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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Thats exactly what I did...i capped it when the time was around 30 seconds... their whole team came along...obviously i cant mezz all of them so i had to come out of stealth..i quickly died as 5 of them were killing me...they capped the pylon then 2 seconds later they capped the other pylon.


    If you can't hold it yourself, should have waited longer. You shouldn't need reinforcements.

  2. What is SO difficult about defending a pylon on Ancient hypergates....


    Each game..i go to the enemy pylon as a stealth in to try and ninja cap...because to WIN the game you need to do the OBJECTIVES and the most beneficial objective to win ARE THE PYLONS because if you cap NO PYLONS YOU LOSE THE GAME.


    Yet I capture their pylon because some noob stood too close to it...their entire team came along and I was asking for support but no one came...and I check the map and NO ONE is defending our pylon...


    Basically we double capped then they double capped us first round so I left warzone because i refuse to play with those donkeys


    Why did you ninja their node with that much time left in the round?

  3. There is a jedi knight ability that requires 30 stacks of centering and grants a speed boost to everybody in your group. I've been in a voidstar match where that ability was active on my side for practically the whole time (although it was the shortest voidstar victory I have ever experienced). I couldn't explain it. We just outran the defenders all the way to the end. Is it possible to keep that ability active all the time? Lots of knights using it in a coordinated manner perhaps? I was just PUGing, so perhaps I got in with a pre-made group that were cycling that ability extremely effectively. This was about 2 weeks ago, so I can't remember many details. The match was extremely brief.


    Yes, that is possible, especially if you are rolling the other group.

  4. Shoot...forget increasing cap time in hypergates. ALL other nodes/caps should be reduced to 6s. Nodes should be turning over more often, as it is makes games more exciting.


    It would probably have to be accompanied by some smaller tweaks but I agree.

  5. Eric, I'd really like an announcement on exploiting the bug.


    My guess is "We're not calling it an exploit because then we'd have to do something about all the people that exploited" just like the Ilum exploits-that-aren't-exploits.

  6. you should just make a meme or something for this. its gotten to that point...


    "bolster bug? its not working as intended, we will fix it tuesday!"


    Well, they won't be this Tuesday, so it wouldn't work in this case.

  7. yeah but if they didn't fix them during PTS what makes you think they will now. Whats the point of a PTS if they fix nothing that is mentioned as bugged or broken. Your faith in them fixing things is kinda of cute tho.




    What's the point in responding to me in this way? Honestly. Unless you have a good answer to this I'm sure you will understand if I ignore further responses. Not really worth anybody's time. If you have an issue with BW's handling of this, use them as a scratching post, not me.

  8. Hey everyone,


    I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


    Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





    If there is a fix ready in time this is probably something worth having an unscheduled maintenance period. I know you aren't in charge of that, but Tuesday will be three weeks of bugged bolster. It's probably worth taking down the servers over and over to get it fixed, if it comes to that.

  9. Both so true Sith and Cilas...


    If there's one thing I've said since the beginning it's...


    Why not make changes gradually and see how they affect the game, the classes, etc. I've never understood the approach they've continued to take since day one.


    Oh... it's not working? We could just change that one thing slightly and see how well that works....


    Or we could just redesign how the entire freakin' game and cross our fingers. Everything is so all or nothing with these guys and we'd probably be in a much better place if changes were gradual.


    Bubble Stun is a great example of an opportunity to do this pre 2.0.

  10. Regarding augments: yesterday's crew skill fixes are going to bring those in line. Thermal Regulators are already half of what they were yesterday morning on The Bastion due to crits bringing back 2-4 instead of 1. Further, gathering missions are bringing back more mats (though useless Holinium and Perfect Carbonic Crystals are still part of that). Prices will keep dropping, too.
  11. No communication at this point is a bit sad. The patch did not fix bolster. It did not fix common bolster exploits. Naked PvP was better than this.


    And yes, a "my bad" post is better than nothing. They know there is an issue. They know it isn't fixed. Token communication is possible even if more isn't.


    Tuesday will be three weeks of broken bolster. I really hope it doesn't get to that point. This is something worth bringing the servers down in prime time to fix.


    I thoroughly enjoy playing this game. My favorite part about it is PvP. That part is broken right now.

  12. I just want it to be fixed. And I don't mind if they take the servers down in prime time to do it. The exploits are gamebreaking and easy to produce. The system overall still doesn't make sense according to what we've been told. This has not been a simple solution. It has not been an effective solution. It has effectively borked PvP for two weeks now. if we're waiting until next Tuesday for a fix on this, I don't know. There are some things I can't justify. This has been an absolute disaster.
  13. I like the idea of how it was initially represented (a way to replace recruit gear). It certainly hasn't been worth the trouble. I'm not much of a reactionary. I generally roll with the punches. I didn't queue for PvP at all last week, despite that being why I play the game. All the issues with it have just turned me off to playing warzones at the moment.


    It was supposed to be a simple, elegant solution that removed a clunkier one (recruit gear). It hasn't been simple or elegant. It hasn't been worth the trouble, in my opinion.

  14. The Devs posted a year ago or so that new Biochem recipes won't be able to create re-usable stims or medpacs. This was during the time Biochem was king and the re-useable stims caused a lot of fuss.


    No more re-usables for Biochem.


    Literally crafting a resuable stim and medpack as I type this.

  15. After spending yesterday afternoon looking into your reports and doing internal testing, we discovered a couple of things:


    1. We were missing an important Patch Note for Game Update 2.0, which I'll be adding to the notes as soon as possible with the information, and I apologize that it was missed.

    • Crew Skill Missions above level 400 provide rewards as follows:
      • Moderate and Abundant missions no longer provide Artifact Quality crafting materials.
      • Bountiful and Rich missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials only on a critical success.
      • Wealthy missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials for both normal and critical success.


    2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

    • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
    • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
    • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
    • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.


    The combination of the bugs above, paired with the fact that the new missions don't yield materials in the same way as the older ones do would understandably lead to confusion around Level 400+ missions. We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused, and I hope to have cleared up your questions.





    That explains it. Thankfully after the first day, it was pretty clear something was wrong with slicing and I haven't run any missions since, so my sunk cost is much lower than it could be.

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