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Everything posted by Hockaday

  1. lol ya, they do it when it's not even needed. The melee really aren't happy either
  2. Thanks for the guide! This spec is the only reason I really like sniper now (besides having cool downs...that's nice). Now I just have to get my tanks to stop pulling adds out of aoes on commanders.../twitches
  3. MM Sniper does higher dps than Lightning, by quite bit.
  4. Then you would be, and are, wrong. If you didn't use -two- cool downs with force storm, it was the lowest aoe that a ranged class got. Both sniper-and- merc chainable aoes did, and now far do, more damage than force storm. For comparison, my ungeared sniper -and- merc's aoes do more than my geared sorc aoe. But it's a good thing PvPrs have one less circle to avoid now I suppose.
  5. In PvE, sorcs had the weakest aoe to begin with. Now it's near useless. PvPrs... It wasn't even warranted in PvP. Moving out is hard...I understand taking the snare off it. Fine, that puts all the aoes on near equal ground, sorc doing the lowest damage but still most chainable. The damage nerf was just stupid.
  6. Anyone have a confirmation on the rotation for 3.1.2? Couldn't find one, and figured others know sorc better than I have figured it out.
  7. Oh my apologies, Didn't realize you meant Windowed windowed, haha. I think it does stick to 1920x1080 in that as well...but I've never ran it more than once or twice on accident. Once I had swtor about a pixel wide once...that was interesting.
  8. Something is wrong. I run windowed mode at 1920x1080. I've actually ran it at 2560 or w/e x 1440.
  9. Did both..A ok. I turn shadows off because ****** GPU (6870) otherwise I'm fine. 1920x1080. i5 2500k 4.2 UI doesn't really affect FPS, besides sometimes when opening a certain menu. SW:TOR Unleashed has never worked either...no idea why people use it.
  10. If someone says GPU doesn't matter...yeah they're wrong. It just doesn't matter as much as single player games etc. Have you tried turning off the shadows? Turning off AA? Bloom? I rarely drop below 40 fps, normally higher in warzones with the shadows off, everything else maxed. That being said, your mobile hardware may just be pushed beyond its limits (with this game and its problems etc). Edit: Make sure to notice what colour your FPS are. If it's red, it's CPU, Green, GPU, Yellow, both. I have an overclocked i5 2500k at 4.2 GHz. I also ran this game for the longest time at stock clocks, did not really notice any difference. GPU is 6870. Tonight I was pvping, 14 people around me, everything maxed but shadows. Just fine, never blelow 30 iirc. Your hard ware I believe is pushing it though, it's similar to what my iMac had. It had a core2duo and a 4775 or something or other. It was playable back in the day though in PvP, probably not as well today though.
  11. Or it could be that I paid for a large amount of sub time ahead of time with SW:TOR...(I totally did, 10 USD for 2 months of sub, I got a bunch). My friend and I currently raid HM content, I like the story. There are still things I like, but I will probably be subbing to Wildstar again soon. As SW:TOR only has a few hours of content a week for me. As for others comments of Wildstar, there are differing opinion. I view the combat as the best that is currently out there for a western MMO. It takes a bit of skill to play. Unlike SW:TOR, where the average group can't manage to kill a boss where you do nothing but stand in a corner, and don't aoe. The trade system they use is far superior, with it we might not have the idiocy that is SW:TOR GTN, where everyone undercuts by large amounts and a steady price is rarely if ever established due to market limits. The art style of Wildstar is appalling in my eyes, the story seemed bland and cliche'd. SW:TOR's art style is great, and the story, while generally one sided to the republic (they even get extra content) is good. Both games have balancing issues, but SW:TOR's issues are getting near EQ2 standards. The new outfit designer is a clone of what Wildstar uses, but with less options. The new FPs that everyone thinks are far too difficult, are about on the same level as the Wildstar intro group zones. I like a bit of a challenge, but challenge doesn't sell. But at the end of the day, I still have a bit of fun on SW:TOR, and care enough about what is going on with it. I'm also beta'ing skyforge as well. How dare I like multiple things and want all of them to be better / have a higher standard. So again, are you simple?
  12. Well, try it again. I just tried it, SW:TOR repatches itself. All this does is waste bandwidth and time. My point, though, is that you're saying when you disable a large majority of visual fx, your performance goes up. To me, and most people, that'd be obvious. Not only that, but doing this (if it worked) would render the game (couldn't resist the pun) unplayable, as all your reticles would be gone; as stated previously. I'm not arguing that there aren't optimizations to be made probably...maybe...I don't know if there can be. I just fail to see how disabling all the visuals in the game proves your point that there are optimizations to be made. I think the more interesting bit is the UI elements. As for Mac's running Windows better, this has been an interesting thing observed for some time. But to your question about my fps drops etc, no, I don't normally experience large drops. I have and do PvP with my settings on high / ultra. Though, what I do experience is the game running at 60-90 fps but it will feel like 10 fps. I believe they commented on this and it was a server issue. It never ceases to amaze me how other MMOs like Wildstar or Skyforge, run at 24-30 fps, but feel buttery smooth...this runs 40-90 fps and feels single digit at times.
  13. Because I like SW:TOR...are you simple? I criticize it because I like it and want it to be better. But Wildstar, to me, is the future of how MMOs should be built combat wise, trade wise, etc. There is -a lot- that MMOs could and should learn from it. There are also some pretty massive F ups with it, like 20 and 40 man raids, being P2P when it should be F2P etc.
  14. 70 ms is unbearable. There is a significant delay between your actions at that. 50 ms have been usually noticeable, but you can stomach it. And yes, less than 30 fps tends to get pretty choppy on this game. Yes, I might try it again sometime just to see if the situation changed. But I don't think it was just my problem if it was a problem for 6 people in all different parts of the country. Something was wrong if a person in austrailia got the same or better latency than those of us in the states. As for the 70ms, it is very noticable. The way this game handles it is odd, as I've played other games which reported 100+ latency, but it felt buttery smooth. This game starts to fall apart around 50-55.
  15. You're missing the point. If you turn off anything that uses hardware, of course your performance will increase. So...yes, as it would turn out, having visual fx impacts performance. Eitherway, you can't do what is described anymore. All it does is make your patcher repatch 9% of the game. As for the hardware issue above...maybe everyone should build their rigs as hackintoshes? Macs run windows better than Windows PC usually...and that's how I built mine...and I don't have these issues o.O
  16. I stopped reading after this. You don't now how parsing and parsers work. The reason you can't do that is because of how the combat logs are done. In a game like EQ2, everyone's combat is in YOUR log so YOU can parse it. In SW:TOR, only YOURs is. They did this on purpose so we can't laugh at every scrub who does less damage than my tank does.
  17. Your cpu benched more than mine stock, mine stock runs the game far better than yours. It's on your end. O.C. or something if you want. Maybe that will help, I've been O.C.'d since a bit before 3.0 so maybe something changed, I dunno. Back to thread. Why do we think that the swtor main art file is bad? Because what I've read...that's quite...stupid. Not saying it might not be...but you guys are basically saying "once I turn all the FX off my fps is high! RABBLE RABBLE SWTOR IS BAD!" I'm sure I'm missing something...but really? Now the UI Issue...that's something else. I suppose there is no way to work around that ourselves, is there?
  18. It's near impossible to play on a west coast server if you're on the east coast of the US. They did a terrible job. Example: When my group who had an Australian in the group were trying out new servers, on east coast servers we had 30-40ms latency, he had 300-600. On west coast servers, we all had, including him, 160-200.
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