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Everything posted by Hockaday

  1. ...don't, don't bring lore into this. Your entire argument falls apart. But fine, we'll talk about lore. Why are Marauders using two sabres? It doesn't fit the lore. Why are Assassins not using Juyo? It doesn't fit the lore. Yes, weapons should be interchangeable, you're flat out wrong about that. Your OH is just a proc, it could be done, it won't be done.
  2. He means when crafters could RE green / blue items to make customizable ones... I believe. And Companion role kits have to come back...I don't remember why they took them away. I believe it was because the WoW kiddies who didn't like that you could kill companions also couldn't handle the "complexity" of switching companion roles...
  3. Wouldn't old school decay be when you can't use your gear again ever?... Just because a crafter makes a repair item, doesn't mean your game isn't theme park.
  4. This is why they had you make an Origin account. It uses your webcam and tracks your internet history and cookies. I never get the male on male flirt options...just be true to yourselves. It gets better.
  5. Eh, I disagree. OH is just a % proc. Fact is, weapons are just cosmetic, and if a class is built around a specific weapon type it's bad design. (This is what they get for having a guy who worked for SoE there. Thanks for the Hero Engine too...) But I just thought we all knew this wouldn't happen...so debating it is worthless.
  6. ... the sorc looks ridiculous as is. It never uses its sabre...never. Unless it thrashes / sabre strikes for funsies. In fact, I could see a saber staff looking quite good, if their stance showed it as an actual staff and the like. And ofcourse it might look silly using two...I think it would. But then, if you and I think it'd look silly...why would you use two? I wouldn't...let other people use two. I think looking naked or skimpy in combat is silly...but people can and do do it. And I don't make a fuss on the forums.
  7. Colour change. Not sure why it's pink...it shouldn't be pink. Make it purple or dark red or w/e. Hell, make it black. As a tank I'm still not a huge fan of it, though the 5 minute duration has helped quite a bit. In reality, it's probably fine as is... just not as OP as reflected etc. But I would like to see it usable while stunned.
  8. Do you have a quote or source for this? I'd love to see that. Also, I would assume most would understand that tech classes would still use tech weapons, and force users would still use force weapons. Though...it would be interesting to go full blown free for all.
  9. Except...it is. In what you said, you said that weapons are -the only- incentive to play a class. Which is, false. It may be for some, it's certainly not for others. But at the end of the day, it should be obvious that making a cosmetic feature (which is what weapons, armour, races etc are) a defining role of your character...is just poor design. Ultimately, a class is mechanics, nothing more. The rest is just how you look.
  10. Trooper healers don't have to use assault cannons afaik, just an FYI. No stat loss, etc. Just the loss of two attacks.
  11. Yes, I have. Not to mention, the ones that are tauntable, do so little damage that the tank's mitigation is near worthless. Again, you are dragging your group down by running a tank in the new TFPs. I could quazi sorta kinda not really, but ok understands this, if they released real versions of these TFPs as HM FPs.
  12. This is just blatantly false, and you know it. Yes, a specific type can provide some incentive...but you know what really is the incentive to play a specific class? The class itself, how it plays, the mechanics, etc. Not that it wears light armour or med or heavy, or uses a specific weapon etc.
  13. Some may not remember, but one of the original devs is to thank about gear being locked to classes, the weapons being locked, and that gear transforms its appearance imp vs pub side. And of course, it's all thanks to PvP... like always. aka the game ruiner. He wanted it so that you could tell a class apart just by looking at it. While nice...is what we have / added class symbols for.
  14. ...I would love to see a Hutt do DFA though... Maybe not a playable race, but how about a Halloween costume?
  15. Going to say you don't like to actually tank. Go play the new tfps, I'll wait. Enjoy half the things not being tauntable / agroable. And the "you can't hold agro" debuff.
  16. I don't think you know how classes work... Move along. I support being able to use any weapon on any class kind of thing, but it won't happen for a few reasons as we all should know by now.
  17. 1. Make tanks have a reason to play besides raids. 2. Balance Jugs by either buffing sins or nerfing jugs. 3. Nerf jugs. 4. Stop listening to Tam. 5. New HM and add NiM FPs. (NiM Lost Island without any nerfs please) 6. 4 man ops. (won't happen but would be great) 7. Buff PT agro so PTs can tank... 8. Stop balancing the game around PvP. 9. Add a way to use appearance gear from imps to pubs. 10. Reward your Collector's Edition already. Seriously, getting old. 11. Add rewards and items for force users...we get it, you buff non force users and give them the majority of the gear as rewards so people will play them. Spoiler: People play them, now give force users rewards. 12. Fix your cartel coin per month deal... 13. Make combat drop actually work. 14. Class / Companion stories...you actually leave a companion story on a cliff hanger. The hell is with that? 15. Fix my sabre from appearing green on the fleet. 16. Stop listening to Tam, he's terrible. 17. Stop buffing sorcs...specifically healer sorcs. In PvP a good one was near Immortal anyway, the buffs you've given them off the last patches just pushed it over the top.
  18. She pulls 8k ehps...op as /censored.
  19. :/ Well, some people think the ranged companions are better than the melee...so I'd believe anything. Bleeds ftw!
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