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Everything posted by Rahl_Windsong

  1. I did the exact same thing yesterday, I suddenly rememebered as I was taking a speeder on Tatooine that I never spent my Nar Shaddaa medals so as soon my speeder ride ended I hit my fleet ticket and as soon as I got to the vendor I was like..."OMG! look at that blaster I have to have it!"....what! I cant use it???? offhand..:confused: What it reminds me about is that commercial where the guy lets the kid play with a nice big red truck and then says, "Ok, time is up!" and he takes the red truck away from the kid and hands him a cardboard cut out of a truck that it looks like was made by a preschooler and the kid promptly says, "Its a piece of junk! why can't I play with the red truck?" and the man replies, "That was a time limitted offer it says so right here in the fine print" Because "offhand" is so fine print and so easy to miss and so so dissappointing when you do...
  2. Seems like every class at some point around level 26 to 30 come up against a class quest that you simply can not solo. You keep trying it a few times and then realize it is well above your abilities, and the one I am talking about is for the Smuggler and it is on Tatooine, the class quest, "The Lightspring". One of the best cutscenes I have seen in the game bar none. So I will not ruin that part for you. There is a gold Sith I think level 29 and then there is Diago and he is gold level 29 and he is huge and a very tough scrapper indeed. The Sith lady heals herself and she has aoe damage and the only reason I don't die is I have that skill "dissappearing act". There is a reason for this, and like I said I think every class has one or maybe more of these type of quests and the reason is so that the player can not simply follow the class quests to the end, these quests are designed to slow you down. They are made so that you either get help and move on right away or if you are the type like me that wants to solo all the class stuff, you level and come back and try again and you keep doing that until you win the fight. Seems like its working as intended to me....
  3. One thing I will mention that could happen in SWTOR is.... Beware of the Ewok! I heard thats the next playable race....discuss..
  4. I agree this needs to be fixed asap, I think that there may also be something wrong with Bowdaar the Smuggler's Wookie companion because I have had times when I see a quest maker where he stands on my ship, yet I go there and he is no where to be seen yet I can still see the quest marker saying he wants to speak to me. Then what I did was I started to go back to other planets and when I got into orbit above Nar SHada where I got him as a companion he was then in his spot and I could talk to him. I sent in a ticket about it but all I ever got back was the standard, "we recieved your ticket" spiel.
  5. LOL in beta I got to level 20 then realized I had all of these points I never used ....ahem nevermind I know its stupid but true!
  6. I see the option to make my account more secure but it seems like because I chose the digital version that I don't have anything with a serieal number on it so I can enter that for my secutrity key. I don't see why they can't just email you a security number with the rest of the stuff, do I have to pay extra for this feature, just to make my account more secure? You would think that as the developer of this game that you would want my account to be as secure as someone who bought the game from a store, I just don't get it at all... thanks for any answers...
  7. Thing is though stuff always changes like some have said maybe server caps go up on launch day, maybe down the road they offer server transfers and you could transfer to a different server. I see your point though cause really level 32 is nothing to get back again and its all good anyway, just skip the movies 2nd time if you already played that class.
  8. First off I would like to know if this server is up already and if so how do I see it on my server list? I also would like to know if I activate that on the launcher will I still be able to play on the regular servers or will my version be different and I will need to reinstall for the regular servers? I was a full time beta tester and I enjoyed it and I would like to continue to test the games new features but I don't want to loose the ability to play on my regular server. Thanks
  9. I do not like the idea of cross server anything except paid transfers and even that does not have to come for a while. However there can be improvements to the looking for group option though I have yet to see any MMO get that right so maybe its not that easy to do... The things I think need improvement are often just polish compared to game changing things though I have a few of those as well. 1) Random audio in this game feels like it was added so that they could launch on time. I have played pretty much every single Bioware game when it was new going back as far as Baldur's Gate, and never have I seen a game by them that has such poor audio like TOR does. For instance as I head to my ship at the Taris Space Port I pass by a Holo Image of the Governor of the planet, and she starts her random spiel about her political agenda and I can still hear her just as well standing on the ramp of my ship as I can standing right next to the Holo Image of her. My ship is on a different level that I had to take an elevator to get to, and anyone who has played this game knows that the elevator is located at the longest distance possible from the entrance, and the Gov's holo image is right near that entrance. There are even cases of this in Cantinas where the random NPC conversation will drown out the conversation the player is having with a Quest Giver NPC making it actually effect game play because the player can not hear what they need to hear for the quest. This is definetly not up to the standards I am used to from Bioware, and extremely dissappointing to say the least. I am used to random comments from my companions in Bioware games being something I will get a laugh from, not something I will laugh at because it is so pathetic. This is something that should have been in beta and definetly not something we should hearing the day before launch because unless we are going to be downloading a whole new client tommorrow I don't see how this can be fixed with a simple patch. 