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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Thamelas

  1. Shrug! I am retired and able to play when I want and as long as I want. I started on the Jedi Covenant server and usually see the word 'heavy' when checking on server status. I had to wait in ques twice in beta but have had no ques at all in early access or after. Game plays smooth on my ordinary computer, any lag is minor and occasional. The population number has never been below 70 and averages 90+ and that is at the various times I have have played - from 3AM in the morning or noon during the day or 7PM at night.


    I fully realize that such things vary. I am on an east coast server (USA). My local provided is Roadrunner and so far I simply cannot complain. I was surprised to see some posts that said they saw only 1 or a few people while playing. I spend most of my time away from the hubs nor have I reached above level 14 in game. I play only when I feel like it and take my time so I know there are different attitudes and playstyles.


    For example more than half the quests I have played there have been other players on the same quest. Have had to wait for end point access (reset) numerous times and have had a few others waiting for me so it could reset and let them finish. No 'gimme that' folks so far, usually help each other out without any group. Nice bunch so far but plenty of other players around.


    I have encountered a few bug like problems such as one of my Commendations (Coruscant) has shown up in my main inventory window instaed of the currency tab. When I run into such things I simply report them and move on. All in all I want to add a post that says Bioware has an extremely satisfied customer and it looks like I will be here for a long time. I wish things were better for some of these posters. I wish I had a solution for you. I don't. I just hope you stay with us and give it a good chance to improve for you. If you quit the rest of us will honestly miss you - we need you in game. Good Luck!


    Garry, please don't misunderstand me. I love this game. I wish it all the success. I just feel like Bioware is ignoring and outright lying about some very glaring problems.


    I feel like I'm yelling in a forest, and no one hears it.

  2. I think what this all proves is that its an idiotic game design... Its a good theory for handling populations, but its practical application and implementation leaves a huge amount to be desired. This is beside the fact that Bioware stated in the Beta Forum that later planets would not have instancing...
  3. Seriously....


    I just passed 1 person in Mos Ila on Kaas City server... Yeah 1 person.


    Tatooine Instance 1 - 61 Players

    Tatooine Instance 2 - 48 Players


    Explain that...


    Yeah that instance system is working out really well isn't it? As I recall you told us in beta that instancing would only be used on beginning worlds. Right... This instancing stuff is ruining the game for a lot of people.

  4. Got a good news, the ques improved dramaticaly! 3 dayz ago, I had like 2k que and have been waiting more than 4 hours in peak time. Past 2 dayz dramatical improvement occured. Now I have in peak time app 900 que and wait time is up to an hour. Significant! I belive, that in few dayz, there will be no ques and everything works just fine. I would like to know what BW did to improve, was this a purpouse? Will never find out ...


    Enjoy the game, the story is epic and I did not miss a single conversation (cinematics) ...


    Bioware didn't do anything. People got tired of waiting, and said eff it.


    Bioware's server strategy is epic fail and is blowing their launch. The guy in charge of it needs to be replaced. Period.


    I'm in a queue, but when I log in most planets have a low population. Where the hell is everyone for it to be a full server?! Oh! I know...Its full because the server cap is only like 500...

  5. I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


    For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


    My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


    The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

    - Quests are rewarding too much XP

    - War zones are rewarding too much XP

    - Space combats are rewarding too much XP


    As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


    Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


    If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


    Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


    => Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.



    I told them all of this about every week for months in Beta. They didn't listen to any Beta testers... Why the hell did they even bother to have a beta test?I have no respect for Bioware anymore. They didn't listen to any of the testers. Now they have royally screwed up with low server caps. I'm about ready to say the hell with Bioware...

  6. There are not enough people one Nar Shaddaa to get a group for a Heroic 4. Good job on these low *** server caps Bioware. Beta was a hell of a lot better than this crap you are pulling with the servers.


    Raise the damn server population cap already. You honestly need to fire the person that thought that idea up...

  7. they use phases, etc to keep it from being too overcrowded (meaning that people on your server can be right next to you, but you can't see them).


    yes, it makes it seem more barren, but without it, you would not be able to complete any quests, anywhere, because people would be taking all your mobs.


    Honestly...I'd rather compete for quest items than run around in this deserted crap...

  8. so does anyone know if gamestop is having a midnight release for this game? i asked my local gamestop in Des moines ia and the guy said they should be but that was back on the 10th of this month, but i forgot to call today and ask for sure =/


    My local store said corporate forbid them to, and if anyone sold it early they would be fired. Yet three of my friends had theirs delivered by UPS already from Gamestop.com.

    I have to wait till tomorrow to buy my CE that I pre-orderd.

    I won't buy another damn thing from them.

  9. All of my local stores are not staying open till after midnight to sale the game. They all said they got a message from Corporate that said they could not sale it before tomorrow, and if they did they would be fired. ***?! Meanwhile, three friends that pre-ordered from Gamestop online have already had theirs delivered by UPS. Yet I can't buy mine until normal store hours tomorrow.


    Last time I am buying a damn thing from Gamestop.

  10. LOL, this^


    You have to dig to find stuff you posted on like 15 mins ago, sometimes. And we don't even have a search feature yet :p


    These forums are ran on vBulletin software. They have a search option. Bioware is just too lazy to turn it on in the admin options. I know...I have run a vBulletin forum for years.

  11. Considering an appearance tab would immediately, completely end irrevocably render the mod system obsolete...


    Not going to happen. Ever.


    How in the hell would it render the mod system obsolete? The mod system has exactly jack squat to do with a gear's appearance.

  12. You do realize it's cosmetic, right? :) Sorry, I'm a big RP nerd and to me, if I find some ugly mask that is insanely great armor, I'm going to wear that ugly think like a champ because it's a good mask and helps me not die.


    I'm not going to a fashion show...I'm trying to destroy the Jedi. :)


    Of course its cosmetic. That's the point of it...


    You have real gear you wear that is ugly and hidden, and then you have the gear you like that you and everyone else see's.

  13. After playing for a long time, in beta and now in live, I have concluded that an appearance tab is needed. I was a big supporter of the Unify Color To Chest Piece option, but not anymore. I rolled a Sith Sorcerer, and took synthweaving. Looking ahead at the high level crafted gear...its all ugly as hell. Especially the kendo style mask. I am now firmly in the appearance tab camp. Unify Colors to Chest Piece can't fix ugly designs.


    Stop forcing on us what you think we want. We want an appearance tab! Is it that hard to understand that we might not like your gear designs?

  14. I agree. I once felt that the appearnace tab was maybe not needed due to the "Unify Color to Chestpiece." option. But now....after playing Sith Sorcerer and looking at future craftable armor options, I can see that their idea of armor is a lame Kendo outfit with fugly colors.


    I am now firmly in the appearance tab and dye camp. ALLOW US TO LOOK HOW WE WANT TO LOOK.

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