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Posts posted by GhostDrone

  1. Yeaaah, I really hope this is actually fixed with 7.0 launch. It's getting kind of ridiculous now. More and more people will be upgrading their CPUs, and the fact that Cassianus here has already made an effort to make it easier for BW to fix the issue themselves, makes it inexcusable that there isn't at LEAST a small update on the situation.


    I'm still waiting to go through with my own upgrade, specifically because of SWTOR. I've already googled every other game I play on the regular and they're all compatible with 12th gen CPUs.

  2. Ability bloat was never an issue. Not even back when they had those silly little "only usable on weak targets" abilities, like hilt strike and shoulder slam. They were fun to "RP" with, so to speak, by adding them into your rotation against mundane mobs for the sake of visual flair, which *added* fun. God forbid an MMO lets us have a ton of options, right?


    Making me pick between Saber Reflect and Mad Dash on my Immortal Jugg isn't getting rid of any bloat. It's annoying the hell out of me by removing things I use all of the time, for no good reason other than... the sake of it, I suppose, like others have said.


    if they wanted to "confuse" people less, or make this game console-friendly, hide away all the auxiliary abilities by default, similar to how they hide some quests on the map unless you opt into them. There's your streamlined ability profile, completely easy to digest for anyone picking the game up.


    But nah, I guess that just makes too much sense. :)

  3. I feel for all of you my friends, and hope that this is resolved with the update next month. I actually looked this topic up in preparation for my Alder Lake upgrade (currently running a 4790k I've been meaning to swap out). Kind of glad I found out before making the switch.


    I'm delaying my upgrade until this issue is firmly fixed on both Win 10 and 11. Really hope it's sooner rather than later!

  4. In any other case, I would totally agree with your sentiment that a silent protagonist grants more freedom of immersion and RPing as your character. But I think SWTOR is special.


    I can't speak for everyone, but to me, the VAs of every character have embodied their respective class almost perfectly in every instance. Since the very start. We've been listening to them for 10 years now. Hell, even longer.


    If the game was designed from the beginning to be like this, if my Juggernaut never had the power of his awesome, menacing performance during intense story moments, then I probably wouldn't care. But now that I know what I'd be missing out on, I wouldn't be able to not feel cheated.

  5. I would actually argue that the beauty of Star Wars is in its simplicity. That's not to say complex topics of grey areas cannot be explored. But the force is Dark and Light. It can be deconstructed and criticized (as KOTOR 2 did), but the two sides of the force always remain constant in any Star Wars story.


    All of this is speaking from a lore point of view, of course. Which matters a lot to many people, myself included. So I gotta say no to this idea. Maybe if another Star Wars MMO was made with this in mind, then absolutely yeah. But a change this drastic, this late in the game? I really don't think it would work.

  6. I found that logging out and then existing game from character select helps me a lot whereas quitting from ingame makes me hang.


    Just wanted to throw that in here.


    This. It definitely helps.


    Ending task or ALT F4ing should also work. It seems to vary.


    Hope they fix this for good soon.

  7. Battlemaster bags were removed before I got to 50 because I was too busy enjoying the game to powerlevel to endgame. But I don't imagine I would've had any problems with them.


    Heh, if only you actually needed to powerlevel to hit 50 back then. You just needed to play a lot (which is not the same as powering). Or I guess as you'd put it, be REALLY busy enjoying the game.


    It was certainly harder to hit than it is now, what with all the XP boosts and centralized heroics, but it was no CXP grind.


    They removed the BM token system that quickly for a reason, though. It didn't sit well with just about anyone and they soon replaced it with a much more decent system that allowed for at least some consistency in gearing on the PVP side of things.


    This is a downgrade. Except it's not just PVP players that are getting shafted this time.


    this troll dont even play the game he post all the time the game is unplayable because bioware changed an animation on BH stop trying to argue with this guy lol


    I dunno man. I miss my spine rockets. He's got a point. Literally unplayable. :mon_rolleyes:

  8. I accept RNG gearing. Hell I've accepted RNG gearing since the dawn of RPG's.


    Did you accept Battlemaster roulette back at launch too? They changed that for a reason. And now this system is a complete regression. Only somehow even more grindy.


    Gearing is not hard to nail. Get reliable source of currency by consistently running such and such flashpoint, operation, heroic or other content. Spend the appropriate tier of currency on the appropriate tier of gear.


    Someone needs to tell BW to get off of Overwatch and stop with the lootbox fetish. First the Cartel pack "opening experience", now this.

  9. Yeah, all this talk of predetermined destiny doesn't seem to fit our characters' journeys up until this point. Especially because most of the vanilla class stories have the class involved face unbelievable odds to climb to the top. Going AGAINST any destinies and forging their own path.


    I'm having trouble understanding Arcann's immunity to the powers of light and dark. I understand the reasoning as follows; he was raised with a different philosophy of the force in mind. One that purges him of the weaknesses both light and dark bring upon a force sensitive.


    ...But that just means he wasn't able to master either of those sides of the force. Our Jedi, our Sith, they were. It's just that the story hasn't allowed them to display their mastery of either side. And that's probably because the story needs to fit everyone. Including non-force users. So all power levels are brought down to the exact same level.


    And is that why this beyond "light and dark" stuff is happening? So that we can all pretend to ascend to a new level of power? Even though probably nothing will change...


    Might be too early to judge, might be that i'm just misunderstanding everything. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

  10. Dave Fennoy isn't "bad", just mildly unfitting in this situation. I think the performance is good, but the tone of voice doesn't always fit with Arcann's appearance. I personally got used to it eventually, but it was weird to hear for sure.
  11. wow... I had completely forgotten about that trailer. great catch. that clip magnifies the essence of our request. the fact that the armor malgus wears in game is markedly different from the sith raider armor. in that clip you can see the sith raider armor is cool looking, but forgettable. the changes they made later make malgus' ingame armor much, much more visually appealing. malgus' armor ingame and in the cinematic trailers is more aggressive looking as well as being more stylish. it's not about wanting to look like malgus, it's about wanting one of (IMNSHO) the most menacingly epic looking armor sets in the whole SW:EU pantheon.


    It's great design, for sure. Looking like Malgus is just a personal in-game hobby of mine.


    Although, I think one of the reasons they haven't gotten to giving us the real thing is because the armor seems to be tailored to his model's body-type. I think they may have to make it scale much more appropriately with different body-types in order for it to be viable as a Cartel Market purchase you'd spend money on. Since I can see it looking kinda ridiculous on different kinds of characters.


    In the end though, I wish they paid as much attention to player character armors and models as they do with important NPCs. Some of their recent efforts have managed to match or exceed NPC quality in terms of detail, like the Sith Recluse armor. Hope they keep it up, and eventually manage to grant us a dignified Malgus set as well.

  12. Interestingly enough, the Sith Raider armor is perfectly accurate to Malgus' early/beta appearance, as seen in the "Fate of the Galaxy" trailer (though it is missing the thing on the back of the neck).







    I've even managed to recreate it to some degree of success, although I opted for a different lightsaber. His actual hilt model is in the game, but as someone already stated, it is way too purple to fit the armor set.




    If I had to guess, they just used a placeholder model until they could fit in his Deceived appearance. Which is, by the way, one of the most detailed character models in the entire game (not just the armor, but his skin/sith corruption too). A shame we don't have access to something like that for our characters.


    Would definitely be great if we could get the real deal in-game, though.

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