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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. It seems to be a Togruta sickness, Doctor Synoda (Taris, Republic side) suffers from the same skin condition. It probably is a new plague. Hopefully it is not capable of jumping species!


    Maybe this is all part of a new event...


    "The Missing Textures Plague, coming soon with new Reputation vendors."


    It's just like the Rakghoul plague all over again.

  2. I still think it would've been at least more fun if they just hid the item somewhere REALLY cleverly and the seeker droids were used to dig up clues in the form of riddles and such.


    Would at least encourage a team effort to find all the clues together and connect the riddle... sort of like hunting treasure map pieces.


    Would fit the situation a lot, i'd say. Being that both armor sets are kind of "lost treasure".

  3. I could actually use some general tips or tricks, myself.


    I've been searching for Star Forager armor for about 3-5 days now. Have the bracers, chest, hat and boots.


    Tatooine and Hoth have been the real pain here. I keep getting headgear on Tatooine and Hoth is just... eye-scarring.


    Any significant tips or corrections on what i may or may not be doing wrong would be great.

  4. I'm from The Bastion.


    Honestly looking forward to transferring to Shadowlands as soon as possible. I came to The Crucible Pits (Merged into Bastion), with a few friends that were old SWG vets. After they stopped playing, i got into some pretty nice PVE guilds. Unfortunately, they ended up leaving as well.


    So i've been stuck on a US West PVP server (As primarily a PVE player) with about 180-250 MS constant, for almost two years now.


    It's the ultimate "Nothing left for me here. Time to go." feeling, had it for a long time. Will be transferring to Shadowlands as soon as transfers come (Hopefully, with 2.2)

  5. Hello GhostDrone!

    Glad you like it mate, im loving it.

    The chest piece is called: Pristine Vindicator's Chestguard

    I got it from Hammer station from the Bonus boss, its a quite rare drop.


    Hardmode HS, correct?


    I haven't really done any of the new hardmodes since i came back, so i wouldn't know what the desired gear would be to enter HM HS.


    I assume it falls within the same category as Esseles/Black Talon, being that it's only the second Flashpoint you ever get to do in the game?

  6. Not to change the subject, but what is the cathar social ability? I've been out of town all week.


    "Pride of the Cathar".


    You basically just roar whilst making a battle-cry-like animation. If around other people, i believe they do the /cringe animation.


    Whatever the one that makes them put up both of their arms and try to "cover" themselves whilst slightly stepping back. It's difficult to explain, so i'll just say they "/fear" you if you do the ability around them.

  7. I hadn't even thought of the comparison to Aurra Sing :p


    I really like the whole White Tiger look, so was trying for something similar, but the patterns just don't work very well for it and the complexions don't seem to suit the white fur at all.


    For some reason, i really enjoy the browns on the Cathar. They just fit so well with my robes, i guess.



    Can't wait to see the look on the Emperor's face when he sees a Cathar Jedi Master coming to end him. That boss fight is bound to be gold.


  8. is the set dyable? and if i get it and the helm do i have to unlock them indivdualy for my legacy?


    Both the Helmet and the rest of the set are fully dye-able, yes.


    The Eradicator's War Suit (The set) and The Eradicator's Mask are, unfortunately, seperate. So yeah, you have to unlock the two separately. Still think they should have a lowered price on the Mask in collections just because of that.

  9. I went into the Designer Kiosk on my Guardian yesterday, expecting the whole thing to cost only like 600 CC.


    I started out with 1,645 CC, i think it was? Somewhere around the 1,600 mark.


    Half an hour later, i exited the Kiosk and ended up with 248.


    I cried and cursed my own stupidity for not checking on the prices before i even touched the Kiosk.

  10. 7.9/10. Very, uh, "Sithy". The last name is a bit odd at first sight to me, but it's pretty good.


    My turn.


    Lord Salvadious Volkihar.


    Yes, my Juggernaut is a vampire.


    Salvadious was also my spin on a "Salvation" sith name, after the name "Salvation" itself was taken after i merged from TCP.


    Then i saw a Jedi Shadow in the Black Hole named "Savadious". My mind was blown.

  11. I'm really starting to warm up to the Cathar quite a lot, myself. I started giving cat-like species in MMOs a chance when i saw the Charr from Guild Wars.


    Seriously, did you see those things? They look bada**.


    Getting a very lion-like vibe from the Cathar and their hairstyles. The racial emote, too. Love that one.

  12. Reading the comments on this I was thinking I would see a very ugly mask when looking at this picture. But I must say that I LOVE this one :-D it looks true sithish:-D one question if you have a armour with a hood will the hood be over the mask like it does with the Revan mask?

    If so this is going to be my jedi shadowd mask :-D


    Yes, the hood will stay up with this mask.


    Though i personally cringe every time i see Repubs with the Eradicator's War suit on, using the mask with an appropriate Shadow robe and dyes can give it a real Jedi Phantom-ish feel, however.


    Good luck.

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