use FORCE SPEED and press Q or E buttons - strafing buttons by default. There. If you do it very fast, and also unLOS mara, sometimes he would't even understand what happened and leave you alone (unless you have large friggin marker on your head, which I tented to have always when played a healer). I see too many sages just standing there, like they are not aware of strafing keys. They exist. Use them. It pains me to see how many of you bros die by not moving and eating damage. You're a nomad who lost his horse, your life is in your footwork.
  14. Aha-ha-ha. Oh wow. It's just that few days ago I (hybrid DPS sage) and my clanmate (healer sage) were defing left turret while being harrased by one, pretty good marauder. We killed him three times in a row before he stopped doing that stuff. Only sages who are eaten by melee for lunch are those who are not aware about strafing keys on their keyboard and of Force Slow skill.
  15. Good players know what to do and can work well just because they know each other and, again, what to do. It just takes a bit more of opposite connection. Example of what I mean, when somebody is defing and has a ninja or two: Premade: Shouts in mic to get help. Non premade (or how do I do things): Look up the map to see who is defing. Check his/her health from time to time on your ops bar (I run healer a lot, so it's natural to me even when I don't heal). If it's going down, it's the same as getting called to help by mic. There are a lot of things you can do in a WZ to mimic PuBs effectiveness by just staying aware.
  16. Stealthers and other OP classes think of themselves too much and tend to harass enemy alone, sometimes even when your team has two nodes (I have ALT stealther, and I know how it feels, to have power to easely manuevre, scout and instakill lonely defender). Against random ques and weaker enemies, it can bring some chaos and disorder, maybe even third node or make defender's job easier. Against at least half decent premades, particulary those who use teamspeak/ventra or whatever, it's pointless and usually results in throwing away valuable player resource and, sometimes, losing a node. It could work in a premade, it could work if followed by coordinated assault when everyone abandons "lost" node and run to one ninja capped... but I still find that a lot of "those guys" are, yeah, act pointless, going out like lone wolves, but ending up shot like stray dogs. Stealthers and other chars should work together, if it comes to that, help stealther by CCing defender and luring him away. But, if you have 2 nodes, dear god, stealthers, stop your ninja **** and go watch our own node or help def.
  17. It's not silly, it is hard to watch for three procs popping on some random roll of a dice. And I agree that Tidal proc has bad icon. Yeah, I mostly cast instant Disturbances, whenever Presence of Mind procs and MC is on cooldown (or if TT was interrupted). Unlike other procs, PoM does't have 10 seconds cooldown, and with Psychic Projection, sometimes it just stays there all the time. I even interrupt TT channeling for that, because I feel it gives more punch to overall rotation. As for Wave, I find it a decent crowd controller (Quake > Wave + Force in Balance) and a finisher "spell". A rotation like that could be too complex for it's own good, but I find that in PvP, the more instant "spells" you have prepared, the better it feels. In PvE, Balance with Psychic Projection seems like the simplier and better build... maybe. Something like that, yeah. I use Collapse too, though.
  18. Lt. Iresso. One sentence: He is a JEDI Consular companion and has ARMSTECH CRITICAL.
  19. There is no HK-51 companion, there is HK minor boss in endgame flashpoint.
  20. Disturbance casts instantly after TT with proc from Balance (Presence of Mind). TT > Mind Crush > TT > Disturbance until Mind Crush comes from cooldown. (And it also gets +20% more damage, just like MC AND another, statistically speaking, 10% from Momentum there). If you are l33t, mad and OP, OR lucky (got twice as fast TT from proc) you can put up to THREE Disturbances before Mind Crush comes from cooldown. That way Disturbance procs fast... ...to give you another proc which makes TK Wave cast instantly too. Add Force in Balance on top. And as we all know, instants can be cast while moving ^_~ Yeah, as I said, it can break your fingers, but it's so much better to have something else for enemy when someone mindsnaps your "awesome button" (TT).
  21. So what would happen if you ask "Can't I have both?".
  22. What's sages build? Who is he/she geared?
  23. 1. Pop a stunning bubble around myself. 2. See melee break it and get stunned. 3. Run away on the other side of the map or into the crowd of allies, marking melee with gigantic red marker and crying for help. 4. .... 5. Profit!11 Yeah I also have like 4 other CC's, but I save them to cap objectives.
  24. Huh. When I play huttball with my Scoundrel, I usually stealth ahead to get passes. Seems the right way to play it is actually to kill random people. Maybe I should try that instead and see how it goes.
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