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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. Managed to snag the Chestpiece for 500k on The Bastion today (The seller was "Sifu' if i remember correctly. Not sure which faction.)


    Unfortunately, due to being short 200k, i had to sacrifice several sets of companion gear to the vendors. Their deaths were not in vain. Didn't have time for dailies since the chest easily could've gotten purchased with quickness, with that price on it anyway.


    Now comes the easy part; obtaining the boots and gloves. Both of which seem fairly common.

  2. Annoying thing with this armor is that it is almost in the game, the lvl 40 pvp armor you can buy on Corrusant has this look only with some stupid looking shoulder pads and some weird thing on its back, and of course the token hood up model. Just wish the designers could stop making armors have so many shoulder pads and unnecessary gadgets on it.


    Uh, Level 40 PVP armor on Coruscant?


    Are you sure? Weren't the Level 20 and 40 PVP vendors removed?



  3. Tired of the typical Jedi look. Too many clones, or PCs who look like they should be giving me a quest, not embarking on one...





    A bit harsh, don't you think?


    Most people like to call it fitting in with the feel and the look of the lore.


    Personally, i'm a bit sick of some people trying their hardest to be unique by mashing together disgusting dyes (And no, i'm not implying anything based on your pic, just saying in general) and different set pieces.


    But again, i understand that tastes differ heavily. So i won't make a big deal out of it.


    Just ends up looking like people are trying to be something that simply does not belong in the universe, aesthetically.

  4. I thought they fixed all the circlets? They all appear under the hood now.


    I think they should just do a "covert energy head armor" that removes the hood and be done with it.


    I disagree.


    "Hood down" and "Hood magically disappeared" are two different things. Most of the robes would just look like really awkward coats because there's no hood on the back.

  5. If you read his novel and pay close attention to some of his responses in the FPs, you see he is alluding to his rebellion. Having recently done that FP normal mode (Athis) for the achievement, I can say he is not putting "himself" above the empire, rather he is putting the empire above himself. Like Darth Marr, Darth Malgus saw the flaws that caused the empire to stray from it's roots and go against it's philosophies. His "new" empire serves two purposes:


    a) If it succeeds, it will be a better, stronger Sith Empire that will be able to grow and properly fight a war with the Republic rather than squabble over political hierarchies.


    b) If it fails, it will serve as an example of what the Empire could achieve if it didn't focus on said political hierarchies, which devolves into xenophobia and in-fighting, which proved to cause some of the Empire's most devastating defeats on Balmorra, Corellia, and arguably Taris.


    If the coup enlightened those in power, the Dark Council (which it did), to wake up and realize their own incoming demise and make changes that would make it better, Malgus succeeds.


    "Die or defeat me. Either way, the Empire is reborn."


    I take that phrase to mean he knew he already won, it was just a matter of fate taking its course in deciding whether he would lead in the wake of that victory.




    I realize now that Malgus basically had to die for Marr to point and say "Malgus was right". Which is great, because that basically makes Darth Marr the new Malgus.


    I feel a lot better about the whole story of the Empire now, knowing that at least SOMEONE on the council (That someone being the most respected on the Council) has picked up Malgus' torch.

  6. I know, I've already got that and it is the original basis for my design, but really it's different enough to be a completely new weapon: mine has 3 prongs at each end and 3 bars twisted round the crystal rather than leaving it completely exposed. It's a similar concept, but a completely different design. Even that saber you linked to is based on a saber that was already in the game: the only thing that was changed was adding a glow effect to the central crystal.




    The original saber is called Truthseeker, i believe.

  7. HK-51 would fit Vader like a glove. Efficient, deadly and unquestionably loyal.


    A perfect "dark side" replacement to R2.


    EDIT: Oh, just saw the "Only Sith Warrior companions". Well, i still really would like to keep HK-51 as a consideration. I mean, HK-51 IS obtainable by the Sith Warrior and is added to his crew.


    On the off chance that you are restricting this to companions only obtained through the story; I actually think Broonmark would fit him nicely.


    He's pretty silent. He'd be Vader's personal "monster" to unleash.

  8. Back in old beta when i first got to the Character Select screen, for sure.


    Never gonna forget that amazing, rising and absolutely epic theme, in every respect of that word.


    This part in specific just made the hairs on the back of my neck pop right out;


    The heavyness and build up to 1:49 is just spectacular.

  9. Would it be worth it to transfer to Shadowlands, PVE-wise?


    I mean sure, yeah okay, PVP is fun and stuff i guess, but as someone who is absolutely 100% sick of disgustingly annoying PVP communities; Would this be a somewhat peaceful or perhaps quiet server? With at least not as much noise and elitism as a certain other PVP server *colossal cough*?

  10. I keep getting the feeling there's no more place for beta vets in this game, every time another beta elder leaves.


    The familiar feeling of a dying breed, if you SWG elders know what i mean (Myself not being one, but a very close friend of mine).


    Sad to see another old beta comrade leave. Pretty depressing.


    Well, good luck, i guess.

  11. Using my character as a basis, I'd say Revan wins in Force Battle, Hero wins in Lightsaber Duel, and Space is something of a toss-up.


    Pretty sure the Knight has this down if he bought the Grade 7 Ship upgrades :p.

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