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Everything posted by Musezy

  1. My hubby and I came to an understanding very, very early in our marriage. Rule #1: As long as he goes to work every day, takes care of the yard work on a weekly basis and takes the trash out... I will NEVER complain about how much time/money he spends watching/attending sporting events. Rule #2: As long as I keep the house clean, do the laundry, do the shopping and make diner five nights a week... he will NEVER complain about how much time/money I spend playing computer games. There are plenty of other duties that we both share.. but these are the ones we have mutually agreed belong to each of us. It works out great because neither of us ever get nagged while doing the things we enjoy most.
  2. No. I'm bored and frustrated. I rolled on a PvP server hoping for massive open-field PvP where Empire and Republic could duke it out for galactic dominance. I wanted good solid, meaningful world PvP. - Ilum is broken and population imbalances have created a frustrating playing experience. - There are only 3 war-zones to play and I don't get to choose which ones I want to queue for. Gets old fast. - There are NO rewards for killing players in the game world on a PvP server. - PvP gear progression is terrible. Seriously... they expect people to go from 20 to 40 with no upgrades? - PvP currency system for gearing up is the worst I've ever seen in an MMO.
  3. Not sure if this helps but... When I got my new Logitech wireless keyboards and mice (two of each because I have two PCs) for Xmas... I paired all four devices to one PC just to see if I could use two keyboards and two mice at he same time on one PC. And yes, it worked. What I could NOT do was: pair one set of devices (a keyboard and mouse) to my second PC until I removed one set of them from the first PC's pairings. So... Two mice paired to one PC... yes. One mouse paired to two PCs... no. EDIT TO ADD: Also note, that when both mice where paired to the same PC, there was still only one cursor/pointer. Both mice controlled the same pointer.
  4. So the point of my post is to illustrate to the OP, that assuming everyone likes the same things he/she does is simply ridiculous. Sure there are plenty of things in SWTOR to do. But are any of those things fun and entertaining for other players like myself? Probably not. I rolled on a PvP server because I was hoping for massive open-field combat where Republic and Empire could duke it out, day and night, for galactic dominance. What I got instead was a broken open-world PvP zone, three whole warzones to grind repeatedly till I pull my hair out, and absolutely NO rewards if I kill an enemy player somewhere in the game world. Gee... sounds like a winner to me!
  5. Macros already exist in every game on the market... their called Nostromo / G15 / G700 / etc. Not putting a feature like this inside a game doesn't stop those who really want it. But it does put everyone else at a disadvantage. ...just say'in
  6. I guess it is just me and no one else is having the same is issue?
  7. So I queue up for a warzone, and I get a pop right away. I zone into a hutball match that is already in progress. As I enter the starting area and try to jump down into the playing field, the barrier closes in my face. So I am trapped. Shortly after that I get a warning to leave the protected area or I'll get kicked. While I'm waiting for the barrier to open up, I get kicked from the warzone. This is NOT the first time this has happened to me and it is EXTREMELY annoying... mainly because it sends you back to the FLEET instead of to the same place you were before the match. Then you have to waste 15 minutes running back to the planet you were on before this stupid bug decided to ruin your day. PLEASE FIX THIS!
  8. My biggest issue is that I don't have enough quickbars to put all of my abilities/buttons/stuff on. In the UI, I turned on all the extra quickbars... but still not enough. I wish they let you pick how many quickbars to have at the bottom of the screen. I could really use another one... or two.
  9. Like the game. Lot of cool stuff. Hate the PvP gearing system. Most convoluted, frustrating, overly-complex system EVER. When I have to leave the game and search the internet just to figure out how to get my gear... something is VERY wrong. Why can't I just earn some sort of currency and then use that currency to by what I want? Why do I have to convert it into two different forms of currency, then purchase a bag, then open the bag and get another form of currency? Seriously? I would ask what kind of idiot would think up a system like this... but really I should be asking what kind of idiot's boss would approve something like this and let it get into the live game? It SHOULD be so simple... lower level gear costs less... higher level gear costs more. If I want something that costs 763 currency, then I know I need to get 763 currency. Since it is obviously too difficult to comprehend, here is how the system should work: 1. Earn currency in PvP 2. Take currency to vendor 3. Spend currency at vendor to buy gear
  10. Hi there, My buddy and I have been playing together for a long time. We come from playing Dark Age of Camelot (mostly) but we have played many other MMOs as well, such as WarHammer, Age of Conan, Aion, StarTrek Online, etc. Currently, we are seeking one or two more like-minded people with similar play schedules to join up with for leveling, Heroics, Flashpoints, PvP etc. We will also consider joining another small guild but not until we have played with that guild for a bit to see how we 'fit'. I am currently playing a Sith Juggernaut and my buddy is playing a Sith Sorc. We are both level 38 and would like people close to our own level so that we can start doing dungeons and such immediately. Ideally we would like another healer and/or Ranged DPS. Requirements: - Adults only! We are middle-aged players and don't usually enjoy hanging with a young rambunctious crowd. - Must have laid-back casual attitude with a semi-hardcore gaming interest. We are fairly experience players and probably not a good fit for newbie guilds/players. -Must play most weeknights and some weekends. Some weekday play time is a bonus. - NO DRAMA ALLOWED. We do not play to engage in e-drama. Over emotional players, those who get pissed easily, or get their feelings hurt when they aren't catered to, are NOT DESIRED. We game for fun... so please leave your emotional baggage at the door. -MUST USE VENT. Voice communication is a must for us. We've been gaming together so long we never even look at our chat boxes anymore. If you are interested, you can post here, or PM me, or message Musezy in game. Happy Hunting, Musezy
  11. Probably been posted a zillion times, but because the search function is disabled I'm posting it again. Sorry. 1. Tank puts guard on squishy 2. Tank and/or Squishy dies 3. Tank and/or Squishy get rez'd 4. Tank tries to re-guard squishy again but can NOT 5. Tank gets error message: "Player is already being guarded" 6. Squishy is actually NOT being guarded. 7. Tank and Squishy do not have the Guard buff icon and Squishy does not receive the benefits from guard. 8. Tank can toggle Guard on/off of other players/companions but can not put Guard back on original Squishy until he/she re-logs or re-zones. Please fix this. Thank you!
  12. Why do people continue moaning about it you ask? Because NO SEARCH = people can't search for: "why is there no search function" ...DUH! I thought that was rather obvious myself. But I guess that is just me.
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