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Everything posted by lijahrobinson

  1. I am going to abandon Sword of Ajunta Pall for Fatman here soon. I will be leaving behind 2 lvl 50s. Our PvP isn't bad yet, even with just ~40 people in the fleet we are still popping 5-10 min queues during primetime and the base we have plays in warzones alot. But unless we are playing against one of the 3 republic premades we are going to win 95% of the time. The populations have been dwindling, and on the "leveling planets" you see mostly 5 or less people. Queues during non peak times take way to long to pop so the only time i will be returning to Sword is if my real-life friends (who don't pvp) want to run operations. See you all soon!
  2. If you decide to do more PVP i would suggest this. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MMZsMrRrhddGkZMM.1 Pooled Hatred is great in PvP and has allowed me 5k+ impales and 6k vicious throws (with adrenal/relic). I find that you have enough accuracy with your gear to get it right at 100% so i would rather have power/cirt/surge instead.
  3. I agree with the other guy, Immortal is not good in PvP. What you gain isn't worth anywhere near what you give up. I would suggest you go vengeance tree until you get to around 40. You can still be pretty effective in the "tanking" form while throwing guards. Once you get to 40, switch to Rage. If you have orange gear that is kept pretty up to date, you can start hitting 5k crits in the mid-upper 40s on all targets in 5m. Vengeance is good for a few reasons. The main one is unstoppable. 20% damage reduction and 4 sec CC immunity after you force leap is just too good (esp for carrying the huttball). In the lower brackets where alot of players will try to knock you back right away and waste their skill. You really don't get a ton of damage until your in your 30s with any sec of Jugg. Its just their design. I tend to focus on controlling enemies, taunting them, and guarding our healers. I bet the biggest problem is that you are the first one jumping into the fray. You can't do this with a Jug. It seems like you should be able to take a bit of focus but you cant. wait for others to engage and then pick your target. I always tended to focus on a healer. At the lower levels they really only have 1 main heal. Make sure you interrupt this as soon as you can and as often as you can. You can force push them when they are casting, or force choke them (you are close to the level that you should have both) and when you jump to them it interrupts their current action. This is extremely successful in keeping them locked down. Use your taunts as much as you can to keep your friends from getting killed. A no brainer but you would be suprised how many don't do this. Lastly, Learn to aim your force push. It is an incredibly powerful tool. Just pushing a healer over a ledge can be more effective than taking the time to kill them. In huttball, you can easily kill someone just buy pushing one button (i.e. fire trap/acid pits) so it can be your most powerful tool. Also, it make carrying the ball a breeze. leap/push/leap can win games and knowing how/where to push can mean you never have to walk over a fire trap.
  4. It starts to go up hill once you get force choke. I think at those levels i focused on gaurding people/taunting people almost exclusively while adding in a bit of damage. Vengeance until 40, because once you get force push you can really take advantage of unstoppable.
  5. Run to the edge and then jump strait in the air, never to leave the edge. You have no idea how many times i do this and a jugg thinks i am going to jump down and they leap to me. Being on the edge is an insta death for them so problem solved.
  6. According to Torhead its 20 sec. Its not long at all and if i get pulled i can usually use it twice from middle to score.
  7. I don't find marauders unbeatable on my vendence jug. Its usually around 50/50 i think (Assuming similar skill/gear). The big thing is you have to get the jump on him. Unstoppable is what wins this fight imo so you want to leap to him. Watch his cooldowns as well. Save your force choke for when he goes for his 4 sec of invuln, and force push+Jump to refresh unstoppable. Use your Saber Ward if available because its going to be important and can also sway the battle. Sometimes, if you can time it right, you can force choke them when they are around 33-35% and by the end they will be right below 30 and can be finished off with a critted vicious throw before they activate their invuln (because they usuallly dont activate it until they are around 2000 or less). I also carry a supply of stun bombs that cybertechs can make to buy some time/distance.
