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Everything posted by Noer

  1. Noer

    space battle

    Theres an entire game focusing on that: http://www.eve-online.com Lets not derail this game even more. I think they need to focus on fixing what they have in the game now.
  2. Noer

    Continuos CC

    ehrm, no. It is not untrue. Funny I know as I am in the recieving end. And no - its not just snares. Resolve bugs all the time. And funny how I am not the only one experiencing it.
  3. Noer

    Continuos CC

    If resolve actually did what it was supposed to it wouldnt be so bad. But it most often just doesn't. So when multiple people attack you - you just end up chain stunned.
  4. Noer

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    If resolve actually did what it was intended to Sorcerers wouldn't be so overpowered. But right now you just find yourself chainstunned if you are up against multiple sorcerers. And of course the runspeed stuff as ballcarriers in Huttball needs to be stopped aswell. Makes no sense that is allowed to happen...
  5. I agree in most of what is in OP. Incredible how bad pvp has been implemented in this game.
  6. Noer

    The State of PvP.

    In theory they are mirrored, but in reality they aren't. E.g. some classes have instantcast AoEs, while their faction counterpart have AoE that has slow animation and can be interrupted. Small differences that makes a world difference in pvp. Especially on a map like Voidstar. I don't really see classes balanced at all. I would rate class balancing with D.
  7. Its way too late to rollback now, so don't bother asking for it. That is the problem really. Bioware acted way too late. Servers should have been pulled offline emediately the issue was located to disable the taxis to Ilum. Way way waaaay too slow reaction from Bioware. Not to mention horrible communication to the players yesterday when it was going on. 8 hours of "we will get back with an official response" will just fuel a lot of forum rage. It is gonna take some time for Bioware to actually get some goodwill back on these forums...
  8. I agree it is no different or worse than what many others have experienced. However it is pretty surprising and underwhelming that these game companies doesn't learn from eachother and keep underestimating the QA, support and maintenance required to run these games successfully. If Bioware had a working QA for the game this would never have reached live servers.
  9. Of course this need to be rolled back.
  10. Which we are at the moment, but as I wrote - this is not problemfree. You always loose guildmembers in such migrations.
  11. I have to agree with this post. And Bioware themselves stated they wanted the smoothest mmo launch to date. So far its not really going that well. Sure the game is fairly crashfree and the game is actually great once you play it. But its almost always server problems that ruin launch experience anyway.
  12. Its as if the people here who keeps posting "omg QQ reroll on another server" doesn't understand the problem is that guilds are automatically enrolled to some of these servers. It is not problem-free nor easy to move them all to another server. Many have friends outside the guild that also started on that server etc. So can we get past the "omg QQ" and "you must come from WoW"-posts, its rather silly and doesn't bring anything new to the plate. Note that many people are actually looking for solutions rather than just whining. Yes queues are expected, but I don't think anyone expected 2h+ queues. When you have job and family you queue times like that is essentially forcing you out of the game. I only see two solutions to the problem: Make it possible for entire guilds to move to another server. Raise capacity on the servers in question. Do Bioware have the tool to move guilds? I doubt it to be honest. And who knows if its actually possible to raise capacity enough to accomodate the load and get the queues down to something reasonable for the few servers that got it really bad.
  13. Just because your server isn't having the problem doesn't mean other servers havn't. Tomb of Nadd is very heavily overloaded. Remember our guild was placed there, we didn't choose the server.
  14. Basicly there was too few servers from the start. The early servers will continue to be overcrowded for the time being due to the fact that the guilds have no way of easily move to another server and their friends will join those servers in order to play with their friends. Only ways to solve the problem are either to raise the capacity of the servers (and for some servers its gonna need quite a lot raised) or to allow guilds to migrate to other servers. Frankly the posts by Bioware stating that people should just play on less crowded servers when it was their system that placed our guilds on these overcrowded servers just pis people off. Sure we can play on a less crowded server, but the whole point of joining as a guild was to play with them. So maybe the community representants should go back to the drawing board with some of those statements.
  15. Its not because they placed too many guilds on some servers. Its because they didn't anticipate that people would coordinate server allocations outside Bioware's own system. Like the EU server Tomb of Freedom Nadd our guild ended up on where the Italian and Spanish communities apparently did a coordinated move to since Bioware didn't provide official servers for them. This has made the server unreachable due to ~2hour queues. Sucks for the guilds that got moved there who has no tools our way to coordinate a move elsewhere other than by word of mouth.
  16. Exactly thats the same problem we have. Our guild members are scattered all over the place because we got designated to a server that got invaded by non-guild designated people. I mean wasn't anyone at Bioware with an imagination that this could happen? I sure hope Bioware have tools to move entire guilds off these servers now or I think they are gonna face some pretty disgruntled customers.
  17. Some servers desperately need an optional guild-move. Our guild was transferred their through the guild migration program, and now the server is unplayable.
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