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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. I will answer in green inside your quote.....


    1) it's clear where the credits are to be had in game. Anyone wanting credits... chases them where they are to be found. (exactly!... and we know that pvp needs more people to participate, being that queue pops are an issue. Since as you say " people chase where crdits can be found" ... then it would help on of the existing issues in pvp by giving them a chance to chase them there ALSO.)


    2) every player has the right to play whatever content they want, but in doing so.. they work within the constraints of said play. If you preferred play style =/= low hanging credits... that's fine..... you know where the credits are and can go after them if you want credits... like everyone else who plays the game. (agreed, and people should participate in all facets of the game...they are very fun. But at the same time, if you have to leave one area of the game because you need to "go make money" then it is no longer choice and fun, but choice through force. If they can easily up the amount of money in pvp causing no harm elsewhere in the game.....why not. Then you can have fun in the GAME and make money too.)

    3) PvE is NOT the path to easy wealth. (Not all PvE players are rich, but the opportunity to make big money is there. Same with what I am asking for here in this thread.... it won't make all pvp'ers rich, but it will give them opportunity to make big money if they work at it in a way that is equal to the pve side opportunity.) Nor is it in any way comparable to PvP.


    PvP =/= credits

    PvE =/= credits

    credits = credits.


    Your entire rant of a thread is premised on entitlement. (No, I did not make the thread because I feel entitled, I made the thread as a request to bioware to hopefully add more money making opportunities to pvp.) But, you are not any more or less entitled then any other player. (agreed, I am not as primarily a pvp'er more or LESS entitled than any other player.) You want to PvP, fine. You want to PvE, fine. You want to earn massive credits, fine. Play for what you seek.. but to expect any of these to overlap is misplaced vision on your part. (It may never happen and I will still play the game either way. But as anyone who posts desires on this forum I hope they will consider mine.)


    And in closing.. as as been pointed out to you numerous times..... PvE generally (in all MMOs) gives out credit rewards that are tuned to offset the fixed costs of doing said content (such as repair bills). PvP has lower fixed operating costs then PvE... as is often true in MMOs. (This has already been addressed previously in this thread.) For the "eye candy" outfits and other items that you crave.... follow the credits if the "eye candy" is important to you (it's not to many PvPers... in fact many would love a zero-gear PvP MMO so they can focus on what they want most.. PvP). (I disagree, espescially considering that pvp'ers aslo received a recoloring of old obroan gear. Fact is most pvp'ers wear adaptable gear.)


    Tell you what...... you buy out EA and you can dictate how the game is to be developed and maintained over time. Until then.. you are a paying participant and your payment for playing =/= entitle you to dictate how the game works. I know you wish it did, but it does not.

    (but I am entitled to post on the forums in hopes of being heard.);)
  2. People always believe what they want to believe. When their beliefs are not met with reality, they get upset. This thread can go on for hundreds of pages with the same things being repeated.


    But no, not every activity gives the same amount of reward, even within pve some things give more rewards than others. This is in part because different activities have different purposes. If you make them all the same the game gets boring.


    To answer the OP. Yes, people who limit themselves to the point where they don't pve get the shaft. The difference is that the limitation is your own, not BW's.


    I agree, but this was never about limiting only to pvp, but that while someone is pvp'ing they are not getting gimped in the pocketbook for choosing to do so. :)

  3. See? This is precisely why people don't want to talk to you any more.


    You claim that "it has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things" but plenty of people have said otherwise... but you just chose to ignore them and their arguments. You just arbitrarily decide that it's good for the game no matter what.


    Here are a few posts that show it can work from this thread....


    Ok, thank you for taking the time out to type all that.

    1. My idea was to give pvp'ers the equivalent of Isotope 5 on the pve side. It sells religiously for about 100k each and u can make a lot of money farming comms to then buy Isotope 5 to sell. Give pvp'ers a mat that is around equal value to that that we can earn through pvp commendations, then sell. If I want more money I have to work hard and earn it, but at least the opportunity is there! And since Bioware creates the items and what mats are needed to make them this would be easy to implement.


    2. People who lose in warzones make very little. If you lose a regular arena warzone you get like 30 comms and almost no money. Where as when u win you can around 140 comms and around 5,500 credits or so. If people started going more into the warzones because of their being more opportunity to make money that would help the queue pop problem and those who are just there for credits but don't put forth the effort will most likely lose and get hardly anything anyway.



    As people love to repeatedly point out when threads are made about more solo content, this IS an MMO. By the same logic, shouldn't a multi-player component of the game give at least comparable rewards as the solo player planetary daily's?


