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Everything posted by UltimateKrucible

  1. IIRC you can go into your collections tab and preview any armour In the game. Try that.
  2. Hey, Thanks! Forgot about that (Told you I don't really pay attention to all that stuff)
  3. I'm not someone that really bothers about reputation in game - seems a bit of a grind. But lately I've begun to get the creeping suspicious that it's all getting out of hand. There seem to be new rep vendors and associated tokens popping up all over the place. Could someone kindly list the ones that are in game so I can see what I'm missing out on? And perhaps say where to collect the tokens. I know there's Gree ones - pretty easy to figure out - and now Bountry Hunter, but what else?
  4. First with the news as always Dulfy - great work!
  5. From the Oxford Chambers Dictionary: Obroan Ob-ro-an Noun 1 A carrot attached to a stick which gives the impression it may one day be in reach, but is in fact forever unobtainable. 2 A thing which appears to be a goal, but is in fact an illusion as it will be replaced by another obroan (Ob-ro-an) when it is reached. see also: grinding, pointless,
  6. Perhaps you should read his post - he talks about "dropping fro five maps to three" He's clearly under the impressions that WZ are being replaced with arenas. That's not what's happening. Fair point about Ranked WZ being removed, though. I should have said that nothing of consequence was being taken out. Edit: Jus read your ninja post, OP - I think you should change the title of your thread. Very misleading!
  7. I'm quite happy - There's going to be a solo only queue for the arenas with matchmaking .... It's what PuGs have always wanted.
  8. OK, I'll bite. They aren't removing anything. Just the option to play 8 v 8 ranked WZ. The normal Pug WZ will stay as they are, only with more premades now that they can't go play ranked. Go read the dev blog then come back here, m'kay?
  9. Well I like the combat - it's fast paced and exciting while still being surprisingly tactical. So this kinda fits, Conan.
  10. I'm sorry - but I'm enough of a SWTOR veteran to know that great ideas like this don't get a look in. Anyway, I did some rough checking and it's going to cost ....drumroll...... at least 360,000 credits to bring Treek up to scratch with blue 55 mods. Not a bank-breaking amount, but still a chunk of change. Oddly, almost the exact GTN price of a cartel pack on my server TOFN. But I digress. So there you have it. Dang furry highwayman should have come with a 'this companion is for fresh characters' warning, I suppose.
  11. Yeah, I see that. But seriously - how many people are actually going to do that? Most people at legacy lvl 40 will have already had their fill of alts. The only people I've seen with Treek are lvl 55s like myself who've bought her as an indulgence because we've got everything else we want, or are completionists. And just to derail my own thread a bit - and I'm not just moaning for the sake of it, you brought it up - Isn't the idea of having a healer/tank companion from lvl 10 slipping into 'pay to win' territory? The game's lvling experience is pretty balanced for each class ... but now you say that Treek isn't intended for endgame at all, it's to use from lvl 10 - running the risk of totally disrupting that balance? This isn't something I'd thought about ... I was just complaining that I had to go through the tedious and expensive process of modding the hairy thug. But the more I dwell on this, the less I like what I see.
  12. I agree - if you are paying credits (I paid a similar amount to you - no biggie). But paying real money for something that's basically a dud until you gear it up is a bit of a swizz, imo.
  13. It's a good point - but aren't they doing that anyway, only at a much lower lvl? TBH - I didn't know that people complained about HK, or that this had been a problem when they introduced the last 'extra' companion. Guess they don't learn from their mistakes, eh?
  14. Yeah, this is kind of what I expected - especially when I got the second set of gear in the post. It just boggles the mind that an endgame companion ... unless you spend CC on it ... doesn't some with endgame gear. Funnily enough, in the 'guide to buying Treek', none of this gets mentioned - only that you have to be lvl ten. At no point does it say '.... because Treek comes with lvl 10 gear'. Well hope others considering getting the Ewok are duly warned - so glad I didn't waste real money on this.
  15. Hey! I resent that - I was genuinely asking for help. It only became a complaint thread when it became clear that, yes, biofail introduced a game component which required extensive endgame experience - only for that component to be useless at endgame! Hats off to them! They try so hard to get this MMO thing, and fail so hard too. It's almost endearing.
  16. Thanks for the replies - Have to say that's pretty shoddy game design, seeing as you have to have legacy lvl 40 to get the damn thing. Not much need for a lvl 10 companion at top lvl. Biofail strikes again.
  17. Simple question - I got Treek at Lvl 55, but all her gear is rated for lvl 10 - do I have to re-gear her with lvl appropriate stuff, or am I missing something?
  18. Good .... Good!. Give in to your anger!
  19. Lore-wise there's the Obi-mount (which is coming) and dewbacks, for animal mounts, and that's it... So, once they are in, back to speeders I guess.
  20. This doesn't matter. There's a legacy lvlrequired - 40. So it's still locked out for the vast majority of players unless they use CC. You think 40 is an arbitrary number? The devs beloved metrics will tell them how many people are at that lvl, and I'm guessing its not enough to hurt their profits on this. But it all boils down to the fact that I pay a sub to access all content (expacs excepted) and now they are releasing content on the CM I'd have to pay for. Never mind that this is 4 times the cost of the expac. I've backed SWTOR up till now, with cash as well as words, even when the flaws in the game have been staring me in the face. But this has finished me off.
  21. Yep. Too far. There's content attached to this companion - the blurb says there's a quest. Cartel Market was only supposed to be for vanity items. They swore blind it would be that way, and have now ignored their own promises. I like SWTOR, I really do. But as it seems they have no interest in my sub other than taking the money, I'm out.
  22. Just noticed "Once you buy this is starts a quest...." So, there you are - first paid-for-on-top-of-sub content (not counting expac, which is fair enough), something they said they would never do. We've been told all along that the CM would only be for vanity or appearance items. Not anymore. This is bullsheet, BW. /sub.
  23. Hey, OP - I'm on that server and went through a similar period where I was getting steamrolled by imp premades. Started right after transfers when every PvPr in Euro flocked to the server. So I started keeping a diary for about a week or of casual rep-side PUG PvP. In that time, the results were as follows: Won: 10 Lost: 8 Rep v Rep: 5 Rep v Imp: 13 Sounds good, eh? Well, not exactly - I also quit 6 matches, either because my own team were terrible, or I realised the match was lost within 2 mins (HB score chains, instant alderran 2 caps, VS door popped in first wave etc). Or I spotted premades with 2 OP healers. Life's too short to waste time in those WZ. Course - that was 3 weeks go. Currently on a break thanks to Steam Summer sale.
  24. The plot on Makeb revolves around control of a new material ... that can power starships and robots. So you fly there in your starship and set off with your robot companion.
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