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Everything posted by Musezy

  1. But a CM without a guard = dead MUCH faster than other healers. We have a glaring lack of utility/mobility and can't even use our any-time heal on ourselves. All they have to do to kill us is wait for our shield to drop and then interrupt our AMP/MP. We have no stealth escape like a Scoundrel; we have no snare like a Scoundrel; we have no any-time self-heal like a Scoundrel; we have no AoE CC like a Scoundrel; we have no interrupt like a Scoundrel and the list goes on. We have to use our single target stun as an interrupt because we don't get one. Scoundrels get a stun and an interrupt and AoE CC and a snare. On top of that they get to vanish from a fight if they are in trouble. Plus, Scoundrel healers can get a 15% speed increase if they take Sneaky III. Basically, thanks to 1.2, a Sawbones Scoundrel can now heal as well as (or better than) a Combat Medic... but they have WAY more utility to go with it. So essentially, my issue isn't that a CM can't heal... obviously they can still heal (though not quite as well as before). My issue is that there is no reason to play a CM over a Scoundrel anymore because a Scoundrel can do just as much healing (if not more) as a CM but they also get an oversize bag of tricks to go with their upgraded healing skills. What do CMs get? An AoE Knockback... yay! Our lack of tricks means we die faster because we don't have the tools to get away from bad situations. Which means we spend more time off the field and less time actually doing our job.
  2. Reroll to Scoundrel. I loved my Medic before 1.2... but now I like my Scoundrel better. Sawbones can do everything a Medic can do (equal or better) but has FAR more utility and survivability: - Stealth - Vanish (get out of jail free card) - Interrupt - Snare - AoE CC - Anytime Self-heal - Speed boost (if you spec into Sneaky... second tier of Scrapper) I think it is great that they increased Sawbones healing to be on par with other healers. I think is sucks that they reduced the Combat Medic's healing without addressing their lack of utility and/or mobility. Before 1.2 Sawbones: Good utility, Bad healing Trooper: Bad utility, Great healing After 1.2 Sawbones: Good utility, Good healing Trooper: Bad utility, Good healing So overall, there is NO reason to play a CM post 1.2 over a Scoundrel when it comes to healing because everything a Trooper can do, a Scoundrel can do PLUS you get better utility.
  3. LOL @ EA being voted "The worst company in America." ...voted even worse than Bank of Ameriscam. Hahahahahahahaha!
  4. OP reminds me of the guy down the street that hands out bible verses to the kids who ring his doorbell on Halloween. ROFLOL! Don't get me wrong... it's not that there is anything wrong with bible verses... but some people will ALWAYS try to spoil the fun for everyone else just because they have no sense of humor or how to just enjoy life's most entertaining moments. Strict, rigid, unimaginative people who take things WAY too seriously miss out on everything that is good about life. Everyone should stop and smell the roses once in a while. Or... alternatively... get infected by Rakghouls.
  5. Did I mention that I have been TRYING to get infected for about an hour standing in a crowd of infected people on the fleet? It really isn't as easy as you think.
  6. Oh big whoop. In 20 minutes you will explode and have to click your medical probe button if no one else is around to rez you. It doesn't hurt. I promise.
  7. ^^^This. These people actually have a quest called "Plaguebearer" that says, "Infect other players: 0/10" They are NOT griefing you. They are playing the game and trying to complete their quests. If you don't want to be infected just don't stand next to someone that is. Easy solution. Heck I've been TRYING to get infected for about an hour and I can't seem to do it. LOL!
  8. This is just a temporary world event. Just lighten up and go with the flow. It is actually very funny. You have several options: 1. Buy a Rakghoul Vaccine from a medical vendor. 2. Do the quests on Tatooine and get free vaccines. 3. If you get infected, just wait 20 minutes (go about your business) and you will eventually explode and then when you rez up, you will be cured. 4. Avoid other sick players that have green clouds around them and glowing eyes if you don't want to play along. Seriously... it's just pixels on a screen. It's not like you can get the Rakghoul Plague in RL.
  9. Be nice if we got valor and commendations for it (particularly on PvP servers). But yeah, is nice for a change.
  10. Okay. Have fun playing by yourself in about a month. The problem with people like you (and with this mentality in general), is that after a while, no one wants to play with you anymore. You're so leet and great that you now can be King of the Hill and play with all your toys by yourself. Since when is playing a game about "punishing" the losers? Do you act that way when you play Chess with your real life friends or Monopoly with your family? Are you all about rubbing their faces in the dirt when you win? And making sure they feel the devastation of their loss as keenly as possible? I bet people don't like to play with you very much. Good competitive game-play never has to be about "punishing" the loser, but rather about challenging yourself to see how well you can preform. Respecting your opponent is key and appreciating the fact that, without them, there wouldn't be a game at all. The sooner you grow up and learn this, the better.
  11. Unfortunately, you are wrong. I wish you were right, I really do. But, if your team is out-matched, out-geared and/or out-numbered... and you are losing and getting utterly rofl-stomped... you will get MORE medals for just going and sitting down next to an objective that people are not fighting over. You will get several medals from just sitting there "defending" a turret. Trying to actively play the match will just get you slaughtered more and you will just die more which will net you LESS medals. I actually got ZERO rewards for trying to participate 100% in a match just like the one I described above because I only managed to earn two medals (you have to earn at least three to get rewards). Afterwards, I learned that if I had just given up and sat down next to the turret that was not being contested (like the rest of my loser team), I would have earned enough medals to get some rewards. True story. Sad, but true.