    Planetary daily's are a horrible grind that almost everyone hates. Having other activities like PVP and GSF give comparable (at least 50-75%?) payout encourages people to participate in the MMO aspect of an MMO and helps to slow down burnout of players. In early 2012 when planetary daily's was really the only way to make credits I almost unsubbed due to burnout from grinding daily's.


    It should not become easier to get credits as this would just accelerate the credit inflation in the game. Greater variety of viable options for credit grinding would benefit the game by helping reduce burnout. In fact I would even be for REDUCING the planetary daily payout and increasing the PVP (maybe multiple tiers of daily's?) to balance out the credit generation and help keep inflation in check.



    Adding repair costs to PVP zones would have very negative repercussions. As a player that does not like to PVP I frequently get thrashed in PVP and when going against a PVP guild 4 man pre-made it is truly ugly. How many casual players would continue to PVP if they had to pay repairs on 30 deaths after a match against a pre-made and the other team has 1-2 or even zero deaths? The same would be true for getting no rewards for a losing and big rewards for winning.


    This would be the end of PVP due to only the most dedicated PVP players continuing to play. The idea should be to encourage be to try different activities in the game. Trying to make false comparisons to winning in PVP and "winning" in PVE does not forward this.



    I think you may have missed my previous post where I recognized the issue of not adding to credit inflation:



    The bottom line is that the planetary dailies are probably the number one way that credits are injected into the economy. Bioware has several times nerfed activities that generated a better time/credit ratio that the dailies. This would indicate that they form a "baseline" that the devs have found acceptable in terms of credit infusion.


    As my suggestion above, increase the credit payout for PVP with perhaps more tiers of dailies to pay out more credits. I believe having some type of mats obtainable would have the possibility of too much disruption on the economy.


    Uhmmmm...BTW....what overhead is incurred by doing something like Section X? Are you dying a lot and having repair bills? Using lots of adrenals? Most dedicated PVP people use lots of medpacks and adrenals and there are no reusable PVP versions of those.


    By the way, I HATE PVP and would rather do just about any other activity in this game. My like of an activity does not prevent me from seeing the slight imbalance here and perhaps the benefit of encouraging more to participate in PVP.


    Adding repair costs to pvp is just not a good idea nor is it a solution to the problem outlined in this thread. A simpler solution that I have already mentioned would be to give pvp the chance to make around what you can make in pve minus the repair costs. So repair costs are not even a factor.


    So if (random numbers here to make a point) pve'ers can make 1 m a day, but repair cost was 100k, then give the pvp'ers the opportunity to make about 900k a day.


    Problem solved.



    Anyone who has posted what supposed "negative" effects it would have has had there issues addressed and dismissed. To be clear very few people even listed things opposing it...unless you are referring to the people who opposed the idea simply by making negative comments to me about me, but as far as the thread topic itself.....moving forward here, if you have something to bring to the table that is constructive, lets hear it! :)

  4. So being that It has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things.... what other rebuttles might you think of that can be brought to the table... or what other benefits do you see coming from pvp'ers having the options to make more money. ??
  5. One should keep in mind that the OP started another thread that was hostile from the start and when that thread completely derailed he started this one. So while he didn't start the hostility in this thread, he did bring it over (the thread is still up and running btw) with him.

    Plenty of people went into this thread discussing the other thread (since it was about the same subject) but he is playing the victim card and saying "Look! I didn't start this, I'm innocent!" when most people here know that simply isn't true.


    That other thread I admitted clearly the title was just bad. I ended up deleting most of my posts. But same concept applies there also. Since people quoted my posts for the most part you can see there also that I did not respond wrong until I was attacked first.

    The fact of the matter here is that you can see I am at this point clearly trying to be nice and get things moving (again) in the right direction. It is not necessary to continue trying to point the finger. Lets just get past this and move on. ;)

  6. I concur. I will say this. I played GW2 for a bit. One thing I loved about it was that I really felt that it had TONS of exploration and this made the game not only seem bigger, but more fun.. more surprising!... like the devs really went all out the extra mile.

    Well after thinking about it, it really came down to the underwater stuff. Being able to swim way down away from everyone and everything and just be alone in the middle of no where. As well they had areas that you could only get to if you explored and just happen to find them.... going underwater far from everything, then see a small opening barely big enough to fit thru.... only to find that it opened up to a huge secret place of wonders.


    That is what its all about. So long as you don't have to worry about air.

  7. Ok, I can concede that, although the title is hostile, the actual post isn't. My apologies - my perception was coloured by that when it shouldn't have been.


