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Everything posted by kvandertulip

  1. That is true, but MM doesn't really gain any dps over the dummy outside of aoe situations, while it certainly loses dps from any movement. The spec has primarily been a single target burst spec, not an aoe spec. Off the top of my head there is only one fight in the game where it makes sense to bring MM over the other two specs for its burst. No one is arguing that it shouldn't have been nerfed from the state it was in in 4.0, but saying that the other two specs perform well is a poor defense of the current state of Marksman. It really does need to be buffed.
  2. Re-reading what you said, it really does look like you were implying the changes were justified based on its standing in PVP. My bad for misunderstanding. Regardless, the changes had nothing to do with pvp, and honestly didn't really affect pvp at all. It did make NiM raiding totally unplayable as MM.
  3. MM being nerfed doesn't suddenly make the other two specs any more appealing for PVP. They still suffer from they same problems they always have. Suggesting that they nerfed MM because it was better in PVP in relation to Virulence and Engineering is ridiculous. They rarely, if ever, make dps adjustments for pvp performance. The nerf was purely because of how it was performing on the dps charts in 4.0. But of course moderate adjustments aren't really Bioware's thing, so they nerfed it with a sledgehammer.
  4. Engineering vs. Sorc/Sage dps is not a great matchup. The on-demand burst for Engineering is not great and it is on a relatively long cooldown. Outside of that you are mostly doing aoe/dot fluff damage. Sorcs/sages have an obscene amount of mobility to escape your aoes and los SoS. Your dot damage they will just heal through. The best strategy is to avoid getting into 1v1 situations against sorcs/sages as Engineering. If you are guarding call for help early, otherwise try to stick with the group. If you find sorcs/sages los'ing you behind objects place your aoe in a place that makes it very inconvenient for them to do so.
  5. Plotwise - Objective points - 24425 - http://i.imgur.com/KZNDCbj.jpg Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Damage per second - 4,116.78 http://i.imgur.com/5OdJy2X.jpg
  6. I'm not saying they should or shouldn't change it, just my guess as to why. In general they make abilities with the same name exactly the same. The merc/mando change is an obvious exception with them being a ranged class.
  7. Death Field is one ability. They can't nerf it for sages/sorcs without nerfing it for shadows/sins.
  8. You seem to be contradicting yourself here. It's the best spec in the game for everything but PVE and raiding and parsing? That doesn't make any sense. SS/MM has the single lowest sustained damage of any spec by a significant margin. If you take SS/MM into the NIM fights that have dps checks you are not going to make those dps checks unless you are being carried by the other 3 dps. It really does need a sustained damage buff.
  9. Its a good start. You still need to reduce tanks' damage potential across the board and buff Sharpshooter/MM sustained damage. Also Lethality/Ruffian is long, long overdue for a buff.
  10. They don't answer because they don't have an answer that people are going to like. Instead of coming out and saying that they will not be making anymore operations and having the longtime core players that are still left all unsubscribe, they would much rather let those players think that down the line there will be new group content, and let them continue to pay their sub knowing full well they will not be making any new content targeted for those players. Believe me if they had any plans or news of operations they would be saying so. The total lack of communication and honesty from the community team we have seen through all of 4.0 and most of 3.0 is evidence of that. They are spineless cowards that would gladly mislead you and take your money, rather than give you honest news that might make you unsubscribe.
  11. That stream was an embarrassment. You write this letter promising all this new content and all these great things, and then follow it up with nothing. Do you honestly expect us to take you at your word after all all the failed promises you have made over the last 4+ years. Your word means nothing. The chapters are nothing but cutscenes. Do you really expect people to stay subscribed to this game and pay a monthly fee to play an MMO which gives nothing but cutscenes. Why would anyone do that?
  12. Plotwise - Objective points - 24425 - http://i.imgur.com/KZNDCbj.jpg
  13. Can we please start addressing the elephant in the room. You need to address class balance in these streams. It is honestly really insulting at this point, lengths at which you are going to ignore your playerbase on this issue.
  14. Gametype - Arena Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Damage per second - 3087.87 http://i.imgur.com/UYDZbUD.jpg
  15. Lethality cannot keep up with the healing specs when facing burst. Off healing in Leth only works when you ignore dps. Well played sorc dps on the other hand can do comparable off-heals and still do some level of dps. You can't do that. Lethality is the most GCD intensive spec. Every GCD spent healing is a dps loss. It takes every available GCD to do that level of healing. Doing anything more than applying dots (which barely even counts as damage in this spec) and your hots will fall off cutting your HPS significantly. If you attempted to dps in that match your heals would have been half of what they were.
  16. Does this mean they are going to start balancing the NIM fights?
  17. Gametype - Warzone Name - Darkposterior Class - Sorcerer Category - Overall healing - 6095581 http://i.imgur.com/39l6nAb.jpg
  18. Gametype - Warzone Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Solo kills - 8 http://i.imgur.com/O7pvkkr.jpg Gametype - Arenas Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Heals per second - 2489.85 http://i.imgur.com/GLUCOWB.png
  19. Gametype - Warzone Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Solo kills - 6 http://i.imgur.com/KF1henO.png
  20. Gametype - Warzone Name - Darkposterior Class - Sorc Category - Kills - 81 http://i.imgur.com/ixf7rv6.jpg
  21. What are you going on about? Look at what the top parsing specs were before today. All the changes were made to bring the top pve specs down to everyone else. It had nothing to do with pvp.
  22. Then why even bother with the balance changes?
  23. This puts Sharpshooter dead last in terms of sustained damage, behind even Rage and Fury.
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