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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. Pvp'ers do not need anything like isotope5 to sell. Easiest thing to ask for is a 25-30% increase in credit payout for all forms of pvp content. This includes warzone payouts, credit boxes and daily/weekly quests. Add in a discount on credit boxes and you can earn more money in the same amount of time. A simpler idea than what you want.


    I gave an example and made it clear that's is all it was....an example. Sure I don't care how they increase the money so long as they do. Thanks for participating!

  2. Try doing the same five quests on the same bunch of planets with 3 toons every day, and you'll see soon enough that pve dailies are as much of a grind or more so than anything you've mentioned.

    Crafting isn't much fun either, that's a grind too, grind for mats, grind money for mats, sell finished item or mats for creds. It's all grindy tbh.


    I really don't see why pvpers need anything more added to the game. If you get tired of your pvp stuff, you can do the crafting and daily grinds like pve'ers have to. That would give you some variety. Pve'ers don't have a 'permanent' way of making money. Crafting for example, fluctuates...after a while the market gets saturated and competition gets heated, so you don't always get tons of money guaranteed.


    Ok, here is an example. I can go to cz-198 and in 15 minutes earn 65-75k easy. In pvp to make that it takes like 2 hours. If I need or want money (which everyone does) why should I make that much less when I am pvp'ing. This only hurts an already hurting pvp queue.

    And as far as things fluctuating and not being permanent....Bioware makes the recipes and can easily control how much something will cost by supply and demand. Isotope 5's have been selling for 100k each forever now. They can implement something like this for pvp'ers and it wouldn't hurt anyone.

  3. If the game were actually changed by a developer, you can bet your booty there would be exact numbers involved.


    Someone would take the time to do math. Figure out what would be an appropriate reward. Then put those numbers in the game. The devs wouldn't just say to the server "add more"


    I tried to convince you and failed. Ah, well. I guess I'm out.


    omg really? It is impossible to have exact numbers given that everyone plays slightly different and many of the money opportunities listed such as pvp credit boxes pay out random different amounts.

  4. I've been pretty level-headed with you in this thread. But I have to say, I'm frustrated with the fact you completely blew off what I just told you.


    "More Money" is a generality. Do you not feel like doing the work of proposing specific details? What is "more money" to you? Credit rewards for turning in PvP dailies? Credit rewards for each warzone / arena? Fancy loot for comms?


    What? And how much?


    DO THE WORK. Document it. It's your proposal. It's your thread. Don't just sit there and ask for "more".


    As I said READ the thread.... its in there! What do you want? There are no exact #'s.... everyone plays different amount of time. What I have proposed is simple.... add opportunities to make more money pvp'ing via something equivalent to isotope 5 on the pve side of things..... there are no exact numbers to give or details needed other than that. I can make 8.5 mil a week doin pve dailies and have shown very clearly how..... yet someone else who has less time or plays different may only make 3 mil, but the point is the opportunity is there within that amount of time to make that much....get it?

  5. Look you guys are making this harder than it is. Please just answer this:


    Throughout this thread it has been shown again and again that pvp makes exponentially less than its counterparts per time involvement or activity.


    Why do you have a problem with pvp offering more money making opportunities to its participants?


    It would be easy to implement and would not have any negative affects on the other playstyles.

  6. You might gain more traction if you made your suggestions specific.


    At present, you're just asking for "more". And sometimes you talk about "big money."


    If you want higher rewards for PvP quest turn-ins, come up with a number. If you want a valuable gear reward for doing PvP that can be turned into credits, come up with an example, a value, and a cost.


    Relate it to specific PvE numbers. Talk about time spent, time gained. Move out of the realm of generality.




    I have already friend....read the thread.

  7. No the point is PvP gives the absolute least amount of money for the amount of time invested. I can make barely 30k an hour doing PvP, or I could to dailies or TFB and make well over 100k and hour.


    Also the majority of people don't spend enough time online to exhaust the dailies.


    Credit boxes?! Hardly anyone buys those since they cost a ridiculous about of comms for such a minute amount of credits.


    Yes sad indeed...you can make more money in 15 minutes doing cz-198 than you can pvp'ing for 2 hours! :eek:

  8. They should make the PvP Credits Lockboxes to drop more cash $_$


    1 box = 50 wz comms = ~1,500 credits.


    So ... to make a million ..... 1,000,000 / 1,500 = 666 boxes. Ok , lets take 600. 600 lockboxes x 50 wz comms = 30,000 comms. And how much comms you get per 1 WZ, ~ 12 minutes? You can do 4-5 WZs per hour. So ... you need 43254235235235235235233423423623523 hours to get a fancy looking speeder or armor from GTN.


    And this is just for 1m credits ... how you supposed to buy a Rancor , Bantha , etc ... for 5-10-15m :D


    This is great....and unfortunately too kind even, since a lot of the credit boxes pay less than the average you used. But a good example indeed of just how much money pvp'ers do not make.

  9. Also I never discredited making money on the gtn or crafting. I have simply mentioned that pvp needs an option available to make bigger money. Just like with pve content such as dailies....you can do just dailies or you can do dailies and crafting, but you don't have to do both. However you can make a lot of money even if you just did one of them. With pvp you do not have that option.


    I have no issue with making money through all facets of the game, but each playstyle should have an equal way to earn equal money.... which pvp does not have.

  10. Here is the problem with this thread right here. You guys are compartmentalizing activities activities into either 'PvP' or 'not PvP' and labeling the 'not PvP' as 'PvE'. Crafting is not 'PvE', sending companions on missions and selling the mats is not 'PvE', playing the GTN is not 'PvE', and if you refuse to do things to make money just because you arbitrarily placed them in the 'not PvP' column, you only have yourself to blame for being broke.


