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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. Ok so, i converted my male Human Guardian into a Cathar today. Got bled dry of all of my coins customizing him, too.


    My question being;


    Despite not having purchased the Cathar directly from the CM, do i still get the actual species unlocked for future New character creations?


    I really would check this for myself, but i have 12/12 characters at the moment and i'm unsure if Cathar are account-wide.



  2. Here my main pg:


    Before patc 2.1




    After 2.1:






    It's the Qui-Gon hair, at last! Though, it looks way too much like Legolas' hair on younger-looking characters. Gotta mix that with some nice beards.

  3. My very recently converted Cathar Guardian.






    Gotta say, i was pleasantly surprised to find that you could create some pretty nice looking Cats. If anything, it's refreshing to look at something new for a change.

  4. Still waiting for people to do this with on The Bastion. Created a thread last night, no response yet.


    It really is a huge shame, seeing as a lot of people have gone through the trouble of going all over planets looking for the seeds and now it's just kind of this gigantic blockade at the end.


    Hopefully, more people either become willing to help or the Heroic gets switched down to a 2+.

  5. My point was that I'm not worried about what others are wearing. I personally think my marauder looks bad *** in the Eradicator armor and could care less if others wear it as well. My friend plays a mara, thinks mine looks cool and I told him he should get the armor as well. The more the merrier.


    Yes, i know.


    I was just being lazy and decided to quote your post instead, since it was part of the whole conversation anyway.


    Sorry if my reply seemed misdirected, lol.

  6. So i just got to the end of the "Seeds" quest chain and...


    Apparently, nobody is doing the final heroic. Not right now, anyway.


    I'm on the Republic side on my Commando at the moment. /kneeling outside of the phase, hopeful and waiting for people to come.


    Anyone wanna do this? Or at least help? I'll gladly go back to scanning for the rest of the Starforager armor parts on my own, but the Heroic is a prerequisite, apparently.

  7. Every slider (Hairstyle, hair color, eye color, head, etc) will cost Cartel Coins to change. The hair colors and styles that were priced in the patch notes are referring to sets of customization option additions on those sliders. You will first have to pay Cartel Coins to unlock those options on your account. Then if you choose to make changes to an existing character using those unlocked options you will pay for those changes on a per slider basis through the Kiosk


    Ah, now i understand.


    I fully assume that the existing hairstyles and such will not require a CM purchase and instead will only have a slider price?


    This is indeed a relief to hear, though. Looking forward to seeing what the new customization options are. Hoping for some more Sith Pureblood jewellery in the future.

  8. Patch Notes don't seem to be saying anything about the pricing of changing your head/complexion and such.


    I guess those won't have a price because, as far as i know, there's no unlockable heads you need to BUY so that you can use them.


    Still, 240 for a hair change is a bit uh... silly. Though i guess it won't be as bad with the subscriber discount.


    I hope i'm understanding the entire concept of the Designer Kiosk right, lol.

  9. No I won't, because I don't care about half of the world. Besides the fact that a lot of people already wear the same stuff. Go count how many half naked characters you see in game.


    Actually, the Eradicator's Warsuit, by lore, is supposed to be the main Sith war suit. Why do you think there was an ARMY OF SITH wearing the exact same armor in the Deceived and Hope trailers?


    It makes perfect sense to see this particular armor set used a lot by players.

  10. Not ugly. Not ugly at all. Actually quite refreshing, in my opinion.


    That's the thing, though. Opinion. Personal preference and style. Hence why you can change the art to whatever you personally find not-ugly.

  11. No.


    Not everything belongs on the over-glorified Frostbite engine. Not even Battlefront. But they'll do it anyway because the masses all favor the "SUPER COOL, EDGY REALISTIC LIGHTING GRAPHIX!!!!!11111" engines.


    Is it a good looking engine? Sure, i guess. Does it belong and fit every universe and feel? Definitely not. Especially not Star Wars.

  12. I would have joined in a heartbeat. Crushes me everytime you reach that part where he announce "One of you vowed to join the new empire. But which one? Im certainly not telling".




    Yes, i hate that tease. At first i assumed it was a clever hint at something larger, but then i quickly realized it was a stupid attempt to make Malgus seem deceptive towards the group.


    It would be nice if there could be a story arc somewhere longer down the line.


    In example; The Empire is struggling quite heavily again (Similar to their desperate state during the Makeb storyline) and they need a gigantic miracle to turn the tide.


    Malgus comes out of (obviously somehow explained) hiding and pulls the Empire out of desperation and back into the battlefields, with the help of his loyal alien allies.


    This act of somewhat blind heroism would be Malgus' final attempt to open the Empire's eyes before they doom themselves permanently.


    Because of how he showed the value and power of certain alien alliances, the Empire accepts him back under certain terms and requirements, along with his newly built alien armies.