  8. Read the ToS. They have the ability to withold/remove any content for any reason. We all agreed to it. It also mentions that content can be subject to change so I think its safe to say that we were warned that this kind of stuff could happen.
  9. If i am not doing 500k+ damage on my Pryotech Mercenary, that means i am eating a sandwich. I think my personal best is 730kish and i know there is still some room for improvement.
  10. I think this really just suggests he queues up with one or two dedicated healers. We used to have a guy on our server that queued up with two healers that would just focus on healing him. He would then proceed to tear though everything until said healers were taken down. This is the only way he has enough uptime to do this. Its not just him; its also his team.
  11. As a Juggernaut, I was able to take advantage of the leap/push/leap alot more in the 1-49 bracket than the 50 bracket. Its still good, don't get me wrong but it seems people finally learned not to stand on the edges. Intercede is quite amazing. It makes it to where i never have to cross a firepit without my cc breaker up. Or if i get pulled into a fire trap by an assassin/powertech i can quickly leap to the person who was running with me. The best case senario is you grap ball and intercede to somone on the catwalks. Force leap to someone thats further up towards to goal line and then force push them in a way they end up on either the back part of the catwalks (where the large vertical ramp is) or if they are close to the edge, they can end up on the back ledge where the goal line is, and then leap again to them while they are down. I can tell you, this does not happen anywhere near often unless you have a newer player that just don't understand how juggernauts work.
  12. When going green meets the clothing industry.
  13. Someone that knows whats going down. Kudos!
  14. I don't have that much of a problem with the pyro PTs on my Mercenary. I am also Pyro spec'ed. The real trick is not to be their primary target. If we start off and they begin focusing on me then its going to be a world of hurt but i usually hang back and start in on them when they have chosen their target. Blindly rushing them is a good way to die but if i can get my rotation started on them before they do on me then it usually ends up in my favor.
  15. Am i the only one to catch this. All of a sudden a meter isn't a real unit of measurement. hehe.
  16. I think the easiest solution would be just to give it as a reward for the first warzone completion upon turning 50. No need to buy and everyone gets access to it. Problem solved.
  17. Yeah, i remember when Rift first launched and there would be hundreds on the screen fighting it out. It did start having a few problems then but that was acceptable with that many people and their abilities going off. SWTOR can't seem to handle anywhere near as many things going on as Rift could.
  18. I can help you with that. Here is the spec i am currently running. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZMckZMIrbzGhrs.1 Gyroscopic alignment is personal preference and i have been running Infared sensors for quite a while but wanted to give the other a try. As for tips: Firstly, you are a skirmisher. You fight on the fringes, soften up the targets and finish off the weaklings. Its a delicate balance between switching targets and focusing targets. What you are good at with your dots is forcing healers to make decisions and hopefully the wrong ones. As other players health drops due to your dots they have to decide on who to heal and you can take advantage of this. Things to remember: Railshots on burning victims make railshot vent 8 heat. Your unload/powershots can proc a free railshot so this nets you a heat loss of 8. Enemies take more DoT damage when below 30% and the tech crit chance is greater so thermal detonator and fusion missile are excellent finishers. I have two main rotations that i use 90% of the time. a. Incendiary missile > Thermal Detonator > Rail shot > Unload > Rail shot (if reset) > Powershot > Fusion Missile (if target is lower than 30%) b. Incendiary Missile > Thermal > Power shot x2 > Rail Shot > Unload > Rail Shot (if reset) I feel this one is more "Bursty" as they thermal, 2 powershots and rail all land within 3 ish seconds from each other. c. Sometimes the correct move is to just stop and spam powershot. Its cheap, hits for a decent amount of damage and fires pretty quick. If your dots are rolling and detonator is applied, esp on a sorc healer, that has stopped to try to heal themselves this will keep them at low enough health for your detonator to finish them off unless they chain crit their heals. In No Order: 1. Applying DoTs via Incendiary missile everyone is not the answer. Your incendiary missile costs 25 heat so more than two and you are starting to hurt in the heat department. 