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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. I dunno man, it sounds like the big thing you're doing that makes money is crafting.


    That's kind of the point I was making. Just because you're using trade instead of GTN doesn't make it a PvE activity.


    In point of fact, you could level exclusively with PvP, never finish your class quest, never once do dailies, flashpoints OR operations and make the same kind of money just doing crafting. Which, I should point out, can be done by your companions while you're in the middle of a PvP match. :)


    Again, nothing wrong with increasing the PvP rewards. But BIG money isn't made in PvE. BIG money is made on the GTN (or in trade if you want to be pedantic about it).


    Buying and selling an Isotope 5 or a Mass Manipulator Generator requires no crafting

  2. I have no objection to raising the PvP credit reward to make it more inline with PvE dailies. But I notice you're using the words "BIG money".


    The way to make BIG money in this game is the GTN. The GTN is neither PvP nor PvE. It is its own separate mini-game.


    Rich PvE players spend time on the GTN. Rich PvP players spend time on the GTN. Poor PvE players and poor PvP players don't.


    Now, there will always be a few exceptions to this (someone posted a while back that they made 250 million credits doing dailies for 3000 hours :eek:). But setting those aside, if you want to make BIG money, you play the GTN.


    Actually I do already make "BIG money". But it comes from pve. Pve dailies and using the basic coms to buy isotope 5. As well you could sell occasional Mass Manipulator Generator for 750k. As well as selling mods or armoring for 2+ mil each. All of which made possible through pve content btw. All of which I do not like doing. I rarely use the gtn also btw....I sell over trade chat. Give me a way to do what I love (PVP) and make this kind of money! Heck even 1/2 as much money.

  3. The Title says it all. But see why below... (edited for clarity)


    Here are a few key points to consider:


    1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to feel gimped because they pvp.... I understand that there are many different ways in the game to make money and I do indeed utilize all of them, but I shouldn't be gimped in the pocketbook when I decide to play pvp.


    2. The difference in money making opportunities- I have decided to limit my example to pve dailies for simplicity:

    If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit (I have already subtracted repair costs)....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

    pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

    pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


    With less time... I can go to cz-198 and in 15 minutes earn 65-75k easy. In pvp to make that it takes over 2 hours. If I need or want money (which everyone does) why should I make that much less when I am pvp'ing. This only hurts an already hurting pvp queue.


    3. Sure pvp can make money, but as you can see from above there is a huge difference!


    4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. I need to have money to switch mods so I can wear adaptable gear. PvP'ers should be able to make a comparable amount when pvp'ing as they do when they are participating in the pve counterpart...... it makes no sense right now considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make money doing something else!


    I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to have the OPORTUNITY to make near equal to what our pve counterparts can make (minus repair costs).


    Here is my suggestion on how to add this money making opportunity for pvp'ers...


    Add a material that is say equivalent to isotope 5 to pvp....purchaseable via ranked comms.

    1. Since it is only purchaseable through ranked comms.... all pvp'ers could get them since reg warzone comms can be traded for them, however because of the exchange rate it would take a lot of work to get them.

    2. Because pvp ALREADY pays those who do not do so well in the match a lot less.... those who would want to "push a button" for easy money would find it would take them far too long to earn comms.

    3. Because ranked pvp comms are only available at lvl 55.....the increase would not affect those in lower levels.

    This would not only increase the amount of money available to pvp'ers who are willing to put forth the effort, but it would increase queue pop.....since those who would normally leave to go make money could do so where they are.

  4. There are more ways to make money than by end-game PVE crafting. You're basically asking for high end crafted PVE items to be used as nothing more than a cash cow for your PVP character. That makes no sense. If you expect to make money off of a PVE item, especially the top craftable tier, then you need to expect to participate in PVE to be able to make it.


    I am brainstorming ideas.... but the problem remains the same... an equal way to make equal money.

  5. Well, as long as they were tradeable like Isotope 5 is, there'd be no problem. People would start playing PvP instead to grind those items.

    But in the end it would hurt PvP since most wouldn't like doing it and only basically show up to matches and only do the minimum effort. Just like they do in Dailies.


    It wouldn't hurt pvp.... it would help the queue pop and what do I care if there are more bads playin... it would be on both sides. Besides wouldn't the same apply the other way around?

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong (since I don't really play highlevel content all that much), but don't you get 'the most needed material for mods and armorings' via, well, gathering missions and gathering? I might be missing something there, of course. But if thats the case - neither gathering nor gathering missions are in fact PvE content. They are a timesink, nothing more, nothing less.


    Isotope 5 is only obtained through pve commendations.

    As well Mass Manipulation generators which are very needed drop in ops and go for 750- 800k each!


    (edited for more mature content)

  7. Well this is kinda interesting.


    The OP states that he dislikes Dailies but does them anyway to make money.

    That's also true for about 99% of the PvE crowd.

    Almost nobody "likes" doing Dailies and would rather be doing something else.


    As for ops with rare drops and reverse engineering those.

    Yeah... It'll take quite a while to get those rare drops and managing to reverse engineer them and then get the rare mats to build them to make money.