2) No combat log. What this tells me is that Bioware is still balancing classes for PvP and until they do balance them they would rather we do not have a combat log so that we can provide proof if class unbalance exists. Now I am actually fine with this if that is why we do not have a combat log at launch, however that means that at some point when they feel they have the classes balanced the way they want them that they give us a combat log or allow the community to start to mod the game with our own things like combat logs and other things. 3) No mods allowed, and no macro's. At the very least I wish they would allow us to make some sort of macro's like why do I need to press "C" to bring up the character window and then "I" to bring up the inventory window when I should be able to at least bind that to one key press? I really do hope they will consider allowing community mods because I think they will find that the community will show them a thing or two about UI and targeting and a whole host of other things that perhaps they don't really understand as well as some of the modders will if the community is allowed to mod the game. That is the main reason we need mods is because it will actually improve gameplay if they do it right. 4) Maps. Why are the maps so difficult to use? Mostly because the world is 3D as in levels where an object might appear to be on your level but it is actually one level above you or below you. To solve that and have the target on the players screen at all times why not have it color coded. The target is green if you are on the correct level and a different color if you are above or below it, that way the target could be on your screen at all times and not just when you get to the correct level. This would make all maps and quest targets much easier to read and locate in the game. These are all things that to me look like the game was rushed and just made so that they could launch on time, and that is fine as long as they plan to fix these things as the game moves forward. As it stands now TOR is a very fun game to play, however it is definetly not up to the standards I am used to from Bioware, the only part of the game that is up to their standards is the story aspect of the game, that part is really well done indeed. The gameplay part, not so much.
  10. If you just started MMO's after WoW had been out for say 5 years or more and that is the only MMO you have ever played, not saying the OP did this but, it would make a new MMO like TOR is now seem like there is alot less to see and do and he would be right. However if you want to play and grow with the game you need to stick around through the early parts like we see now. There is definetly more to do in a game like WoW that has been in development for 7 years beyond its release date, but I was there in WoW in beta and really about the only real complaint I have is that there is no combat log, I hate PvP without it because I can't tell what the best combo's are because there is no data to analyze. Honestly I think they have left out the combat log to reduce complaints that classes are not properly balanced for PvP because with a combat log you would at least have a tool to provide proof for your arguments. Now if they have done this to reduce complaints, that is all well and good however they need to be working on class balance and a combat log that will be released in conjuction with each other. TOR will not survive with big numbers long term unless Bioware can make PvP competative and fun and not just a simple copy of everything else that is out there. I am really hoping all of this was just made to work for launch and they will be adding to all aspects of the game in the future. Random Audio in this game completely sucks and feels tacked on so that they could launch. For instance I am heading to my ship on Taris and as I pass by a holo of the Governor she starts her spiel about her political agenda and I can still hear her just as good going up the ramp of my ship as I could standing right beside the holo. There is so much like that in the game that in my mind is not up to Bioware standards and it feels like the dev team was told to do the best they can but get it ready for Launch on Dec 20.
  11. I dont really think this post should be taken seriously, because the game has not launched yet and Bioware did say AA would be in at launch, and they have also stated that there will be a considerable maintenance down time on the 19th in prep for launch. So we may be downloading an entire new client day before launch and that could enable AA....
  12. You should also be able to shift click things into description so that if I want to sell something I can quickly see what it is selling for so I can set mine at a competative price. That is pretty basic if you ask me...and why that is not in is ridiculous
  13. I think the gathering spot will come but not until enough of the population reaches the level cap, we shall see when that happens I guess.
  14. Let us wait and see what Bioware can come up with rather then just a copy of the WoW arena which btw is designed poorly in the first place. Last I checked it is not even the 20th yet, so the game has not officially launched and you want something in it that took several years of development for WoW to implement and even then it sucked.
  15. I find that I am grouping more in this game because it rewards you to group as in social points and I think you will see in the future many new things you can get through the various social levels.
  16. I had that exact same problem in beta I did not know about the speeder purchase at level 25 and I sent my guys out on all sorts of missions plus I even expanded my inventory (a complete waste of 5k at early levels) and I bought a few to many med packs and stims. Then all of a sudden I needed a speeder on Tatooine and no credits to get one, and it was only through the kindness of a weekend beta tester I met that allowed me through his donation of 9k to get my speeder before beta ended. So if you fall behind by wasting credits on silly things it can be difficult to get back to where you should be in terms of credits to spend on things you need like training.
