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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Thamelas

  1. Is that the guy who claimed he was an ex-BioWare employee and said that the game will be the biggest flop in gaming history, the gameplay was terrible, and they focused all their money on voice acting. Didn't that circulate a long while back?


    Sounds pretty darn spot-on and believable, doesn't it..


    Food for thought.


    Ya. That's him. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe his statement about most of the budget being blown on voice acting might have been right. There are some definite design problems, that makes me think it wasn't well thought out. Both of these things makes me wonder if that guy was maybe telling the truth.

  2. Then stop looking at the number on top.


    It really feels no different to WoW to me in that respect, except for the pop counter.


    This is true. I played WoW for 7 years. I see about as many people in SWTOR as I used to see in WoW. The only exception is the cities/station. There seem to be fewer people there, but that could be explained by the fact that the game is very new and most people are out questing.


    Don't get me wrong. I do have many criticism of the game, but population is not at the top of my list.

  3. I am having a hard time locating the areas for the last two datacrons on Nar Shaddaa (Republic). Everything I have seen on them says they are in the High Security Lockdown and Network Security District portions of the map. I cannot for the life of me find these two sections. I don't have travel points to either of them. Anyone know if there is something I am missing in order to access these areas?


    Not trying to blow my own horn here, but I've got guides to all the datacrons on my site in my signature. Maybe they can help you. I have exact directions there on how to get to the areas you mentioned.

  4. It struck me like lightening just a few minutes ago. With all of the lame design choices that are blatant in this game I had an epiphany: The Dev's don't actually play this game.




    1. So many load screens I'd rather use the fleet shuttle than my ship.

    2. Elevators that work correctly, but others that lead to an unneeded load screen.




  5. I've started using the fleet shuttle every time I have to go to the fleet. Its faster than all the load screens it takes to use my damn ship.


    Talk about incompetent design. I mean did they just sit around and think up **** that sounds cool, and then not stop to think about how much of a pain in the *** it would be in game?


    I honestly don't think the dev's actually play the game...

  6. OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...


    Now I did WoW for 7 months and the same thing happened. The only game that I truly stuck with was eve-online. It was a sandbox and everything was player influenced making things always interesting through out the game. In my opinion Eve-Online is the best game on the market hands down.


    I just see a lot of us hitting 50 and then getting bored. I'm really not liking the end game content that my lvl 50 guild mates are doing and we're all concerned that this game will have a very hard time keep people interested and subscribing to this game. Is anyone else in the same predicament?


    I'm not one to lvl every type of class. I'm more of a stick to one class kind of guy and I do think that this game should be able to entertain the players that like to do one class along with those who like to do multiple classes. I really could have done without all the dialogue if it meant better content and more things to do. I spacebar through the conversations more times than not.


    Something isn't right with this game guys....Is it just met who sees this or are other people concerned and thinking about the same thing as well?



    The dead end is a symptom of the level based design. The fact is that level based game design have a planned obsolescence. Its why games like Ultima Online and SWG have staying power after years, but people get bored of the endgame gear grind in World of Warcraft and leave.


    Why developers think its fun to run the same high end crap over and over again chasing after a piece of ugly gear escapes me...and I played WoW for 7 years. I finally got bored and unsubscribed last year. I have no desire to grind for gear anymore in WoW, or in this game for that matter.

  7. Congrats on MBA. The thing is I can hire an MBA in Bangalore for $24k a year, which would cost me at least $70k-$80k here and basically get the same work.


    We live in a global economy. It's isn't 1950 anymore


    Sorry, but I don't buy that at all. If you hire an MBA from Bangalore, you are contributing to the employment problem here in the US. And I promise you the work will be sub-par. And good luck retaining him once he is here, and has better opportunities than your $24k. In the end all you have done is dilute the job market further.

  8. nationalist at best

    racist at worse


    you do realize that those folks you are talking to on average have higher levels of education than the average person on these boards right? let me guess? red state?


    I have an MBA, and I despise Indian customer service. And I'm from South Carolina if that matters to you.

  9. I agree, but of course fan boys will show up and bash you. Fine you have fully right to disagree with OP but discuss it, don't say 'bye' can I have your stuff, go back to WoW. There is no need to go to capital cities once you done story line quest, or maybe is there?


    I'm no fan boy, but I do run a SWTOR site. I support this game, but I think Bioware could have done a hell of a lot better job designing things. I know for a fact I could have.


    Bioware... I've got over 10 years of MMO experience, and I'm in the last semester of my MBA. I need a job.

  10. 1: Elevators - Elevators that make you go to a loading screen instead of actually being an elevator like everywhere else in the game.


    2. Fleet vs Capital Planet - I mean what is the point of having a capital planet if there is no incentive to go there. GTN and crafting trainers are at both, but people default to the fleet station because things are more convenient to get to there.


    3: Space Stations - Is it really necessary to have me go through load screen after load screen just to land on a planet? There should be only one load screen period. All this other crap like the airlock hallway is just extremely poor design...


    4: Instancing - No need to expound upon this. I can understand separating worlds, but having such a low cap per instance is ridiculous. Beta had a lot more people in each instance. But my question is this: If an old game can support large numbers of players in one area, why can't this one? Is Bioware hosting this game on old Atari's?


    These are just the ones off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others I can come up with in time.

  11. you cant just land on the planet, think about it, your ship would freeze up on hoth. I dont want to be out with a 99p halfords ice scrapper trying to get a little patch cleaned on my fury's front window for an hour so i can just take off. give me 1st class pod on shuttle anytime, let the lackies do the hard work.


    You do realize its colder in space than on the surface of Hoth right?




  12. If they would have let more people in and had more of an open beta for a longer period of time instead of treating it like a gold ticket in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Their would not be this many issues that clearly would have been cleared up b4 launch.


    Actually a lot of issues were reported but Bioware never fixed them. Beta servers also had more players on them and less instancing. In many ways, beta was better than live.

  13. There is definitely a memory leak in this game. After it has been running for a few hours, I can see a definite performance decrease. On the Windows performance tab I can watch the Ram being eaten up while SWTOR is running. I have a good machine, so I know it must be horrible for people with old PC's.


    I reported this to Bioware many many times during my time as a permanent beta tester, and nothing was ever done about it. As far as I can tell, they completely ignored it.


    I typically get anywhere from 50 to 80 FPS in game.


    My System Specs:

    Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    Motherboard: ASUS P7P55D PRO

    Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz (Quad Core)

    RAM: 4 Gigs DDR3

    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked (1 Gig DDR3 Video Ram)

    2 Hard Drives: 1: 500 Gig 2: 1TB

  14. Because Tatooine and everything that follows allows world PvP.


    Let me get all upset here because I can't go to Dromund Kaas as a Republic player and kill lowbies. Or Hutta.


    In WoW Tarren Mill, a simple NPC town, evolved into a great battleground area for factions. Why? Because the world was open to both factions. Everyone had a blast there, high and low levels. You will never see that in SWTOR with its current design. On top of that, the capital cities have an exhaustion zone around them to kill any fun even more. Furthermore, why the hell did they even put town guards here? No enemy faction will ever step foot into it.

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