    If you had spent the same amount of time doing PvP and using the Wz coms to buy cash crates, you'd have a pretty massive amount of money.


    I'm willing to bet that if you had just spent as much time doing just PvP and buying those cash crates as you do on dailies, ops and all that, you'd still have about the same amount of money.


    It may LOOK like you make more money doing PvE, but you really don't.

    Dailies isn't "PvE" content, it's grinding for money.

    Ops isn't a cash-cow.

    Crafting isn't something that is exclusive to PvE.


    You are making a mountain out of a molehill.


    ok.....I just want this thread to end already. But as a last thought..... What if when 3.0 came out the most needed material for mods and armoring was through pvp only instead of pve? What harm would it do? What would the pve'ers think of that? Food for thought. Goodbye! :)

  8. I'm sure it did, but they were obscured by the blind rage that ensued. Take it from someone who had the biggest meltdown in the history of this forum and ripped a new blackhole into 5 different trolls in a 4 hour rampage that ultimately earned me a 7 day suspension:


    There is no emotion, there is only fact.


    When you have a valid concern, make the thread but remember to be absolutely clear about your message, and leave the emotion and insults at the door. People will take you much more serious. However, even after a year, there are still people willing to throw that day in my face. I don't mind though, cause back then, I loved telling those trolls how I really felt. These days? After a long talk in a PM with a certain Bounty Hunter, I've discovered that taking things personally on these forums is a bad move. So, instead, I flip my Spock switch and use basic logic and facts, and leave the hyperbole/strawman/ad hominem/ad nauseum at the door.


    I like u friend. And to would like to purchase a Bioware Defender Repellant....lol!

  9. Although.... if pvp makes more money..... then guys that live in their parents basements may have more time to do what they like. When guys who live in their parents basements have more time to do what they like they start making videos of themselves doing those things. When they start making videos of themselves doing those things they sometimes get noticed on youtube and it goes viral. When Those videos go viral kids get in trouble at school for watching them on their phones in class. When kids get in trouble at school for watching viral videos in class some of them get suspended from school. When these kids get suspended they make their own viral video and next thing you know it starts a vicious cycle until all kids are no longer in school and what would we do then. If the kids can't go to school then parents would have to spend more money to put them in daycare or pay for babysitters.... or at least their food bills would skyrocket. If their food bill skyrockets the they will have to cancel their swtor accounts. See the problem here? This is the same as your lame post...just lamer!
  10. Easier ways to generate money equal more money in peoples pockets. More money in peoples pockets equals more money being spent on the GTN. More money being spent on the GTN equals prices going up. Prices going up equals money being worth less and less. Money being worth less and less equals easier ways to generate money becoming a frustrating grind.


    That is too much of a stretch my friend.... The amount of money would not really change, just how people go about getting it.

  11. I actually meant the name of the thread, and should have said title, but this is exactly why the thread went where it went. You can try to play victim a bit more if you like, but hey, it's in print, how long until we see "Deleted" on this post?


    I never said they were, I said you chose to cut yourself out of some content, and are now begging to get compensated because you choose not to play it. You're not going to garner any sympathy from me, or anyone else, because you choose to cut yourself off from content. It is provided for everyone to play, all you have to do is do it. You choose not to, so sit back and enjoy the game the way you choose to play it.


    I never said cut myself off from content....I made it clear that I do participate in pve content....albeit reluctantly. The fact is you and all the others that have posted against me are just being rather lame. Reason I say this is because I am not asking for anything negative toward pve or for any part of the game to be nerfed. So what I am asking for hurts no one. I am simply asking for equality in finances amongst different playstyles. If you have an issue with that I would love to see your reasoning! It is a game...It is supposed to be fun. The more you force people to grind because they have to the more ou will lose people. It's called a grind for a reason.

  12. You are a very slippery debater, Mal. Every time someone shoots down one of your "facts" (or in one case, you shoot them down yourself), you cry "Irrelevant! That's not what I meant!"


    Here's what it boils down to. Play what you like. If you hate doing dailies, stop doing them. If you need the money for orange shells, do more PvP. Why are you whining when you could be playing? Oh! Right! Because you're trolling (and I'm feeding the troll, so it's not like I'm much better :rolleyes:)!


    The fact is, this game caters to PvE players because the GRAND MAJORITY of people who play the game dabble in PvP at most. You yourself have "proven" this with your dubious poll. It is very likely to continue to cater to PvE players because that's where the money is, and that's what the design is behind this game (at it's heart, it's a Bioware game--PvP was added as an afterthought).


    If you're really butthurt over this, then stop trolling and go find a game that caters to your playstyle.


    Although it *is* funny to watch you thrash about, so if you want to carry on, I'll watch!


    Irrelevant! No jk. I actually liked reading your post....I don't agree with it though. If I was a troll I would not keep making valid points and trying to keep things somewhat on task. And as I have said if "doin pvp" made THE money I would just pvp. It is wrong for you to say that pvp was an afterthought htough.... I have been more involved than the typical person with this game since way before launch and I know it was never an afterthought. This game suits me fine. Its too bad you apparently do not understand that the forums are utilized as one way the players have a voice.

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