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Everything posted by Jaxxar

  1. Pyrotech is better for PvP and it is not just about the damage output or the instant casting. Pyrotech has more CC and escape triggers. Degauss: 100 % chance to remove all movement impairing effects and it is shielding you. Sweltering Heat: CGC has a 100 % chance when applied to reduce targets movement by 50% for 2 secs. Plus super heated Rail will refresh this condition. Infra-red sensors boost passive stealth detection. Energy Re-bounder: will reduce the cool down of Energy Shield by 3 seconds and remember ES now removes all Movement Impairing effects. Arsenal pretty much only gets Jet escape and Afterburners. One of which gives Rocket Punch a push back, however pyro still have Jet boost just now as often. Pyro just has more PvP utilities available to it.
  2. I usually start off with a Kolto Shell then a Healing scan, followed up by Rapid scan, rapid scan, supercharged gas Kolto Missile, medpac myself, repeat.
  3. I must say I think this is the biggest mass exodus of an MMO I have ever seen. Bigger then Star Trek Online.
  4. They said they fixed it. If this is an example of how they fix things...
  5. Cancelled as did most of friends and guildies. I have several other friends lined to start playing this week too. What a shame.
  6. I use to be a big Bioware fan but EA killed that for me.
  7. Woot Woot Lock them threads as fast as you can. You can't catch me I am the posting man.
  8. LOL Been warned by the community rep. Kinda pointless don't you think. I already unsub with no intentions of coming back.
  9. Bioware just locked their own thread that they created to track issues. EPIC.
  10. EA has ruined every MMO that they have gotten their hands on. Sims Online, Warhammer, APB, and now SWTOR. I was looking forward to Secret World but I have decided to boycott all of EA products from now on. They only invest for the release of a game and then do not support it or fix what is wrong.
  11. Oh! My My, did not see this coming at all LMFAO. You had so many people warning you about this and you did not listen. You made your coffin and now you can lie in it.
  12. I see bioware working had to lock up all the complaint threads. You might as well lock the forums up, you just pissed off a large chunk your paying clientele. I am sure none of them are going away anytime soon.
  13. I am an IMP and I unsubbed because all I see in the future is ghost towns.
  14. Here's the list: Broken World PvP No healer rewards for PvP AA still not working No Hi Res graphics Huttball over and over and over. Sever Lag in groups larger then 4 Sever PvP Lag Ability activation feedback is poor. The new fix for the ability was to make it not go grey, failure. Buggy Operations and unfinished bosses at endgame. No craftable PvP Gear except for Biochem. No starter PvP sets in the armortech. RNG Loot bags just reward for Luck and not skill or time. I am sure the list is actually much larger then this. Overall the game is just not enjoyable.
  15. Jaxxar

    Game Over!

    Bioware has just provided an answer to my question. Should I give SWTOR a chance and they clearly said no. I am also an imperial and I see only ghost town pvp worlds in the near future. Here's the list: Broken World PvP No healer rewards for PvP AA still not working No Hi Res graphics Huttball over and over and over. Sever Lag in groups larger then 4 Sever PvP Lag Ability activation feedback is poor. The new fix for the ability was to make it not go grey, failure. Buggy Operations and unfinished bosses at endgame. No craftable PvP Gear except for Biochem. No starter PvP sets in the armortech. RNG Loot bags just reward for Luck and not skill or time. I am sure the list is actually much larger then this. Overall the game is just not enjoyable.
  16. For an AAA game it feels like a second rate B rated Korean Free to Play MMO.
  17. And Flight armor is light armor also.
  18. This game does not feel like a $300 Million blockbuster. It feels more like a Korean Free to Play MMO. Sorry Fanboys but Bioware could not make the cut into the MMO market.
  19. This post was meant for Bioware anyhow. It was not meant for you any of you. Thanks for keeping the thread alive to help make sure Bioware might read it in the off chance. I just wanted them to know they have another unsatisfied customer. I can almost gaurantee this game will go Free to Play in less then a year if this game contiues as it is.
  20. Then maybe they should not have released the game yet?
  21. It is not about opening the bag it is about having to but a freaking bag to get other comms to buy a freaking bag to get other comms and so on. Just make it a freaking comms no need for a random icecream truck grab bag. The other problem, which is the biggest is the medal system does not reward healers fairly. Most people are getting twice the comms per battlefield then a healer so it is takling twice as long to get gear for healers. That is the real issue. What is so wrong with just farming warzone comms to buy your gear. Really what is with these stupid random idem bags anyhow. You spends hours farming 1990 warzone comms for 1 bag and then get nothing. Really? The system of trading this comm for that comm to get this comm is retarded.
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