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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Thamelas

  1. Going to need your evidence for this. Please tell me exactly how many people make a server qualify for standard vs. light. And please also provide hard evidence that server caps have not been raised since release.


    Not your "guess," but hard solid evidence.


    You're joking right? Who the hell would have that besides Bioware? And they sure as hell aren't going to say. That's a pretty ridiculous thing to request from a player. I'm talking from play experience from months in beta and now.

  2. No. It's because people are idiots.

    Two weeks ago it was: "More server now! MOAAR!!! Or I quit!"

    Now it: "Game is dying!! Less servers! Or I quit!"


    The game is doing just fine and servers are well populated. Bioware managed the distribution of new players very well and opened new servers just in the right time. Now, as you said, most servers have a "standard" population, which is good.


    "Standard" = low population. Its just Bioware playing word games.

  3. A week ago people were complaining about queues. Server pops probably haven't changed, only server capacity. FULL, HEAVY, etc are relative terms. With a higher server cap, what was HEAVY last week is just STANDARD this week.


    Queues are a symptom of Bioware's bad management. Its because they have set the server caps way too low. Then they opened up too many servers, and spread players too thin. In beta we had 3...THREE...servers. They were not "full", had tons of players, and the servers ran fine.

  4. It's not peak time in either the EU or the US so of course they're all standard now. :rolleyes:


    Come back between 18:00 and 02:00, my server is heavy/very heavy/full during that period.


    They are like this all the time. And "full" is what "standard" should be...

  5. Most servers have "standard" populations now, which I feel is utter bull. It's just Bioware renaming "low" to "standard." All the areas feel empty at higher levels. There is no instancing going on to separate players...There just aren't many players. Rarely do higher level worlds get above 50 people. It super aggravating to find groups to do heroic quests.


    One for the reasons beta was so fun was because they had all the beta testers on 3 servers which ran great. It was a blast. Now they have all these servers with low populations, and it makes everywhere feel empty. Bioware has spread its players too thin. They need to combine servers, but if they do that now it'll look bad in the press. Good job Bioware... Whoever thought up this plan at Bioware needs to be fired.

  6. after this Swtor its just too much on rail..... roll an alt its almost the same ... 99% of quest are just the same except for a unique class quest for zones


    News flash...so is WoW. You can say its not on rails all you want, but the fact is that its a theme park MMO and you can only quest in certain zones at certain times.

  7. Actually Russia is blizzards biggest market currently.


    Also I have a really hard time believing this game is pulling hardly any subs from WOW.


    I haven't played WOW in a long time but I know any WOW player must log onto SWTOR and wonder why the buttons are so smooshy.


    I'll sub to Swtor for 1 extra month but you're fooling yourself if you think a game with this much lack of polish is going to pull subs from a solid game like WOW.


    Well you are looking at one. I played WoW 7 years. I canceled WoW after my first week in BETA.

  8. Oh right, I forgot, Asians don't count ... they're not people anyways.


    You misunderstand. As far as WE are concerned asian numbers don't matter. They will never affect OUR servers.


    Therefore the US and Europe market are the only ones that really matter to we the players.

  9. Also added to the facts is that 100% of the people playing SWTOR atm are still using the 30 days they got from buying the game....


    Now plz, relax and lets see what the future brings.


    And again, swtor dont have to beat wow to be a succes.


    I never said it had to beat WoW. I'm saying it will surpass WoW in popularity in the only markets that really matter.

  10. Here's a fact. A lot of people are throwing around statements how this game will never be as big as WoW. Well I've got some bad news for you. It its almost already equal. That's right!


    The fact is that Blizzard is bleeding subs like a sieve. Also add in the fact that the majority of Blizzard's player numbers are from Asia. Also add to this that Blizzard inflates their numbers with creative accounting. Even during the days of its highest popularity, it only had maybe 2 to 4 million US subs, and MAYBE the same in Europe.


    So with that said, given WoW's decline, I am willing to bet that SWTOR, as of right now, is on track to meet and surpass WoW in US and European subscribers.


    Reference: http://daeity.blogspot.com/2010/08/blizzards-active-subscription-numbers.html

  11. God forbid Bioware actually allow us to have fun...


    I mean honestly, why in the hell are there guards in the cities on Tatooine? Its not like they can be attacked...


    I remember in Beta when I saw the exhaustion zone around Anchorhead, i thought "Who in the hell thought this was a good idea?" So much for having fun attacking our "enemies."

  12. Here is why....


    I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


    So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


    EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.

  13. Here is why....


    I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


    So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


    EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.

  14. Other computer companies can't ever do what Blizzard does. Period. The numbers speak for themselves, good sir.


    I got some bad news for you. Numbers do speak for themselves. People are leaving WoW in droves. I'm one of them after 7 years. Also, looking at the new panda expansion, it looks like even Blizzard can't do what Blizzard used to do.

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