    'PvEers' mostly do not want to run dailies to get credits either, so why is it OK that we have to but you do not feel that you should have to?


    And once again, even if this thread's ridiculous premise is true, which is isn't. I spent ~300k credits per week on repairs alone during progression. Not even counting stims, medpacks, and adrenals, 300k per week on repairs alone. What do PvPers spend all their credits on?


    Well for one thing When I pvp, in order to be a true competitor I also have to buy stims, medpacks and adrenals. And I have the same repair bill you do, because since pvp makes so little money I am forced to go pve and there comes my repair bill.

  11. Looks like Malckiah is in 'the wrong state of mind' again. You never learn, do you? Still aggressive, condescencing and provokative. And still confused why people don't react well to you.


    Its nice how I get attacked and when I lash back I am the only one that gets called out for it. I have grown tired of defending a very simple concept. equality. But apparently that only exists for the pve'er.

  12. Really? You think these are "logical and kind" titles? ( Emphasis on problem parts added by me )


    "Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!"

    "Juggernauts need major nerf....just fyi" ( Whole title, really. "X needs nerf!" is never a constructive thread title )

    " PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!"


    Just 3 recent threads by you, all of them confrontational and absolutely not "logical and kind".


    You are trying to discredit what I said, when I made it very clear in my statement that I have learned that doing these types of titles at least keeps the thread going. If only you would spend half as much time trying to be productive in this thread. You are wasting your time on this type of post...I never claimed to be a mr perfect. I never claimed to be the only one that's right. I said that I have in the past created threads that used logical and kind titles....that indeed I have. Infact this game has a feature so you can look it up. But of course you will see what you want to see.

  13. Yes, you are. You've got a bit of an ego on you there, kid. Every time someone disagrees with you, you say they're "non constructive" and/or "trolling". You can't seem to handle the fact that you might be wrong or that your opinions might not be shared by everybody.


    In this thread, your problem is you're expecting all the rewards for only playing half the game. ( Not even half, really. PvP is much less than half of the overall game ) It just doesn't work that way. If you want a pure PvP game, then you need to look elsewhere. Would you be supportive of me saying I want PvP rewards without ever having to PvP?


    uh....can I laugh now. Your statement about expecting all the rewards for playing half the game is classic lame-o! Because if pvp is "half the game" then theoretically that makes pve "the other half" So what your saying is its ok that right now people can make all the rewards from playing 1/2 the game ....so long as its not the pvp half....ROFL LAME!!! And I am not saying I want pve rewards for never pve'ing....I said a million times that I simply want a way through pvp to make equal money to what I can make doing pve. If I pvp and you give me a friggin blue bunny that's worth what isotope 5 is I will pvp and earn what I need to make what I need selling it, but right now there is nothing of the sort!

  14. Once again dalies would take 50+h per weak to grind them most people dont even have enough time to play this game 50+h per weak .It would be same as me saying in pvp you can earn 10mil per weak only thing you need to do is always get arena matches and win them faster then in 2 min youl get 7-10k credits for it. so play pvp for 60h per weak and here you go 10mil in a weak. Its simple just win matches faster then in 2 min in theory its posible but we both know that not gona happen...

    You cant sell ops loot its bop same goes for crap you buy whit coms( yes you can sell it to vendor for around 14k ). To get 3mmg's you have to be luckiest man I ever met... not to mention loot rules in most hm or nim ops is you won 1 you cant roll on others. Only thing you can sell from ops drop is pets but that rare drop...

    Now its your time you can play how much you like I dont have any problems whit it.


    Ugh... Look I am not saying that everyone should be making millions. So to start and lecture about how many hours it takes to do this or that is irrelevant. I have the time and so to me it is normal to sink all day all week into the game.



  15. Would you stop being such a ******** all the time?

    If they made an item that was crucial for crafting and was only obtainable through PvP that would make equal money to the ones dropped in Ops (because I won't say PvE since not all PvE players want to do ops), then you would be forcing people to play PvP just as much as you are "forced" to play Ops...

    And if anyone should be called Anakin here, it's you with all your whining and entitlement.


    I have told you repeatedly that Dailies and Ops are NOT something that every (or even most) PvE players enjoy doing to make money.

    They are just as "forced" to do it like you are. So stop trying to paint yourself out as a victim here.

    Everyone has to work to make money.


    Pve content.... lets separate it.

    Dailies- If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do the dailies and make 1 million in a day plus 1.5 mil from the isotope 5 a week. That is 8.5 mil a week. Not bad.

    Ops: If you are one of the people who enjoy this method of play the most ....great! You can do several ops throughout the week and get tons of loot drops you can sell. Some of them occasionally worth several million credits. Plus you easily average (at least I do) at least 3 mmg's that will bring you around 2.25 mil. a week. Not to mention you can make a whole lot more trading in comms for more things to sell.

    As far as pve goes what else would you like me to mention? The point is the big money options are there.


    pvp: I can pvp all day long....at least when the queues are popping. We can use the very detailed listing given earlier in the thread by cybernetic ducks. If I use all my comms and get credit cases I am still lucky to get 200-250k.


    There is a HUGE difference in how much I can make doing what I prefer in the game (pvp) verses what you prefer. Again I am not saying that all pve'ers are rich, but the opportunity is there.

  16. So what evidence do you have that this is the actual comparative rate for most people?


    I am not trying to be rude, but you are missing my point here. I am comparing it with what it is.... you can see some of the things that I have listed that pve has that can be used to make large amounts of money. I want those types of options on the pvp side of things. What a person does with it and how much an individual makes with it would ofcourse vary from person to person. Some pve'ers are broke.... some have lots of money. The point is that there should be equal opportunity for both sides by pvp for pvp and pve for pve. A player should not be forced to do the other just to make big money.

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