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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. Powertech/Mercenary Elite Upgrade armor.


    All of the pieces are obtainable on Taris. Most are through heroics, some through Bonus Series and some through regular quest chains.


    (Reason i put a slash between Powertech and Mercenary is because you get to select which one upon completion of the quest(s)).


    And also; i wasn't particularly replying to any of the above posts. Just sayin'.

  2. I did it on my first try. It was close as hell, too.


    The only issue here is that you are FORCED to use Skadge.


    Basically, i just got Skadge to tank him until i got down all the ads. Skadge died and i started LOSing and kiting Zale backwards through the room.


    I was literally at 59 Health when i finished it. Popped EVERY single ability during the fight, too.


    Kolto Overload, Energy Shield, On the Trail. All of em'.


    Advanced Prototype Powertech, as well.

  3. Honestly, i agree as well. I didn't feel very... "Trooper" when everything was done.


    But of course; charging into a group of Sith with a bunch of other Trooper players on Ilum always sparks up that feel.


    Also, "Jace Malcom" is the name of the Trooper from the trailers.

  4. Malgus's New Empire > Empire.


    Like people said before; his points are VERY good and valid. Alien alliances, tolerance, cleansing corruption and so on.


    One thing that caught my ear, though.


    In the Flashpoint, when you're going towards his throne-room, there's a mini-boss along with some Elite Imperial Guard ads (If i remember correctly. Though, i do know there's a mini-boss before the room).


    Before approaching that boss Malgus says; "One of you has vowed to join the New Empire. But which one? I certainly wont tell".



    It might be a simple attempt at fooling with us. But, i really doubt that's all the line was intended for...


    OR i'm just overthinking it because i'm a delusional fanboy.

  5. I get that even when i don't force charge sometimes, lol.


    I was doing the last boss of Cademimu with the rockets blasting fire at you at certain times. So i came at the guy (Invincible activated) and did my standard combo...


    When i got to Ravage, though.... I just got stuck in the animation EXACTLY below one of the rockets.


    No damage done and i see my Ravage is not on a cooldown.


    Fried me right on the spot.


    This has been happening since i first touched the Juggernaut in beta. Please, do fix it.

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