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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Thamelas

  1. you do know, that the numbers you see at the top left is only the amount of people in your instance of that area. I verified this myself last night on Dromound Kaas, i was originally in instance 3 with about 90 people, group and switched to instance 1 and all of sudden there were nearly 140 people.


    In your case there may have only been one instance, can't really tell but that number is per instance not all instances combined.


    Yes I know. As I stated in my original post: There was no phasing at the time. Those numbers are it.

  2. It just occurred to me that as part of making my Datacron guides that I have documented the server populations and exact times in my videos. You can see them in every one of my videos. Also note that there was no phasing going on when I filmed these. The numbers you see, are the actual people there in my faction.


    You can see them all on my YouTube channel. They are all in 720p, so you can blow them up to full screen and check for yourself.


    Note: These are on Kaas City server.


    YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SWTORHolonet

  3. Really? I Remember majority of people are hanging on bank roof of Trinsic or Britain. Player only go to yew every morning during server re-start to farm fruit basket.



    Ya, but what's sad is I have fond memories of that game. Right now I'd welcome fruit basket farming instead of the end game gear grind.

  4. After playing for a long time in Beta, and now in Live, I have come to a conclusion.


    The multiple worlds design is a bad game design idea. Why? It greatly dilutes the players over many worlds. It further leads to the feeling of a small player base even when the server is full. This is further amplified by instancing.


    Based on this, I have concluded that the "apparent population" in the various zones will never improve. "Apparent population" meaning the player pool that you can interact with on each world. While this may have worked fine in sandbox games like SWG, it will not work properly in a leveled based game like SWTOR.


    With all of this said, I would like to state that I am burned out on level based themepark games. I have played them since 2004, and I'm tired of them. I have no desire to do an end-game gear grind that will be outdated in a couple of months. I long for the days of a sandbox world like Ultima Online: The Second Age.

  5. I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault.


    1. No UI changing

    2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs

    3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies.

    4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL)

    5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation

    6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic

    7. Empire best companions

    8. Empire best animations

    9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc)


    Way to Fail bioware.


    I use the fleet shuttle a hell of a lot more than my ship because its only 1 load screen. ONE BIOWARE. In my opinion the personal ships (magic Narnia closets really) need to be either totally revamped, or removed from the game.

  6. Not only have the zones felt empty in live compared to beta, but now most people can't even find a group to do heroic quests.


    Bioware made entirely too many servers, and spread the player base too thin. Why did they do this? Short answer: Greed. They saw money, and tried to grab as many subscribers as possible. Now we the players are paying the price.

  7. Agreed. Looking for a group in mid-range level planets on the "heavy" servers is more challenging than running the missions. This shouldn't be a issue for a game that is less than a month into post-Christmas launch. Something is terribly wrong here.


    I'll tell you what's wrong here... They hired people from Mythic... If they were any good, then Warhammer Online would have succeeded.

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