    Then the two finally fuse back together into one, stronger and unified Empire.


    It sounds a bit too heroic for the Sith, i know. But it's the only acceptable solution i could think of that didn't involve just forcing down a "New Empire" faction out of nowhere.


    This way, we'd see smaller and bigger changes on the Fleet, uniform and future stories that indicate that substantial change did indeed happen within the Empire.

  13. This is my music when i'm just... grinding or doing something insanely boring or tedious.



    Very accurate in its meaning and symbolism when it comes to grinding or working for stuff, don't you think?


    And now for the 100% original combat themes for some specific characters;


    1. Basically my Juggernaut's main theme, i overuse the **** out of it any time i'm actually called upon to storm a place in a quest;



    2. Used to play this all the time when tanking the final boss of an op. Not so much anymore. Since i don't do ops and i pretty much forgot how to tank anything above EV. Still insanely fitting for final confrontation scenarios;



    3. My Operative's super sneaky 2pro stealth assassination theme. I mostly use it when sneaking around mobs/escaping out of a sticky situation. Still fitting for boss fights, though.




    4. My Mandalorian Mercenary's overall main theme. No explanation needed, heh.



    5. My Guardian's mostly-used battle theme. Takes me back to slaughtering the Borgia population in Venice, way back in AC2. Good times.



    6. My (previously) Pyrotech Mercenary's appropriately assigned overall combat theme;



    7. My Marauder's ultimate rampage song;



    8. My Scoundrel's semi-stealthy semi-fast paced combat music



    9. Open-world PVP encounter music, mainly used on my Mercenary;




    10. And now, finally. The best theme song to ever grace this planet. The ultimate "Time to solo this champ 3 levels above me" song.



    I think my taste in music is way too varied for my own good, lol. It looks like i'm just piling up random songs. Though really, i'll listen to anything that feels right to me.

  14. Will subscribers have to pay for them or will we get them for free like the rest of the races...


    Everyone is gonna have to pay for them.


    Though, if i understood correctly, you'll be getting a discount. (I may have mixed this up with the Character Creation Kiosk discounts for subscribers, not sure).


    Initial cost is 600 CC.

  15. This does seem like just pure laziness, to be honest.


    Darth Malak's jaw guard is perfectly understandable, since it wasn't the casue of Malak's voice modulation. It was the fact that he had no jaw, rofl.


    However, a full mask covering the entire head (Judging from the screenshot) that doesn't have AT LEAST a muffle sound to it or something? I'm sorry, but that just seems lazy.


    A toggle would also be nice, i guess. Though that's probably further down the line.

  16. Since the last patch I've noticed this happening quite a bit. I frequently have to hit a skill twice before it actually fires. Sometimes the induction bar will fill up...and then nothing. The skill doesn't go off. I have to hit the skill again to see results. Just last night this was happening frequently on my gunslinger. I hope they can find a fix for this soon, because it is frustrating, especially during tough fights.


    Same exact issue here.


    This actually got me killed one or two times on Makeb, during some more tougher Heroic fights. Hope this is fixed real fast.

  17. Why would you hope they're still not around? I dont understand why someone with your mentality would roll on a pvp server in the first place. It sounds harsh and rude I know, but it's the truth. Yes it can be a grievance (no pun intended) to constantly be attacked while trying to level, but its just part of the game. It happens. Its what you signed up for. You're supposed to get upset. Youre supposed to call for back and/or switch to your higher level toon to challenge your attackers. If the idea of getting disrupted while levelling doesnt sound like your thing, theres a simple and honest truth....switch to pve server. Nothing wrong with that at all. Pvp may not be your thing.


    Ruin as a community was just a colossal cancer on TCP. It's not just about what they did in open world PVP.


    And seriously? You throw "Switch to a PVE server" out so lightly, as if that is something that's easily done.


    Server transfers are not here yet. if they were, me and and probably a ton of other people would've been long gone.


    I've been stuck on TCP/The Bastion alone since mid-1.2. All 3-4 of the guilds i've been through since early access abandoned the game and i'm left with a halted progression status (In terms of Ops, Flashpoints and general gear progression).


    To make matters worse, i'm not even in the US. I'm in Europe. The only reason i came to TCP was because of friends that, again, just stopped playing with time. Hence how i ran into the previously mentioned guilds.


    Yet i still continue to attempt to clumsily muddle through the game's ending levels in Columi/Rakata gear, with only dead memories of my once proud guilds to give me hope of finding another, similar community.


    So far, i've found none. There's no place for me on The Bastion. Not anymore. I don't belong in the middle of all the hardcore PVP guilds and whatnot.


    Didn't mean to make this sound over-dramatic and cheesy as ****, but there you go.


    Memories, even memories as seemingly small as the memories of that one time you had a good laugh with your old guild in Mumble, can awaken powerful emotions, and an even more powerful need to vent, apparently.

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