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Everything posted by Eszi

  1. Eszi

    Idea for Resolve

    First they should make it work at all
  2. BETTER YET: Put the armaments in everyone's ships and delete ilum
  3. Already confirmed that you will be able to extract basemods from purples in 1.2, i.e. wear whatever oranges you want.
  4. Or at least let us silence the ship droid
  5. If you fall to that, you deserve to lose your ****
  6. Tracer Lightning: Instant cast, instant cd (does not trigger gcd either), deals 10k damage + 20k over 5 seconds, snares + roots + stuns + knockbacks on hit
  7. It's because most of the people are too lazy to level another char and gearing it on the PTS. Just to it like CCP does in EvE - import characters from live to test server.
  8. Eszi

    Resolve question

    So that it's not actually useful
  9. The whole game needs a serious difficulty boost, but that won't happen since it could scare the casual people off (where i prenouce the world "casual" the same way i prenouce the word "tapeworm")
  10. I think that the cd thing was the best as it was after launch. Right now, the flashing is just annoying.
  11. Instead of extracting everything, give us an option to make item X look like an item Y. You take item X and Y to an npc, he makes item X look like item Y, while item Y gets destroyed. ofc, you can only do this with same slot items (med armor vest works only with another med armor vest etc.)
  12. The thing is, you have a 25% crit CHANCE, not 25% of your hits are crits. In theory, you can get 9000/10000 crits as well as 20/10000 with 25% chance Treating 25% crit chance as "every 4th hit = crit" is a mistake.
  13. Rebels? They added a 3rd faction?
  14. Are you going to fix the low fps issue on Ilum and other situations with many players on screen?
  15. Best SWTOR vid EVER. I lol'd hard in rl, OP deserves a bag of cookies.
  16. Same for me, didn't count like 5 wins in a row. Doesn't seem to be related to a specific warzone or pre-mades (tried all 3 warzones, with and without group, some count, some don't, but nothing in common)
  17. makes a free kill for senti with watchman+combat hybrid - use prec slash with master strike and blade storm, then use overload saber and cauterize (elemental damage bypasses armor)
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