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Posts posted by GhostDrone



    It's happening.




    We've waited 8 years just to hear a confirmation. We can wait a measly 1 or 2 years more for the game itself to actually become a reality.


    Whatever you do, DICE. Be careful. DO NOT let this beautiful game suffer the same fate as Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

  2. So long as Galactic Conquest and Instant Action are in the game, I really don't care if it is a "reboot" of the series. I don't want it to be a rehash of Battlefield with the Campaign, co-op, and multiplayer and that be the end of it.


    My thoughts exactly.


    To express my endless worry about Galactic Conquest and Instant Action, i've crafted a fitting video;


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axSU6L05fws (Unintended advertising)


    Billy Connolly is amazing.

  3. Could just put in some kind of "Holster style" module on the belt.


    Lightsaber holster on the back or front. Or even a gun-type holster on the side of the leg.


    Actually, now that i think of it, a holster style module with several holster styles available for crafting/finding/buying from the Market would be great. Would apply to all (reasonable) weapons.

  4. Updated with a nice Pale Gray/dark yellow dye. Looks great. Better than pure white, actually. Pale Gray looks much closer to the darker white on the Character Creation armor.


    (Will look even better when i get my Cyan crystal)




    Hoodless (Looks okay, to be honest)



  5. I did the HK-51 quest eight times and except in one or two cases, it never took me more than 5 minutes to find each seed, unless Bioware changed the reach of the Seeker Droid since last time.


    In other words, the Dread Seeds search is far less tiresome. The only main bother is the fact you have to hit every single planet in the game, except for one or two. Now THAT might get old fast.


    I was specifically talking about the armor piece scavenging (Star Forager/Dreadseed armor sets).


    Those are the real pain. Not to mention the speeder part hunting.

  6. Jedi Knight: Male.


    - It's David Hayter, damn it. There should be no competition. Snake is the master race. Calm and composed sounding Knight that has some fairly humorous "Number 3" conversation options.


    Jedi Consular: Male.


    - Desmond, Nathan Drake, Deadpool and countless others. Pulls off a great voice for people wanting to roll a more mature and older looking Consular.


    Smuggler: Female.


    -I dunno, i just really like how "cute" it really is. I don't even have a female Smuggler. Hell, all 12 of my characters are male. But something about the female smuggler that i just find so adorable, heh.


    Trooper: Female.


    - Again, even though i don't have a female Trooper, Jennifer Hale's voice just fits so naturally (Obviously because of the whole Femshep experience). Brian Bloom is great, and i love him as Captain America. But i was expecting someone like Phil LaMarr to voice the male Trooper.


    Sith Warrior: Male.


    -I honestly hardly ever heard the female voice actor in my years of playing Imp. And when i did, it didn't exactly blow me away, lol.


    Sith Inquisitor: Male.


    -How can you not prefer this over the female? Deep, menacing and trollish. The sarcasm just sinks right in and it's all just beautiful to listen to. However, i find the female voice 50-50. At times it can sound pretty threatening/seductive, other times it just sounds a bit too young.


    Imperial Agent: Male.


    -Was a close call for me. I love both, but i love how absolutely professional and calm sounding the male voice is. Most of the "Number 3" conversation options sound absolutely hilarious with the Male agent, too.


    Bounty Hunter: Male.


    - It's like THE definitive Bounty Hunter voice, i'd say. It just fits so perfectly for me. For the longest time, i was under the illusion that it was Steve Blum under that helmet all along. Found out otherwise just a year ago, lol.

  7. This is such a ridiculous argument that has raged for over a derpin' year. It's not going to derpin' happen.


    This thread has turned into a "last" thread and is quickly approaching full derp potential.








    Hood toggle is mentioned just a few seconds in.


    It's happening. Only a matter of time.

  8. Light-hearted Taunt: Sith meatbags, always throwing empty threats and shielding themselves with false reinforcements of power.


    Query: May i introduce you to my recently uncovered army of (Though obviously inferior to myself) counterparts?


    Command: All HK-51 units activate. Liquidation of undesireables needed. Destination uploaded to all HK-51 unit databanks.

  9. I love vastly undercutting the ridiculously inflated prices on the GTN. I'm happy that some lucky soul gets a real nice bargain that makes their day.




    Pretty much what happened to me the other day. The GTN usual for the Battlelord chest was like 900k to 1.2 mil and some kind soul just decided to sell it for 500k.


    I then followed this glorious example and sold a Cathar unlock for about 600k, where as the usual prices were about 850k-3 mil on the GTN.

  10. Valiant set dyed brown-white looks superior, imo. It lacks shoulder guards ad belt around the waist but it makes it look better.


    You can dye battlelord's armor white-white (very expensive) to get nearly the same, if not identical, colors scheme as on character creation - but it still won't be adaptive and with a hood down!


    Would be nice if there was just a Secondary White. Not a fan of the brown on the brown/white combo at all.

  11. Same goes for me. Besides the Valiant Jedi armour is so much better looking and more easily available not sure why people still want this set. But I'm not complaining. I regularly sell the chest pieces I've hoarded for around 1 mil :D


    Valiant Jedi gets old really fast, actually. Ends up looking way too plain and just boring, to be honest. Not to mention that almost EVERYONE wears it.


    When you see a guy in Battlelord gear, it's extremely rare (At least on my server), and you can't help but respect him for possibly busting his back to get the gear that fits his look the most.


    For me, the Battlelord/character creation gear (Which isn't even in the game yet, by the way) remain the most iconic piece of Jedi Guardian armor in the game.


    Now, if you're a Sentinel, that's an entirely different story altogether. (Though there used to be a medium version of the Battlelord gear. I believe it was called the Stormguard Armor).

  12. No, you can't get it.


    Next best thing, though;


    1. Jedi Battlelord set.


    2. Pale grey/white and white dye (This doesn't affect the robe, which is great)


    3. Sovereign Mind Headgear (Turn off hide head slot, unify colors)


    There you go. However, the hood disappears and leaves the upper robe looking quite ugly, imo. Only do this if you're semi-desperate for a hood down.


    Also, this may or may not be a very expensive route if you choose to go with the white and white dye.

  13. not really worth it, nothing else to play atm =(


    Nothing else to play? Seriously? Do you mean in terms of content? If so;


    This person, reportedly, has not been here since JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011. Do you know how much content that is?


    There's PLENTY to do if you're just coming back and you're into PVE, at least.


    New ops, flashpoints, HK-51, Makeb + Raised level cap, new daily areas (Although they still get tedious as hell) and a lot of other stuff i'm too lazy to name. If you're someone who's coming back from way back in 2011? It's definitely worth trying all the new stuff out and see if you like it.


    Hence why it's recommended to at least go preferred for a little while, then sub.

  14. hey guys can any of you tell me how I can create a character identical to him, what are the numbers for each of the character creation bars. And should he be guardian or sentinel because on http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kao_Cen_Darach it says below one of the photos that "Darach was adept at wielding one or two lightsabers".


    Pretty sure he's a Body-type 2 Guardian.


    Whilst Body-type 2 doesn't seem like the fitting choice due to how he looks a bit taller in the Return trailer, the Battlelord armor (Which Darach is wearing, only with the hood down) makes body-type 2 look a lot better.


    I wouldn't know the exact sliders, but toy around a bit whilst alt-tabbing to look at his picture. From what i can see, his eyes are pretty green. The skin color also seems somewhat of a unique darker tone.

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