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Everything posted by Darth_Eclipses

  1. You actually think I sat in a corner and healed myself for 400k worth of heals? Really?
  2. That's the thing, objective points don't actually tell the story. They aren't even given out in some explainable way. Where do you think I was healing from? Some raft some where and not at the door? I've dis-armed bombs before in VS AND placed them in the same match and still walked away with less Obj points than people who went around just seeking kills. I'm not really complaining that much, I just though it was hella funny.
  3. Hey Fahros! I watched the video in full man. You put in work bro, might subscribe my guild's channel to your's. I thought your video was great. Why not expand your focus though, and potentially include a build video commentary? One where you go through your spec for PvE or PvP and explaining why you take certain talents at one tier vs another, as well as your rotation choices. A little less action-y but no less impressive, from a gamer's POV, imho at least. As a healer I'd be interested in seeing your DPS spec and how you synergize your abilities. Very interested to see what you do in the future, your videos almost makes TOR's pvp seem idyllic haha. Nice work man!!! (Oh and feel free to bump this sucker, it's nice to see some more positive PvP threads, sometimes at least showing what TOR's pvp should aspire to be)
  4. So I know it was a team win and all, but this doesn't seem at all odd to anyone else? http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7190/screenshot2012010501551.jpg Why are healers so under-appreciated?
  5. Not just reward...we need encouragement. BW's planet design for PvP is horrid, they actually have exhaustion zones on Tatt blocking you off from certain Republic questing areas. Are there no PvP'ers in BW? No one spoke up when they saw how they were designing this catastrophe?
  6. Very true. There isn't any reward for even Staying on Ilum after you've gotten what you needed...so it's basically worthless to even want to stay around.
  7. I concur. Plus having to suffer through the long *** VS bike animation when you come in late - which usually leads to the enemy capping.
  8. If you think Marauders and Sentinels are OP..... ...Which server are you on again?
  9. Bumping again for attention. Why have there been no devs commenting at all on threads of real importance?
  10. Meant to say they should. Read this interview with Jake Song: http://www.archeage-portal.net/en/news/38-archeage-news/210-china-joy-2011-jake-song.html Or don't, idrc.
  11. They all heal, so what you need to look for is utility differences. I'm not an expert on any of the other two, but Sorcs and Sages are great single target healers over all. I have no problem keeping one person alive even with 2 or sometimes even 3 others on them. Sages and sorcs also do not lack for utility with: a slow, 2 if you spec your dot to slow up to 20% for the duration, a mezz, a knockback AND a stun. We also get a very handy shield that's capable of adsorbing critical spikes or is also useful for shielding yourself or an ally and allowing them to speed through fire/acid traps in huttball. To add, we also get the mother of utlity spells: a pull. In PvE it's used to get someone out of hot situations by lowering their threat and pulling them to you. In PvP it's great to get them up onto the enemy team's ramps from lower ground or save their life or..or...or. It's just a fantastic spell. I do suggest you end up rolling a Sage over Sorc though, the Pubs can use some more dedicated healers
  12. Agreed. Even when there are more Republic....What incentive do I have to actually KILL them? After they've gotten their dailies and weeklies - WHY would they stay on Ilum and fight me or my guild? Why not just go raid or go on an alt or queue in WZ's and get everything else they can get on Ilum, faster and in much higher quantities?
  13. Yep. They've actually devised an endgame pvp system that actually encourages and rewards you to NOT pvp. This is compounded by their world design - which doesn't encourage PvP in the Open World either. So you lack for pvp all the way up to 50 only to get to the pvp planet and find that it's actually in your best interests not to engage in pvp there either. This game will be a case study used by other MMOs that will be developed in the future as something NOT to do, I can assure you.
  14. Last I've heard it's been put on extremely outrageous respawn timers, practically making them non-existent. In effect they have been removed for the vast majority of the playerbase. No reason to go there, no reason to pvp outside of WZs (especially since the rewards for winning have been increased!). Move along...move along.
  15. WZs aren't bad on PvP servers....but the OWPVP that you actually roll on an PvP server for is almost non-existent.
  16. You actually pvp in Ilum? Wow! How could they have gotten pvp so wrong?? Please continue to post your thoughts, and don't forget to rate the thread so they notice this issue and give it its due attention. I was also in beta Clege, and I remember GZ's posts regarding pvp and it really struck me how disingenuous he was - and was using the fact that players weren't actually in the game - or playing on "their latest in-house build" as some kind of reason to assure them things would be vastly different come release. BW, you guys gotta do better man...your pvp sucks right now. It's not bad - it sucks.
  17. You poor deluded player. Even if you could kill me - why would I fear you? Why would I hate you? What did I lose by dying? What did you gain (that I would want, and would inspire me to PvP more often)? Oh, so my gear lost 10% durability, big whoop. Is that why I'm going to hate you? My level 50 repair bill? Please... Go do all of a planet's quest or go through a flashpoint and get absolutely nothing for your time and effort - then come talk to me. Go fight your way through some absurdly long cave, doing all the kill xxx bonuses along the way, to kill a boss with a million hp, then fight your way out to receive: no credits, no xp and no loot - then come talk to me. Go fight a close WZ match like Ald or VS, fighting for every inch and relying on your team's coordination and superior play to finally win the day only to look at the victory screen and get squat - THEN come talk to me. You finally getting the jist here buddy? That's already in-game. It's called Ilum - and it sucks. WHY am I, or any other sensible person, going to kill the 2 Republic that are there, then spend another 5 hours on that planet trying to get done my daily? Why wouldn't I just let them cap the point, go on about their business, then I cap it after they're done - saluting them all the way? There is NO incentive to FIGHT at ALL! There is NO incentive to WANT to FIGHT at ALL! There is NO way their quest & planet design could be more HORRIBLE than it is NOW! There is NO way they could POSSIBLY be any more anti WPVP other than them officially turning all servers into PvE.
  18. What? Please encourage your guild to roll Republic on the Jung Ma RPvP server. Would love to have some more pubs there. (No seriously, if you guys are thinking about re-rolling, please do it on my server kthx)
  19. I've done that exact same thing but I do not recall the mods giving the expertise rating.
  20. What is this pee vee pee you speak of?
  21. No, they do it so you have a grind and continue your subscription from month to month. Always have that little carrot dangling in front of your face. As you said and another poster alluded to, only GW has the brass to do PvP right - because they don't have an onus of monthly subscription fees over their head.
  22. Actually I have to say that we're even, though I'd sometimes give the edge to Pubs because Empire side has a lot of.....inexperienced players. Let's say it that way Also keep in mind OP that the classes are mirrors in TOR, anything you can do - we can do too. Player, team and coordination make the difference.
  23. Point of fact: most MMOs get built with end game designed first: as that is where the vast majority of players spend their time for the longest periods of time. He isn't even complaining that it isn't enough, you condescending know-it-all, he's saying that what's there isn't working.
  24. Friend, I LOVE open world PvP - that's why I started this thread. But let's be clear on what Open World PvP gets you: No XP (but warzones do) No Credits (but warzones do) No Valor increases (but warzones do) No unlockable titles (but warzones do) No stats to watch or brag with your friends about (but warzones do) No commendations or route to end game high level pvp gear (but warzones do) So WHY would I Open World PvP on a god dam PvP server when I can spam WZ's all day and no matter if I win or if I lose I will always come out on top vs even the best Open World PvP'ers?
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