2. If your moving your need to be using your rapid shots basic attack. It applies like 1-1.3k damage over 6 sec and slows targets for 2 sec. if there are multiple targets don't be afraid to switch targets to get it rolling of a few at once until you decide who you want to focus. 3. Heat management will be your biggest problem. Its not as bad in my opinion after 1.2 (due to changes in percentages in prototype particle accelerator) but as fights get long its still an issue. This is where you have to get a feel for your abilities and know when to weave in rapid shots into your rotation. If you get above 60% heat pop your vent and try to keep a better eye on it. 4. I think the stat of choice is power, followed by surge with some crit mixed in. 5. Sometimes when you use unload, you want to stop as right after it starts if it triggers the railshot reset. You have a nice visual to let you know when this happens and an instant cast railshot is almost always better than waiting out the rest of the unload. 6. I know Energy Rebounder in the skill tree looks tempting but avoid it. You want to save your shield for when you need it, not to break a stun. 7. Sweeping Blasters is really good for groups. It does moderate damage to targets over the course of the channel but it has several attempts to apply your Combustable Gas Cylinder DoT to several targets at once. It does have its place and you don't want to overuse as other abilities are better but just know that it can easily finish off multiple targets. Not a be all end all list, but a good start i feel.
  19. On our server the Republic side is tiny vs our side. Unless we are going up against one of their premades they get absolutely crushed. At least this way they can get their gear and more quickly bridge the disparity that exists between the two side. I say bravo. There is still incentive to win (only need to play 3 matches vs 6). I want competition, not a slaughter and feel this is a step in the right direction. I am sure there will be a few people that take advantage of the system, because, lets face it, there always are. I feel, at least knowing our community, that these will be the vast minority.
  20. If you go Pyro on a Merc you can put out similar total damage numbers. You have to work harder for the damage than a powertech but it is achievable.
  21. I would say the animation is more like 1 second from beginning to end. Its an attack that can hit for a pretty huge amount (i have landed a 6.3k before i got full BM gear). There should be a counter for that. I am going to say that if your smashing, going though the full animation, and getting knocked back after you have completed then its probably a computer/server lag issue. Happens to me sometimes when i try to force push someone that is ahead of me and they shoot off at a 90 or 180 degree angle.
  22. I do hope they use PvP server "clusters" for cross-server competition. You pair servers with lower populations with those of higher populations in small groups. Maybe somewhere between 5 to 10 servers depending on the stats of the servers. That way, You can still keep your "rivalries" while infusing new players into your current system and reducing queues.
  23. Vengeance till around 40 then switch to Rage is what i did. Your huge smash takes care of groups of monsters (and puts a hit on players if you PVP). Its not so good pre 40 due to the fact that you only have force choke and enrage as your only shockwave generators and in longer fights with strong bosses it can be slower. I feel they are pretty similar at the lower levels with vengeance having more survivability but afterwards i feel rage's damage pulls ahead.
  24. I would think episode 1.2 should be "Attack of the Clones" by all the Mara/Sent rerolls.
  25. I think you can see the TTK In the decrease in overall damage. On my Pyrotech Mercenary pre-1.2 i could easily do 500-700k in voidstar (even very many uses of death from above) and now i am struggling to break the 500k amount. The fights generally do not last as long but that is a discussion for another day. I have a 49 Juggernaut so i can relate. I decided to go rage spec since the full tank tree lacks somethings in my opinion. Usually the first thing i do is find a healer and focus on them almost the entire match. Your leap, choke, inturrupt, push all prevent casting and your slow effect prevent getting in good position. The burst it provides is great. I am already smashing for 5k and this can really put a hurting on targets that are nearby. Use your taunts because that damage savings is nothing to laugh at. Even in rage spec i switch and guard when i need to and it helps out. Do not underestimate the power of an AoE slow. Its subtle but beautiful. The big thing is don't be the first in combat, use your cooldowns at the right time, and harass the healers.
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