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Everything posted by CutlassJack

  1. If your companion ever starts to do something you don't want them to, hit the 'passive' button on their hotbar and they'll run back to you. Remember to toggle that off when you want them to do anything again. However in the situation you just described its equally possible you just got yourself killed. If you knocked the enemy into more enemies.
  2. Orange. I use them on both the Marauder and Sentinel versions. My character is more a privateer than sith/jedi so blades the color of gold suits him well. Also one of my favorite colors.
  3. Actually I never wanted him on the ship to begin with. The 'event' that happens later was something I knew would happen when I first met him. I mean it was pretty clear I had no patience with him during Balmorra so when he decides he wants to be assigned to my ship there was little doubt as to the reason why. He makes no secret of his loyalty to Baras. My only real issue with him is that I can't refuse his transfer request. I'd throw him out the aforementioned airlock, but I'd have done it while still in the starport. I'm nice that way. But the wife loves him, so I understand firsthand the divide on the character.
  4. You should have specialized before even arriving at Coruscant. The quest to specialize should have shown up for you when arriving at the Fleet station for the very first time after the starter world. One of the first people you see with an icon over their head after coming up the elevator after getting off the shuttle. You need to be level 10 to specialize, so its possible if you were really low level at that point and skipped alot, then the quest wasn't available yet. But I hear you can also specialize at the class trainers on Coruscant (under the senate buildint). Try there first before flying back to the fleet station.
  5. Yup he sure does. Will improve all his moves.
  6. Irrelevant since you havent done any of that yet. You were still an apprentice at the academy. And her succeeding and/or failing at the attempt isn't the important part. Only that she proved trustworthy with a pair of blasters behind your head while you were busy fighting other things. Like your rival at the academy. Instead she backs your play. The point being, the shock collar wouldnt stop her from firing, nor would a Sith Warrior capable of your spoiler section need one to keep her in line.
  7. And how about when Impaled with a lightsaber? Or having a vibroblade stuck in their chest? Or being lit on fire with a flamethrower? Or being smashed in the face with an astromech droid? Or being hit by lightning? Or...hopefully you get the idea by now. If you're looking for realism you're looking in the wrong place. Especially in Dirty kick. The duration of the stun is nothing in comparison to it working on men, women and droids equally.
  8. You definately got Dark Jaesa. Light Jaesa looks unchanged from when you first meet her. Light: Brown Hair, 'natural' makeup, uses Force attacks Dark: Black hair, orange eyesSpaceGoth makeup, uses lightning attacks Which you get is determined by a conversational choice you get when meeting her. Not your alignment. (Although if you're too light you dont get dark option.) If you think you got the wrong one, then I'd bug it. The only bug with her they are fixing in 1.2 is the light version giving dark dialogue lines during combat. (Which could easilly be explained because she's pretending to be sith in public) But its not all bad. The dark version can be romanced. If you're into that sort of thing.
  9. Broonmark is better than Quinn.
  10. Please. Vette got you into the crypt as requested getting you what you needed. She spent the entire time behind you with two rapid firing guns shooting around your head, through it. The shock collar wouldn't have helped you in the least had she chosen to do so. She completely proves her loyalty by the first time she asks. At no time does she show anything but loyalty. But tell yourself whatever you need to justify keeping it on.
  11. I know right? And Lightsabers should be more realistic too. If you get hit with one you should permanently lose a limb.
  12. Without spoiling the Smuggler line too much, Risha was Vette's best friend when she joined up with pirates as a child. They're the same age so its how we know Vette is really in her 20's and not the teenager some think. And a little more spoilery...
  13. You'll get your ship and finish the prologue at the end of your class quest line on Coruscant.
  14. With Jaesa (& Kira) I usually use the damage stance for normal content and the Armor Penetration one for Heroic content & Tough bosses. But that's really just guesswork.
  15. For the 'duck behind objects' version of cover, it only works on those in front of the cover. Opponents that it works against will show a shield icon over their head. I believe the 'force barrier' version of cover that Gunslingers and Snipers get work against everyone, but could be wrong on that. I'm more familiar with the duck behind object version.
  16. If you have to look for it then you are never going to find it.
  17. The BH story wasnt at all compelling in comparison to the IA. However it was much funnier. There are truly some inspired comedic moments in there that give Smuggler a run for its money. But as far as compelling stories in this game go, IA is hard to beat in my book. There are some really great twists and turns.
  18. Yet somehow I suspect your male characters hit almost every [Flirt] option you see in game with random girls you just met.
  19. Its not that they can't become Sith Warriors. Its that they can't be any class on Imperial side...except Inquisitors. And thats because that storyline specifically is about a slave becoming powerful. In fact I daresay Twi'lek is the best/most satisfying race to play as an Inquisitor. It really makes the story that much stronger if you start from the race most recognized as being slaves on that side. Obviously 1.2 will open your options a bit. But I wouldn't expect the dialogue to reflect your race to the level the Inquisitor plotline does. It will be the elephant in the room no one talks about.
  20. If loving Blizz is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  21. Well Shadow playwise has some 'Paladin' like aspects to it, especially if you go Tank spec. You'll have some minor self healing and be able to protect others with taunts and such. You'll even be able to equip a shield. On Knight, Guardian is the more paladin of the two. Sentinel plays more like a dual wielding rogue in other games, minus the stealth and backstabbery. Storywise though, Knight is the way to go for a Paladin theme. Its all about being the hero and protecting the weak. Consular is more about seeking lost knowledge and being 'sage-like.' Consular is also one of the duller storylines unfortunately. Both are equally dull on the starter world, but Knight picks up a little after that.
  22. Again this is where the Smuggler shows his superior Charm. At one point the Smuggler seduces a Jedi master and a Sith Lord at the same time and turns the whole encounter to his advantage. The difference being Smugglers are inherently charming in every fibre of their being, whereas Agents are only charming when required. Charm isn't a hobby to them. It is a fundemental part of who they are.
  23. Except the Inquisitor Chapter 1 storyline covers those same points and does so far more interesting. They even make jokes about being forced to study in the library. The story isn't boring because its about finding lost knowledge. Indiana Jones taught us this. Its boring because the plot is poor, the characters you share it with are dull, and your dialogue is duller still. The only part where Chapter 1 picked up for me was the Nar Shaddaa segment. There's a particular reveal at the end that was the one moment that had me laughing for the right reasons. I will give it props for that. And for a few showy cutscenes where you get to see how powerful you really are. As far as the OP's complaint about a recycled theme for each world, that's nothing unique to Consular. JK's plot is to deal with another Superweapon every world, Smuggler's plot is to pass out items at every world, Inquisitor is to recover knowledge at every world, Hunter does a bounty at every world, etc. Its repeating themes is pretty common in Chapter 1. I can't fault it on that basis. But the shielding premise itself is kind of silly.
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