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Everything posted by Musezy

  1. I would not mind paying 1 ammo for TP... but 2 is just ridiculously expensive for such a weak healing ability. It would be like charging 2 ammo for Hammer Shot. I just won't use it after 1.2 at all.
  2. Healing in general has always been a thankless job. Healing in PuGs is even worse. Know this going into it and be ready. Here are some general tips: Focus on the battlefield... don't be worried about what other people think/say in chat... just worry about doing your job. Don't waste time responding to trash talk and complaints in chat, when you should be doing your job instead. Letting other people get under your skin and fluster you will only make you do your job worse. If you make a mistake just keep going and try not to dwell on it. Do the best you can to recover and move on. Take any constructive criticism from other people (especially other healers) with a smile and a thank you. Accept the reality that people will die and you can not always save everyone. Healers sometimes have to make tough choices and good healers make them without hesitation. Don't forget to heal yourself! A dead healer can't help anyone. Give healing priority to: the player guarding you, other healers, ball carriers, and main tanks. Heal everyone else on a secondary basis. Don't let yourself get isolated. Stay with other people. You are NOT effective guarding an objective point alone. Your job is to heal people... if you are alone... you are not doing your job. In PvP tell someone else do come guard the objective in chat if necessary. Don't be afraid to speak up and ASK for a guard if you believe there is one available in your group. Then try to stay close to that person. Have a mental plan ready for what to do when you are attacked. Watch your resource bar and understand how it works. Know which healing skills cost more and which cost less. Understand when to use each skill and why. For example: Don't try to heal someone that is low health and dieing quickly with a long cast heal. Practice in PvE with your companions. Start with easier mobs and work your way up to elites. Try to stay mobile in PvP as best you can. Don't hang out in one spot for too long unless you have a significant tactical advantage from that spot. Try to get the best positioning you can that will allow you to heal as many people as you can easily without exposing yourself to the enemy. In PvE, stand behind barriers so that bosses can't pull you in, for example. Pat yourself on the back when you do a good job! Because most likely no one else will do it for you.
  3. I will complain until (A) I start having more fun or (B) I quit the game out of frustration. Complaining is simply another word for negative feedback... which is really our only way of letting the devs know that we are not happy customers. The more we complain and the louder we are, the better they will hear us.
  4. Yeah, I bet you do. And what other healing class has this kind of visual target marker? Heck, when it comes to Combat Medics, the opposing Ops Leader doesn't even have to bother marking us at all. We do a great job of that all by ourselves.
  5. My signature has been updated, which I could not do until I made the post. And, though I do agree with you that the healing changes are BAD... I think if they removed the visual effect from HS, that it may help alleviate some of the nerf pain. My biggest concern is the fact that we will have a harder time managing ammo after 1.2 so HS will become more important and relied on... which makes it more vital than ever that they fix the laser beam issue in PvP.
  6. PLEASE remove the █████NEON█GREEN█LASER█BEAM█OF█DEATH█"KILL-ME-NOW"█BECAUSE█I'M█A█HEALER█SIGN█████► from Hammer Shot. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in PvP (as a healer that has played almost every MMO game on the market). As if healers don't already have enough trouble keeping a low profile, HS simply makes you stick out like a sore thumb! Now in 1.2 we will HAVE to use our Hammer Shot a LOT more often and thus become immediate targets. WHY on earth would the devs do something like this to a PvP healer in the first place? This is incredibly BAD design. In PvE, who cares? Mobs don't zero in on you because you have a flashy laser beam heal... but in PvP ANYONE with half a brain is going to charge you the second they see that thing go zipping across their screen. Fortunately, so far, we have been able to avoid using it in PvP for the most part. However, this will not be the case moving forward with 1.2. Tell BW to remove this crippling VISUAL effect from HAMMER SHOT in PvP today!
  7. You know what they say, "Ignorance is bliss." And the OP is clearly as blissful as they come. Anyway, I'm done talking to a brick wall. I've got warzones to farm and a companion slave that needs a good lashing. See ya'll clickers on the battle field (before you see me)!
  8. If you are using your mouse to click abilities, then you are not using your mouse to pan continuously. In PvP, this is generally a bad thing. I was a clicker many many many years ago. When I started to get into PvP, I quickly learned that it just wasn't going to cut it. I had to re-train my brain and fingers to do things differently. It was hard at first, but I am soooooo glad that I did it now. In the end, it made me a better PvPer and a better gamer overall. I would never go back to clicking now.
  9. SWToR: The #1 single-player SciFi MMO on the market. It is what it is... take it or leave it.
  10. I'm with the OP. Patch 1.2 is going to be nothing but fluff and nerfs... in fact I'm not entirely sure that the fluff wasn't added just to sugarcoat the nerfs. Awe... they nerfed my class into the ground... oh... but look... now I can put a restraining bolt on my annoying ship droid. Excellent! Sign me up!
