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Everything posted by Eszi

  1. It's funny. High res textures were in beta, and I actually had better fps in the beta. Also, just make it optional ffs, so that people with hardware capable of running better textures can enjoy them...unless it's just your engine that can't draw more then 5 people at once without lagging itself to pieces, and would cause a black hole to appear if it had to render more then 5 people with hi res textures
  2. Eszi

    Valor farming 101

    That's why we can't have nice things
  3. Eszi

    More CC pls

    Sometimes I can actually move, and I guess I shouldn't be able to. Fix this pls.
  4. +1 Only VERY few specialised applications will load your ram over 4GB
  5. Eszi


  6. Welcome to the post-cod4 world, where players' opions are worthless, because they will still buy the game, where challenging gameplay is a bad design choice since it can potantially scare the "average gamer", and where the "average gamer" is a massive noob, around which the games are designed. Enjoy!
  7. Yes, we need moar fancy titles instead of important fixes
  8. or just a fat kid with rich parents
  9. kthxbai Just thinking...why would I care?
  10. What we really need is a few high-pop servers instead of bazillion of low-pop ones.
  11. +111111111111 I just mash space during dialogues anyway
  12. The engine is innovatively bad
  13. Oh well...I guess he mad because you had a team full of lvl ~20s and the other team was full of 50s. lvl brackets pls?
  14. Change #3 to "add macros" and this thread will be a winning one.
  15. 98% of applications won't use more. I have 12GB and I've never seen more then 3,8 GB being used.
  16. New gpu probably won't help much in terms of load times. Better RAM, CPU, HDD/SSD will.
  17. I'd prefer a star wars game like this to have less "candy" graphics. But they probably won't change it, so I might as well get used to it.
  18. So you're rong. XFire, TS3, MSI AB etc. do that and I honestly doubt that they violate eula(s). BUT, it can still be detected as a cheat, since it interferes with game's render. Bannable? Probably not. Can you get in trouble for using it? Maybe.
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