    No problem....I will not hold it against you...indeed I am reaaaaaaaallly far from perfect. And as far as the title, I guess it is perception as well. Indeed it grabs attention, but I do not see it nor intended it to be hostile. But I guess I can see how someone would perceive it that way. It was intended to grab people, not make them hostile. I apologize as well.

  8. Well someone needs to point out your hypocrisy.


    How about point out the truth. I challenge you to go back to the beginning of this thread with a fresh pair of eyes (please) and look at the posts. look at who was actually rude first. Look at my posts and see that they were not rude. When I did make a response that would be perceived as rude look at the post that I am responding to and see where the problem really stemmed from. Also please notice how many times I brought forth ideas to the thread and tried to keep things focused. Also look at the fact that there were several kind things I said in this thread. I ask you please go back and do this. I am not saying I am without fault. Indeed some of my responses to peope being rude to me were a bit out of line, but please I ask you in sincere kindness. Please start with the beginning and see for yourself.... with a fresh pair of eyes.

  9. ....perfect example of what the problem in this thread has been ....look at the last 3 posts....They do not do anything but start trouble. They are not bringing forth anything vaild to help the thread. They have brought no point to assist the thread topic. My advice to those who are going to post:

    Please do not post at all if you are not bringing forth a vaild point, rebuttle or idea that is in line with the thread topic.

  10. But hostility is the topic. You find the game hostile to your PVP dreams. You find any responses that disagree with your opinion hostile. You respond in a hostile manner to virtually any poster, even non-hostile ones. It doesn't take a rocket scientist that the whole point of this thread is hostility. ;)


    Well I am sorry that your eyes have chosen to see only evil, but hostility is not the topic of this thread. You are free to start your own thread if you would like and you are also free to stop posting in this one since you do not like it. Thank you and have a wonderful day! :)

  11. So posters promoting discussion of the topic, and encouraging others to ignore the earlier animosity are making the thread off topic? Ok then. Good luck getting any sensible discussion with that attitude.


    omg....when a thread is ON TOPIC and someone comes in out of the blue and focuses the attention back to the past and finished "BASH FEST" and mentions that the thread (which may I remind you in already on topic) needs to get back on topic.... there is something not right about that.

    1. It gives the impression that the thread was not on topic already.

    2. It re-focuses the attention back to the "bash fest" that someone new coming in would not even have known about.


    The post right after his only goes to prove my point that it was only there to fuel fire!

  12. look at post #314. The poster you attacked was clearly trying to diffuse the issue and get the thread back on topic. But you completely ignored that and went straight into assault mode. This is why your recent threads haven't ended well. You're being too hostile to people who disagree with your views, and now it seems you're attacking even people trying to help you.



    the thread was already on topic until they threw it off At 312

  13. Unfortunately, that lies mostly in the OP's corner.

    The way he has answered people that simply don't agree with him is stirring up peoples feelings.

    Had he kept a mor civil tone, this might have been a productive discussion.


    Add to that the fact that this pretty much dragged over from his previous thread that was a big cluster****, and you have a recepie for disaster.


    As you would see if you were here to really be productive I have been keeping a civil tone and the thread has been going fine, til you and your buddy are again trying to derail it.

  14. funny how this thread has gone off topic from PvE/PvP/other incomes to a bash fest between the OP and everyone else. i would like to see us get back on track.


    I guess we can see who the real trolls are here. The thread has been on topic and without problem since at least post #277 all the way to you post at 312, then you come in and say this? Or is on topic for you really mean on troll topic?

  15. Any time you do pve, incoming damage causes your armor to deteriorate, causing repairs. the biggest part of this comes from death, but even the incidental damage/heal cycle causes repairs. so yes, you do have rapairs from dailies. the devs dont actually tie the credit sink to the activity though. so a repair cost for pvp would not be out of line. dont die so much and you wont have to pay. its one way of making pvpers actually act as a team instead of a mob.


    Adding repair costs to pvp is just not a good idea nor is it a solution to the problem outlined in this thread. A simpler solution that I have already mentioned would be to give pvp the chance to make around what you can make in pve minus the repair costs. So repair costs are not even a factor.


    So if (random numbers here to make a point) pve'ers can make 1 m a day, but repair cost was 100k, then give the pvp'ers the opportunity to make about 900k a day.


    Problem solved.

  16. but if you lose while doing cz you get nothing but repair bills. if you want the rewards you must take the risk. so add repair costs to pvp and make losers get nothing...then jack up the money reward for the daily to the same as any othe r daily. sounds fair to me.


    Lose? I am sorry I have done cz-198 probably a thousand times and never lost.... you go through it....its not difficult. As far as adding repair bills to pvp....read through the thread...Already addressed that.

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