  11. It cracked me up the first time my companion Riggs blurted out, "Now you're dumb, ugly AND dead!" There are lots of funny moments in this game. Too bad there isn't some good end-game to play. :/
  12. Maybe one day, game companies will realize that they have to design the end game content FIRST and put the majority of their development time and resources into this vital part of their game. And I'm not just talking about SWToR. Sadly, BW will soon be just another bump in the road of failed MMOs over the last few years. Why? Because they didn't learn from their predecessor's mistakes. GOOD END GAME = HAPPY LONG TERM $UBSCRIBER$ I think most players will forgive a crappy leveling experience once they get to the endgame and start having a LOT of fun. While on the other hand, most players will forget all about their fun leveling experience the instant they hit 50 and don't have anything fun to do. At that point, they just stop playing. And unfortunately, once players start leaving in droves, they don't come back. A decade ago, players where more forgiving because there just weren't many MMOs out there to chose from. If their chosen game had issues, they just sucked it up because they didn't have a lot of choice. But that is simply not true anymore. Now, every few months another company comes out with a big new MMO to try. So if a player isn't happy in his/her current MMO they can go try another one in a couple months. Ultimately, it is all about entertainment value for the money. If I'm not having fun, then why should I continue to pay for the service? If I'm having a blast, then you can bet your last dollar I'm going to keep playing and subscribing. This is not to say that SWToR doesn't have good qualities. In fact, every major MMO that has released over the last few years all had some good qualities about them. But, in the end, players left because the end-game content was not fun. Things developers need to learn: 1. Rinse and repeat content does NOT qualify as quality content. 2. Grinding is NOT fun. 3. Class balance is VITALLY important. 4. Knee-jerk reactions with the nerf bat are BAD. 5. Population and faction imbalances are CRITICAL issues. 6. Shoving everyone into the same gear sets that make us all look like carbon copies of each other is EMBARRASSING. 7. Force-feeding content that people don't enjoy (i.e. not letting players opt out of Huttball) is IRRITATING. 8. Too much CC without an adequately working immunity system in place is SHAMEFUL. 9. Long travel and/or zoning times are FRUSTRATING. 10. Bad economies are HUGELY disappointing. My list could go on... but those are just some of the first issues that popped into my head. But in the end, the point is, I will probably leave SWToR because I'm 50 and I'm not having fun. I will then start looking for another MMO to play. Guild Wars 2 will be coming along later this year and I'm sure I will be playing that. BW had a chance to make me a long-term customer, but they failed. Why? Because they didn't design a game that was in-touch with what I was looking for as an MMO player. Instead, they designed a single-player questing MMO with broken end-game content.
  13. I'm really disappointed. Just more typical PR spin and fluff.
  14. Bingo! I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I'm a CM and I'm valor rank 57 (I just dinged 50 this week and am currently wearing a mix of centurion and champion gear). Through my journey to level 50, I never once felt OP'd. For every warzone where I felt like I held my own and did well about (200K - 250K heals)... there was another warzone where I got my arse handed to me repeatedly and was lucky if I pulled in 100k heals. On a rare occasion, I could pull in 350K-400K but that was extremely rare and it usually meant I was the only healer and we were playing against an unorganized team. Now that I'm in the lvl 50 bracket of PvP, I'm consistently out-healed by Sages. In fact, every warzone I was in tonight, I was out-healed by a sage. Usually, by about 100K+ more than me. In one of the matches I was in, there was a sage that healed for over 600K! That just blew my mind. It was the highest healing number I've seen yet. My own record is 400K. But keep in mind... that is my record... not anywhere close to my average. I consider myself to be a decent player. I may not be the best but I think I do well consistently. I get enough players voting for me and sending me tells to thank me for the great heals, that I think I do okay. But it really makes me wonder where BW's benchmarks are set for healers when I see comments like: Really? Because I didn't feel "significantly over target" in Void Star last night when I died 9+ times in one match, spent most of the time in the time-out box, stun-locked (by an Operative that wouldn't leave me alone for 2 minutes) or being electrocuted from 3 different directions at once, and then we lost miserably 0 to 6. I think I got like 68K heals total and seriously thought about respec-ing to dps. Yeah, I wasn't feeling so "significantly over target" in my healing performance then. And knowing that my class is going to get whacked by the nerf bat in the very near future certainly didn't help matters. LOL! If I'm considered to be "significantly over target" then I guess that should put Sages in the "god-mode" category.
  15. Maybe they should start with you for whining about the whiners. LOL!
  16. They already stated that it is either/or for most abilities. There are very few exceptions to this.
  17. Incorrect. There are weapons on the PvP Weapons merchant that have enhancements with +6 Expertise Rating that you can start purchasing at level 34.
  18. This made me laugh because it is so true!
  19. I'm borrowing your signature too! These changes are NOT what this game needs moving forward. The devs have lost their minds if they think this is the solution.
  20. Last night I went to bed angry. Today, I woke up hoping it was all a bad dream. But alas, I sit here looking at the patch notes with complete and utter disbelief. I feel a strange mixture of overwhelming astonishment and bitter resentment. I simply can not get my head around why BW just gutted an underplayed class that was not over-performing. At best, we were decent healers who had to work harder than the other healing classes to achieve the same results. I canceled my account but I still have a few days left to play... yet... I don't even feel like logging in.
  21. I agree with this 100% I avoid using HS in PvP at all costs... it is basically a HUGE-GREEN-NEON-FLASHING-SIGN that reads: "Please kill me now!" Also, for the person who posted earlier that a Combat Medic is OP'd in a 1v1... Really? You do know CMs are single target healers right? So I stop healing my group to heal myself.... which if you were playing in a smart group gives you the opening you need. And you think that is OP'd? Really? Anyway, last time I checked, the game is not supposed to be balanced around 1v1. I do believe the devs have said that many times.
  22. That was NOT what I understood. I was lead to believe that more social armors where being added (including medium and heavy) and that it was coming in 1.2. This is yet another misleading and frustrating let down from the PTS patch notes.
  23. Heck, I would just be happy with: +Combat rez +Interrupt My feedback is sent. If changes go live as currently posted, I will respec my combat medic to DPS and if I don't like that... then I will un-sub. Either way, my group just lost their primary healer.
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