  17. What I dont get is when something sells you get a notice saying it sold but you have to wait an hour to get the credits. Why do they waste the time to send me a message until the credits are actually there? lol
  18. You will get your space ship if you complete everything on Coruscant, not sure on the Sith side cause I have not played it yet. So by level 15 -17 or so you should have your ship depending how fast you complete your class quests.
  19. Ok well the players who are completing these space mission could you possibly post a few tips because my ship blows up every single time I try it. It is a good thing they just let me try again because I have gone through about 10 ships now...lol I am useless at it I guess...
  20. I would give them a C+, and not a B because I have played pretty much every single Bioware game ever made and they have always been about inovations in game play and I do not see any of that in TOR. The setting is beautiful but not done to the degree that it should be, and again not finished to Bioware standards that I have come to think of as benchmarks in the gaming industry. TOR has one bench mark and that is the ability for a group to take part in a cinematic conversation and have all of the groups choices have consequences. That is excellent, however it seems like they accomplished that and then decided to just tack on game play and the rest of it just so they could launch on time. Where are the mini games in Cantina's? Why when I walk into a cantina does a random conversation start up and then I either have to wait for it to complete or it drowns out any convesation I am having with an NPC quest giver in that area? It is not game breaking but it smacks of not being finished and polished properly and I have never seen a Bioware game like that before. All random audio in the game feels just tacked on so that they could launch the game and not something Bioware should be proud of at all. It must be fixed. When I choose a different race in character creation it seems like a just another human body with different colored skin and a different head. There is no distinction between playable races what so ever in terms of how the walk, how they stand, everyone is just human with different looks. Again this is inexcuseable from a developer like Bioware, how could they possibly make a Star Wars game and make every race seem so human? Not something they should be proud of at all. At the very least they need to give all races every control there is in character generation, for instance complection changes and eyebrow changes are tied to one control, seperate them and give us more diversity. Seperate all of the controls in character generation, there are others that are tied together as well. Where is the AA setting in the graphics? It has to be there because thats a standard in game design now, and everyone knows that, Bioware knows that and if they don't add it TOR looks like a throwback to the 80's and certainly not something we should be seeing in an AA title like TOR. Don't get me wrong I am having fun with the content that is here, however I can see from being in beta and playing a Scoundrel to level 31 that doing it over again is not something that TOR was really designed for. The first time through it all seemed really great, now that I have done it all before I find myself wanting to get to the part where beta ended and I am skipping the story to get there, and possibly if the game play was better designed getting there again would be a lot more fun then it is now. I have high hopes for TOR because I have been a fan of Bioware games for so long and I hope and pray that they go through posts like this thread and learn from the mistakes they made at launch.
  21. It is so obvious why they do not have a combat log in this game, and it is because they are hopefully trying to balance the classes before they give us the tool to provide proof that the classes are completely unbalanced in PvP. If everything was in balance they would have no reason not to have a combat log in TOR, it can't survive long term without stuff like, combat log, mods, macro's, etc. Because once the content has been done by the majority of the population then the grind starts, and the only way you can endure a grind until the next new content comes along is to have all that stuff in the game. I just hope Bioware realizes this and is working towards all of that stuff or at least giving us their version of those kind of features because I worry about the long term prospects of TOR without it.
  22. Glad I just bought the standard version, I like it better that way anyway see I need to find everything instead of getting some junk that I actually paid real money for, well except that black/yellow crystal which btw I am still using in my blaster cause its the best one I have come across so far at level 17.
  23. There is a lot they could do just by allowing us to enter macro's and save them, they could even limit to say 5 macro's per player if they wanted to after that you need to delete one to make a new one. For instance why on earth do I need to press C to bring up character screen and then I to bring up inventory? There should be one key press for that. That is a simple one but the list goes on and on and I really can't see myself lasting to long if they can't fix at least simple stuff like that. Quite frankly the whole combat aspect needs work, as in a combat log as well. However they may be leaving that out because classes are so unbalanced in PvP and they don't want anyone to be able to provide proof.
  24. No you just need to pause for a second when you have to choose an answer and decide if you want LS points or DS points, you can press space to skip most of the conversations however if you press ESC you will exit the conversation and either won't get the quest or you won't turn it in unless you begin the convo again. I even find myself doing it sometimes and I really do love the story but after you already know what they are going to say it becomes a tad repetitious.
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