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Posts posted by Thamelas

  1. I think its pretty safe to say SWTOR is going to continue to bleed subscriptions. Mainly, in my opinion, because of a tired dead-end game design. The idea of having people start new characters once they reach max level is ridiculous. In sum, Bioware created a Star Wars themed grind with voice acting, nothing more.


    Honestly, developers at Bioware should be reading the handwriting on the wall, and be looking for new places of employment. With subscriber drops like 25%, the game may survive with fewer subscribers, but the employees will not. Its simple mathematics.

  2. What they need to do is make a modern version of Ultima Online: The Second Age.


    I truly feel sorry for gamers that missed the true golden age of MMO's that were in that game.


    Here's a link to some stories from back in the day, when MMO's made your heart race, and made you experience real love and fear.


  3. Goal: Get to Republic Fleet.


    1. Find Shuttle

    2. Chose Orbital Station

    3. Wait for the loading screen to complete

    4. Run through Orbital Station (1~ minute of running)

    5. Click Elevator, Chose Airlock

    6. Wait for scenery change (10 seconds)

    7. Run to Class Airlock Room (1~ minute of running)

    8. Enter Space Ship

    9. Wait for loading (20~ seconds)

    10. Run up to the Galaxy Map inside your ship. (5-10 seconds)

    11. Click Fleet

    12. Wait for scenery change

    13. Run down to ship exit, click door.

    14. Wait for loading screen (1-2 minutes depending on performance)

    15. Arrive at Fleet

    16. Do your business.


    16 Steps? Really necessary? This whole process takes like 10-15 minutes or even more, depending whether or not you're close to a shuttle, assuming you even know where the closest one is.

    Get your **** together. We don't like _pointless_ traveling like this. This is NOT our idea of fun.


    If I need to go to Fleet I just use the Fleet Shuttle, and avoid all that poorly designed loading nonsense. I think there is one on every planet. That way its only one loading screen and you are there.

  4. So basicly they are pulling the same trick again.


    First content patch hitting the game just few days after the 30 day trial period ended and second patch with the interesting feature hitting the game after the 90 days end (30 trial +60 prepaid).



    Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.

  5. I'm very tired of the Themepark MMO model too. I very much want a modern game just like the original Ultima Online. It had all the drama you could ever imagine in game, and there were no quests. It actually had REWARDS for your hard work like a house. Crafters were actually an integral part of the game because they made most of the gear in the game.


    These modern "AAA" MMO's are really getting old fast. I wish Richard Garriott would just make a new Ultima Online.


    Richard Garriott Interview:


    Richard Garriott and Gordon Walton (SWTOR Staff) Interview about Ultima Online:

  6. I think a lot of people are waiting. I also think that a lot of patience are losing patience with it. Honestly it should have been ready at launch. People are tearing through content so fast, which Bioware as warned about repeatedly in Beta. Bioware should have known to have some long term goal ready when they released.
  7. Curiosity dictates I ask: Do you have an authenticator?


    If yes. Excellent.


    If not, Then kudos to Bioware doing those pesky questions so many threads where made about. So many thought they where nothing but a headache but more security for one's account to me personally is always a plus.


    Here's hoping it all works out for you.


    I got one with my CE, but I never enabled it. I am now.

  8. Just letting you guys know. Someone tried to hack my account. I just logged into the forum, and I had to reset my password. My account had been locked because of too many incorrect answers to security questions. Game was locked out too.


    Just letting everyone know...Someone is up to some bullcrap.


    On the plus side, if the account hackers are trying to hack accounts, maybe that means the game is doing very well?

  9. On the Empire side the Trooper gear is nice, but the Republic side gear is butt ugly. Just about everything else on the CE vendor is meh at best. One thing is for sure, I'll never buy a CE for any game ever again. This was my last time getting burned on a CE by a game company.
  10. I had an idea. Why not allow cross faction grouping on PvE servers? Why can't a Republic and a Sith group? It was done many times in the Star Wars movies and books? Take Darth Vader and Luke in Return of the Jedi, Luke saved him.


    In regards to "enemy" faction worlds like Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, just have a mechanic in game to allow neutrality on these worlds in order to allow cross overs for grouping. I understand that one faction can't run the other's quests, but they should be able to maybe group and help one another.


    Also, I'd suggest combining the world population counts and chats of both factions into one.


    The most important part...all of this would alleviate some of the faction imbalance and population problems. :jawa_biggrin:

  11. Same here. I have a 50 BH and a 39 Trooper. So far, the Trooper story is much better and the companion interactions seem more put together as a cohesive story. On the BH, each toon has a story that is seemingly disjointed from the rest of the crew. The Trooper is more like a military unit with each of them having ties to the central storyline and less issues with disjointed ambition.



    I agree.


    Funny thing about the BH... I thought I might like it after playing Trooper in Beta. Nope. I hated playing the Bounty Hunter. Trooper is better by far in my opinion. Not sure why, seeing as they are suppose to be mirrors. I just enjoyed Trooper a lot more. I think the "Death from Above" animation got on my nerves. Trooper just unloads, which I prefer.

  12. 3rd party software doesn't cause video cards to malfunction. A bad video card causes video cards to malfunction.


    Incorrect. A couple years back, Nvidia put out drivers that killed people's cards. It caused them to be over-worked, and caused massive overheating even though the cards temps showed as 60-70 on temp monitors.

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