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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. I do have to admit it's kind of funny how pointless early access is though, because we aren't dealing with an MMO launch like we did back in original 2011 early access.


    Now everyone is causing the same load on the servers. Early access or not, you can actually go to your ship and travel to Zakuul/Odessen and look at all the locked areas, phases and quests. All of which could be made available to you at any time at the flip of a switch. But they aren't. Why? So that only a very specific group of recurring subs can feel special? Do said subs even care? I doubt they do. They wouldn't give a damn if everyone else was able to play the game on the 20th. They'd just continue playing. So what was the actual goal with early access here? Why not just release on the 20th if everything is ready?


    I resubbed on the 12th instead of the 10th (of August), so I get to wait an additional 7 days to play an expansion that's "free for subs". Why not make it so that the later you subbed, the less days of early access you get? Doesn't that at least make a bit more sense? So if I came in a tad bit late i'd still get, let's say, 5 or 4 days of early access, as opposed to the full 7.


    I don't mind the wait (I actually do). I just mind being left out because my guild is already going at the expansion in full force. It sucks.

  2. Nope not those. Try this one, or this one.


    That said the undershirt in the cinematics is different from what they are giving.


    Neither of these have anything to do with Nico's original coat.


    His duster is based off of the Republic version of the Eliminator Smuggler set, except with the collar area being a lot more buffed and fat. The color scheme is more accurate (a darker shade of brown, not the terrible light/creamy sand type).




    What they're giving us with this new coat is pathetic. It's not just a reskin. It's a reskin of an endlessly reused set of agent coat models that have only been made more common by the tons of adaptive variations BioWare has added since the Cartel Market dropped.


    You can spot the slight differences all you want, but it's still an Agent coat. It'll always be an Agent coat. The Scorpion coat. It has nothing to do with any kind of iconic Smuggler apparel Nico was meant to represent in that Return cinematic.

  3. I think it is pretty sad that none of the devs can just go ask " hey guys, what happened to that HK skin ? " and relay us the info. I mean heck, at this point i don't really care where it will come from ; NiM Ops, super rare drop or Cartel Market. I just want an honnest answer.


    My own theories regarding this : Agreeing with the previous poster, it seems like a lot of recent content is being passed throught the "milk it till it's dead " strategy. But, i want to remind you guys that some pretty awesome rewards only come from NiMs. Here is a little list of what is dropped and is considered unique :


    - EC NiM : The Tank AND a unique Qyzenn Fess skin ( making him look like Kephess)

    - TFB NiM : The Helix Hyperpod (mount)

    - SV NiM Bonus Boss : Crest of the Masters (basically a dread master helmet)


    So i will say this: if the Devs are planning on adding HK Watch skin as a drop from Zero NiM i don't have an issue with that. Yes it might suck for players that can't yet attempt NiMs for various reasons but clearing Nightmares should have its perks, right?:D

    BUT! if they decide the skin is just another Cartel Market profit.....well, yeah, it will be pretty sad that they are making "everything "CC-obtainable now.


    Would be nice to have variants of the skin. Have the one that drops in the Nightmare mode have a cool effect of sorts. And give people that are incapable of running NiM ops a different one to hunt for.


    Just... keep it away from the CM. I just came back to the game after taking a break in September and it troubles me to see that HK still doesn't have many cool customizations.


    Soon, hopefully.

  4. Granted, but your wish will be corrupted in a clever, amusing manner 100 years later.


    I wish the guy I replied to finds my reply clever and amusing.


    Granted, but i find it offensive and malicious as well and report all of your posts.


    I wish for a wish granting fish that won't screw me over and corrupt all of my wishes, like this thread :(.

  5. Granted, but it's bugged so when you toggle the hood down it removes your character's hair/horns/lekku.


    I wish I could choose which warzone map pops most often so I can play lots of Huttball.


    Granted, but you are forced to play with the same team of inexperienced Level 10 F2Ps with no advanced class for as long as you queue up.


    I wish for my wish to be corrupted in a clever, amusing manner.



    Screamed by me in Tatooine General after witnessing a horde of Level 30-55 imps materialize in front of my eyes directly on top of the World boss summon.


    I ran until the one person that decided to chase me gave up. Then i fell into the Sarlacc pit because i forgot to turn auto walk off.

  7. I don't think they will ever release the Battlelord armor on the CM. I worked way too hard for it to suddenly become purchasable with come CC. As for stormguard, it should be released along with Orgus Din's Lightsaber.


    Never said they would release the Battlelord in specific on the CM, lol. Just the char creation armor. It's actually different enough and cannot be dyed to any color even near the Battlelord color.


