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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. One of the things that sets this game apart is the companions. Unfortunately at lvl 55 you start to lose sight of an all to awesome feature. Where is the interaction? Why is it so limited? It is sad to see such a great thing wasted. I personally think that Bioware would do well to spend some time enhancing what is already there as opposed to trying to add new stuff like slot machines and whatever.

    I am always seeing posts on the forums of people wanting more from the companions....does Bioware not listen? Heck some companions have absolutely NO customizations available. I am married to a few of them, but speak not a word to them. Some of my favorite companions I never use because they are dps and I need a healer or a tank and I need a dps.


    It is just sad to see such a waste of so much potential.

  2. Pretty much every ranked match I am in, if the other team has a Commando we quickly agree to focus them first because they are so squishy.... And true they die fast. Seems weird that a heavy armor class would be squishy.
  3. First off I love this game....I have played since pre launch and participated in Beta 3 times. So I am not saying the game sucks.

    BUT, there are a few things that I feel need attention:


    1. Character customization options... ie faces, hair etc.

    Is it really that hard to add more? This game definitely lacks in this department.


    2. More playable races.

    Bioware said he reason they haven't added more is because of clipping issues with the head and stuff. Along with they cant do a race that doesn't speak English. The language I will give them because of the story and voiceover. But the other reason is a joke.....HELLO Twileks....people play twileks and they have the same problem!

    There are tons and tons of races that speak English that could be added.....whats the problem here?


    3. Companions.

    One the things that sets this game apart is companions, yet at lvl 55 they are basically worthless... you cant talk to them anymore, there are very few customization options....some have no customization options.... and then you are stuck using one you may not even like just because they happen to be the healer. They need a major overhaul on companions!


    4. PvP needs a permanent boost in money making options.....No fair that raiders get all the cash making options. Both end game choices should be viable ways to make good money. Add some vital crafting ingredient to the pvp terminal or something! Maybe even an expensive chest with epic level gear piece inside?


    I will start with that for now.

  4. Marauder/Sentinels ....and Snipers/Gunslingers (edited)


    This is not a troll thread......WHY? Because in the end they are the only advanced class that only has dps, with no heals, no real stealth, no bubble, no tank abilities....just nothing but dps....so it would seem only right that they are always #1 in dps. just sayin!

  5. Pick a story you want to play, and pick something you havn't tried yet, super simple. If you are picking a class specifically based on others opinions on whether it is OP in PVP or Operations then you are missing out on something.


    The best class to play is the one that you enjoy playing and matches your play style.


    One persons OP PVP class is another players nerfed PVE Operations class.

    If you don't plan on playing in ranked PVP or nightmare mode operations (which is probably about 85% of the server populations) then it really doesnt' matter how they are "ranked"


    You either enjoy it or not.


    Why you would limit yourself to not playing a class or at least trying it is beyond me.


    Well this sounds nice, but doesn't work unfortunately...you see my Commando is my main and the one I enjoy playing the most.... but what I like doing in the game is ranked pvp..... the two do not mix..... which is why I created this thread.

  6. Please use this format and put (in your opinion) where you feel each Advanced class is right now. You can of course add more details and specifics as to why you feel that way. This is a very basic format to build on: I am using a very simple 1-10 rating scale:

    (1-underpowered. (laughable)

    4- weak (I wouldn't play because of this)

    7- minimum allowable (meh...needs help)

    8- decent (I am ok with it)

    9- nice (just right)



    If you don't know about a class very well just leave it blank. To give each advanced class the same fighting chance.... pick one spec in particular to base it off of..... so as an example: If I feel that the Gunnery tree for Commando is the best tree for dps....I would rate the Commando by that tree for dps.




    Heals survivability:

    Dps: 7

    Dps survivability: 8, but in ranked pvp 5


    Details: Since I mainly pvp, I would like to be viable in ranked, which unfortunately is not an option right now due to survivability under heavy focus fire.



    Tank survivability:

    Tank dps:

    Tank Aggro:


    Dps survivability:


    Details: I played this, but not enough lately to be able to rank it.



    Dps: 9

    Dps survivability: 9


    Heals survivability:


    Details: I think the survivability is good if you use the mechanics correctly.



    Tank survivability:

    Tank dps:

    Tank Aggro:

    Dps: 9

    Dps survivability: 10


    Details: This is a hard class to master, but those who have always top out the charts in dps.



    Dps: 9

    Dps survivability: 8


    Details: Easy high dps and somehow they survive pretty well.



    Dps: 8

    Dps survivability: 8





    Dps: 9

    Dps survivability: 7


    Heals survivability:





    Tank survivability:

    Tank dps:

    Tank Aggro:

    Dps: 9

    Dps survivability: 9


    Details: These guys are really overpowered right now... I listed them though at 9 because I have not been playing mine lately.



    I know this has flaws, but it is meant to be very basic. Remember there are no right or wrong answers....it's just your opinion. Have fun!

  7. When Ranked came out it changed the pvp class needs, as you then had more seasoned players planning every match. If you have played in ranked then you know that there are a couple of classes that every time get gang raped or as they say focused hard..... one of them being the Commando another Sage. Sage has the option to bubble through it, Commando has the option to die.

    This is not why I am making this thread though. Recently I have noticed that when facing Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights they force leap to me and I have NO way to get distance.... concussive charge does not knock them back, my freeze does nothing, etc. So now imagine what this does in ranked. I already had no way to stay alive during heavy focus, now I have no way to even get a little distance.


    Thanks.... I have now officially stopped playing my main character.

  8. you can purchase a higher leveled version of the pre-order crystal from the pre-order crystal vendor found on the fleet. you may even acquire a lvl 55 suitable pre-order crystal for credits. so you are probably unaware of this vendor. the vendor is called pre-order crystal vendor and is found in the main area on the fleet cant remember which wing exactly


    You apparently did not read my post. I indeed made acknowledgement of the ability to by another pre-order crystal at a later level. The problem is that that level is 40 levels later.

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