  12. I am a firm believer that players should earn their rewards. I also believe that those rewards should scale appropriately based on an individual's level of participation and performance (plus a hefty bonus for the winners of course). However... I DO NOT THINK IT IS EVER OKAY TO GIVE ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS NOTHING AT ALL. This is demoralizing to the losers and encourages poor sportsman-like conduct by more experienced/geared players who don't want to waste their time playing a match they think is a potential loss. If things stay the way they are, we will continue to see a negative trend of people ditching warzones (despite any penalties for doing so). We need a system that encourages the experienced/geared players to actually sick around and play with the 'bads' because those are the players that will help to guide, teach, and mentor the less experienced. This is a lose/lose situation. When players get demoralized they stop playing. Eventually the more dominant side will not have anyone else to play against because their opponents have given up entirely. The winners might be happy today because they are raking in their rewards... but eventually... when they run out of a steady supply of easy prey to rofl-stomp they will not be so happy anymore. I played 18 matches tonight. Out of all those matches, I only lost 6 matches. Out of all my losses, there was only ONE match that I got ZERO rewards. We were out-numbered and out-matched by an organized pre-made that was fully geared. Our 5-man team was getting the stuffing beat out of us left and right. No one stayed alive for more than 10-15 seconds at a time. It was ugly. But despite how bad things were, I was proud of our team for hanging in there the whole time. Not a single member of our PUG ditched the warzone. We stuck it out and did the best we could. After all, we would at least get something for our time/effort... right? I didn't expect much... I really didn't. Just some kind of consolation prize to say, 'Thanks for playing, better luck next time.' Yes, the winning team did well and they should rightly be rewarded accordingly (although, how much do you really think that pre-made should be rewarded for squishing a short-handed PUG repeatedly?). I guess you can all imagine the shock and dismay of receiving ZERO rewards. NO credits, NO commendations... NOTHING. In my opinion, we deserved SOMETHING for being such troopers throughout that miserable match. Heck, I would have been happy with 20 commendations (10 for each of my two medals that I earned). I was, after all, trying. I did the best I could under the circumstances. I was active the entire match and trying to make the best of a bad situation. ZERO IS JUST WRONG! A lot of people will feel this way. I know I am not alone. I win more than half my matches usually (tonight I won two-thirds).... but what about people that don't win very often? Do you really expect them to spend their entire night losing repeatedly and logging out empty handed? If so, I hope you don't expect them to still be subscribed in a month from now. tldr: It is NOT okay to give active participants absolutely NO rewards because their team was out-matched, out-geared or out-numbered.
  13. ^^ This. Level 50 PvPers are bored and frustrated. There was simply not enough content for us at launch... and now there is even LESS content since Ilum has been deprecated.
  14. I have two 50s and working on my third... so I got my 30 days. However, I feel sorry for everyone that has been playing since release and didn't get free time because they are (A) alt-aholics, (B) don't have a lot of time to play, or © just like to go slow and complete EVERYTHING. If I was in your shoes, I'd be super angry. They should have taken the high road by rewarding all loyal customers who paid for the game and have paid their subscription fees continuously since launch. Instead, they took the low road by trying to bait their most unhappy customers (those that are already at end-game content) into sticking around a little longer.
  15. Me and my buddy are both having the same sound issues. Is really annoying!
  16. Oh, I think most of us are keenly aware that Commandos have big problems. But not getting a free respec today just grated my last nerve and I needed to vent. It's like kicking someone when they are down... BW: "Hey folks, FYI, we are deprecating Ilum because it is broken and we can't fix it. Also we are NOT giving you ranked warzones in 1.2 like we said we would. Oh yeah, and while we were at it, we gutted your class and we're not even going to give you a respec! But... hey... at least you can put all your characters into a useless family tree! Hahahahaha!" Well... you get the idea...
  17. Thanks for the update APeckenpaugh. I appreciate you giving us more info... however... I still just feel slighted. And I am very grumpy today after the CM nerfs and lack of ranked warzones. Having my character nerfed, nerfed, nerfed, nerfed and then not even given the courtesy of a respec just rubs me the wrong way. On top of that: I don't like the new warzone, I think the Legacy tree stuff is stupid/useless fluff, and the lack of engaging open-field PvP combat has left a sour taste. The only thing I really like about 1.2 so far is the UI customization... but... that SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE GAME AT LAUNCH. So, yeah, I'm still frustrated. If it wasn't for the free month BW just gave everyone, I probably would have unsub'd today. But now BW has 30 more days to make me a happy customer again. We'll see how that goes...
  18. So I just logged in on my Combat Medic... and... NO FREE RESPEC? What the heck? My class got gutted and they didn't even bother to give me a respec? What the heck? Some of my other characters that I logged in on, got their free respecs. So why not my Combat Medic? I'M REALLY TICKED OFF ATM!!! I hope BW has a good explanation for why Combat Medics didn't get a free respec!
  19. ^^^ This! I really, really, really, dislike it when developers make so many negative changes to a class all at once. Knee-jerk reactions like this are usually over-kill, and then the devs are always reluctant to admit they made a huge mistake afterward. Ultimately, they will refuse to reverse or tone down some of the nerfs because it will make them look incompetent.
  20. /cry /sob /wail /weep /bawl I loved the laugh! I am sad.
  21. I will try it out. Probably stop playing if I am unhappy with the overall results.
  22. I appreciate and respect your desire to be showy. Heck, when I PvE (though admittedly not often) I kind of like the flashy green laser-beam too. Which is why I only want it changed for PvP. But your idea of a toggle would be nice too.
  23. He can also use a techblade. I have a purple lvl 50 techblade on mine and I use him all the time because he puts out good dps.
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