    Of course, if they just release hood toggle, noone is ever gonna care about the char creation armor ever again. Medium Orange + Pale Gray dye and Hood Toggle on the Battlelord armor. Voilà.

  8. Qyzen Fess.



    Trando Jedi and the Scorekeeper's Herald = Unstoppable Jedi duo.


    Haven't really gotten that far into his story yet, though. So i wouldn't know of any lore limitations about him receiving Jedi training. All i know is, is that the Council doesn't like him that much.


    Don't care either way. Love Qyzen.


  9. Nah. It was fun and all. But I don't need to see it again. I'd rather they released new events.


    You don't. Other people do. Different kinds of them. Older veterans that may have been away when it took place, newer people or just people that want to go through it again because they couldn't do it in good time the first time around.


    It should at LEAST come back once just so everyone can say that they got a second chance. I actually missed it, myself. Though all i really ever was interested in was the bowcaster. Unfortunate that i can't give it to Bowdaar, however.:rak_frown:


    Battlefront is going to be Battlefield with a star wars skin, that'll be epic..


    Not true.




    "We don't want Star Wars plus Battlefield," said Bach, "because that would be boring, right?"


    "In general, we wouldn't build a game that is a copy of someone else's game," Bach told IGN. "We couldn't do that. We're too stubborn and too annoying for people to think we could do that." Star Wars: Battlefront is still in the earliest of stages at DICE, so it is still "figuring out what we want to build" while it "looks at the history of the Battlefront franchise to reverse engineer it...to find out what it was supposed to be."
  11. Never would've thought of Calo Nord's armor fitting someone other than Calo himself buuuuut...




    It's just so Smuggler-looking in SWTOR in particular for some reason. Love it. Though i think it looks even better with the helmet off, assuming you have a face you really like.

  12. Oh! Found a new article from IGN. This made my worries collapse even more.




    "We don't want Star Wars plus Battlefield," said Bach, "because that would be boring, right?" DICE seemed like the obvious choice to revive the much-troubled Battlefront franchise. Fans weren't the only ones who wanted it. Bach says that "LucasArts wanted us to build a Battlefront game."


    Ok, i gotta admit, this is a somewhat huge relief. Let's hope this is true.

  13. TBH I think they should be scrapped. They were kinda cool but ultimately Battlefront is about the foot-soldiers, not the heroes. Save the heroes for SWTOR.


    And lets face it, the hero class was kinda sloppily executed and didn't really work with the overall mechanics. That and they'd be incredibly overpowered and sap any tactical elements out of a battle.


    I kind of agree.


    I mean, if they *are* gonna do heroes, they need to do them right. They were insanely fun in Battlefront 2, true. But to be honest, they were pretty sloppy. They didn't really seem to fit in.


    Every time you got into a fight with another Hero (Or at least a Force user hero), it would be just plain dumb, rofl. All you (And the bots) would ever do is just keep your distance and spam saber throw.


    And when actual saber combat happened, the animations obviously did not connect at all and it just ended up looking like you're trying to clumsily attempt an actual duel.


    Add a saber-lock mechanic and a Jedi Academy-esque feel to the force user heroes, and it'll be wonderful.


    On another note; I'm hoping DICE doesn't forget about the jetpacks with the Dark Troopers/Jet Troopers.

  14. This is too early for EA to reveal it's plans for Star Wars and show anything for it. All they need to say is Battlefront and people know what they are doing and are happy.


    I also like how you guys think that DICE can't screw it up. It took DICE up until the Armored Kill expansion to get BF3 right. Or that EA rebooting Battlefront is simply to make Star Wars: Battlefield (you read that correctly).


    Clearly, you haven't read some of our other posts in different SWBF3-oriented threads.


    Because this concern has been established to death already. Everyone is aware (and worrying) that DICE may or may not turn Battlefront into Battlefield.


    Let me redirect you to your own statement, though. "It's too early". Which it is. We can't tell anything yet. All we have is a 32 second teaser.


    When we get to see some gameplay or actual info. We'll start to judge. Until then, we can only speculate.

  15. This is a PvE-centric game. Bioware said that right from the start.


    Pretty much this.


    Not wanting to sound like a *****. But wouldn't the fact that the game was constantly advertised as a "STORY-TELLING MMO" be a colossal dead giveaway?


    I hate to draw comparison to this here (As ironic as it may be, since the two are completely the opposite of eachother in terms of what keeps people playing ), but it's like buying a Battlefield game for its campaign. You really don't know what you're missing with the PVE. Same being with the (Very small minority)of people that *Only* plays the singleplayer of a largely multiplayer shooter.

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