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Everything posted by kvandertulip

  1. Just speculation here based on alleged 4.0.3 changes that may or may not be happening: Marksman will be the new lowest sustained dps in 4.0.3 by a solid margin?
  2. So dps got nerfed. A lot of head-up-a** syndrome going around at Bioware.
  3. Gametype - Warzone Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Damage per second - 3368.84 http://i.imgur.com/ZQbLZ5t.jpg Gametype - Warzone Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Kills - 63 http://i.imgur.com/EZXixq6.jpg
  4. The really sad thing is the devs don't recognize the sarcasm, and they take this s*** seriously.
  5. Concealment has nothing to do with how Lethality is doing in pvp, but it actually puts up better numbers in pvp then Lethality does. Survivability is in no way an issue for this spec.
  6. In pvp especially Lethality is just not putting up the numbers that a melee dot class should be. Two expansions in a row dot damage has not scaled with the health pool. Dots are hitting for almost the same total damage they did in 2.0. Sustained damage is average, burst is not good. If there is even one decent healer on the other team, they will heal through all of your damage. So much of surviability is on the GCD, which hurts dps even more losing GCDs to self-heals and having to refresh hots. Having that long of set up time to do mediocre damage just doesn't work in pvp. Something needs to change. First, dot damage needs to go up by a considerable amount. Second, operatives as a whole need to have their aoe damage increased (fix that broken pos Carbine Burst). Third, survivability needs to come off the GCD. It is not acceptable that in 4.0 there are specs that still have defensives on the GCD.
  7. Assuming you are playing Marksman, I am personally not a fan of all crit enhancements. It only takes 2 enhancements to get to 104.99% accuracy and that is all you need. If you are going all crit enhancements with all crit augments, the drop in crit/surge from taking accuracy is marginal. Getting to 104.99% accuracy will make your damage much more consistent, and net you higher sustained damage than full crit.
  8. Its not just dot spread that is broken. The damage that the dots do is pitiful. Two expansions in a row the damage has not scaled with the health pool. The Corrosive Assault's damage does not make up for how weak the dots are and how long the set up time is. Lethality needs a dps buff starting with the dots. Sniper defensives are better now than they have been in a long time. That is not really the issue. Virulence has the same problem that Lethality has with the dot damage. With all its damage tied to Cull, it is the most susceptible spec to LOS on top of that. Engineering's damage potential is fine, but they need to fix the stun mechanic on Plasma Probe that has been broken since 3.0.
  9. Gametype - Warzones Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Overall healing - 4551844 Category - Healing per second - 5007.53 http://i.imgur.com/q2HSccB.jpg
  10. Gametype - Warzones Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Overall Damage - 4597312 Category - Damage per Second - 5383.27 http://i.imgur.com/axqQIiI.jpg
  11. Gametype - Warzones Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Overall Damage - 3108725 http://i.imgur.com/emheVyC.jpg Gametype - Warzones Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Damage per Second - 3495.11 http://i.imgur.com/MwkENgz.jpg
  12. Gametype - Arenas Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Heals per second - 2022.52 Gametype - Arenas Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Overall healing - 910133 Gametype - Arenas Name - Plotwise Class - Operative Category - Biggest heal - 11408 http://i.imgur.com/1JZraK5.jpg
  13. Gametype - Warzones Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Overall Damage - 2393285 Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Kills, Killing blows, and Solo kills - 67, 33, and 5 http://i.imgur.com/b5FXZh8.jpg
  14. Gametype - Warzones Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Overall Damage - 2270547 Name - Blackposterior Class - Sniper Category - Damage per Second - 3334.14 http://i.imgur.com/UD4iQhq.jpg
  15. Anyone started playing around with what works best? I'm most interested to see what crit/alacrity breakdown people are going for, and which augments.
  16. That is pretty game-changing, even more so that the new/old ability.
  17. On the 1st screenshot it shows "Basic Accuracy." That is what increased by 10%. The only attack that applies to is Flurry of Bolts. Special Attacks was always 101%.
  18. Of course, but unless I am mistaken, the accuracy for every other ranged attack did not change.
  19. Accuracy did not change in the way you think it did. Up until 4.0 there were two ranged accuracy values: one for your basic attacks and one for every other ranged attack. The percent that displayed on your character sheet by default was the accuracy of your basic attacks. In 4.0 they raised the basic accuracy by 10%, making it so there in now only one ranged accuracy value. Effectively all that changes is that Rifle Shot and Flurry of Bolts now have the same chance to hit as your other ranged attacks.
  20. Any word on Torcommunity records being updated for 4.0?
  21. Gametype - Warzone Section - Biggest hit Class - Operative Rank - 1 Toon name - Plotwise Record - 15907 http://i.imgur.com/UJs2qtP.jpg Those Lethality crits.
  22. Gametype - Warzone Section - Damage per second Class - Operative Rank - 1 Toon name - Plotwise Record - 2350.59 http://i.imgur.com/S0mYzjY.jpg
  23. Does the stun 6 second stun immunity have a visual cue or an animation on Saber Ward? If not it needs to change colors or something while the stun immunity is active. Same with Defection.
  24. I just want Bioware to do their job, and put the s*** back in the s***pile.
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