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Everything posted by DarthSpekulatius

  1. 1. the Loadouds will use your banks. the character Bank works just like the Inventory even if it's not opened. The Legacy Bank has to be Opened to work and there's some Issues but it works well enough. you can put all the Gear you swap around in a certain Bank Tab and keep it clean, when you switch shoes will replace shoes, Heads will replace Heads etc. If you go from DPS to Healer to Tank to DPS, Healer and Tank Gear will switch Places in the Bank but it will stay Organized by "gear Slot" -> as long as you don't get rid of any Item in that Bank slot without checking first you should be fine. Issues: Items your 2nd style can't equip will stay in your Inventory. for Implants/Tacticals you can use one Loadoud with Generic stuff both your styles can Equip go to that first before loading the one you want. for Main and Offhand Force classes can make it work (except Marauder Offhand) but Tech Classes will have either the main- or the off- hand stuck (or both). and some other minor ones. advantage over your Solution (once it works without Issues): 8 slots aren't even enough to fit a full set of Gear it would only help with Accuracy for Healer & DPS but not Tanks. 2. my answer is basically what I wrote in regard to 1. (assuming your bank has Space but if it doesn't the solution would be to ask for more Bank space and then use 1.) 3. should work, but then you have to search where you put the stuff months ago when you want to create a new Loadoud with Gear you hadn't touched in ages, I'd say that would be equally as good as the Loadout uses the Bank that's already in place once that has its bugs fixed. 4. being able to "favorite" Items to prevent them from being Destroyed/sold (and maybe show them on the Character select screen) would be great 5. would be very good if we could do that
  2. Wrong. Gearing in 6.0 allowed EVERYONE to participate in the gearing process. That's very important for the future of the game. Like it or not, the minmax/raiding "elite" in SWTOR is a miniscule amount of people. learn to Read Samcuu pointed out exactly what you asked in red That: 6.x gearing needed an UX Update to autotrash trash and the removal of most of the RNG, but you didn't ask for how 6.x should have been fixed, you asked what was wrong with 6.x. You didn't ask what 7.0/7.1 does wrong that 6.x did right, you asked what was wrong with 6.x and you got a 100% correct answer.
  3. then write that, you complained about Gear, something that was always reworked when new things were implemented, sometimes a big rework sometimes not so big. you complained about Bugs, something that was always brought into the Game with any Feature Patch. and you didn't explain what unneeded changes you meant, so I assumed all things that are just small QOL stuff or things that only a small part of the Players benefit from. if I wanted to complain about Ability pruning but keep it vague (for some reason?) I'd call it unwanted changes not unneeded but that's semantics I guess the issue was you being vague and anti Update, what SWTOR needs is more Updates not less.
  4. you complained about Gear, bugs AND not needed changes. Like I said, I like plenty of the changes done to the Game over time that were not needed. I strongly dislike others, but if I had to choose between getting new things, some good some bad, or not getting new things I take the new things.
  5. I mean you did figure it out so you aren't clueless, I don't care how you figured it out either, my point is if someone doesn't know what to do they can easily ask in chat, they can puzzle it out, they can go to external sites,... there's plenty of Options. TLDR: it could be better and wouldn't be hard to Improve either, but external sites were not required just easier.
  6. hmm it would have been nice if the conversation they have with you if you don't wear the required gear gave more obvious hints but that would break the immersion, it's a rock and a hard place. getting a quest that's just "get 326 Gear" no reward just a hint but now they offer the other 4 quests would be nice, but it does not require external sites to figure out for most people and once most know they'll answer questions about it in ingame chat for the clueless ones.
  7. if you click the Quest name in your log it opens the details of the quest and you'll find what you have to disintegrate there. The the answers you could give to pick what Mission to start with should have been enough to figure out what I would need but I double checked to not waste an Item, no external site was required.
  8. the person I quoted complained about getting things they didn't ask for. meanwhile I'm extremely happy with Loadouds and Mount while Moving, things that I never asked for, just as Examples. a different example would be the ability to choose the color of combat style Icons, it barely improves them being almost unrecognizable as the Black outline is most of the new Icons so the choosable Color is barely visible but it's still an Improvement over not being able to do anything. anyway about your Gearing is not Content Argument: Have you ever heard of Rougelikes? the entire Genre is based around getting Gear and loosing it again. Gearing can certainly be Content, it all depends on what you enjoy. Anyone who complains about SWTOR Gearing being too grindy really needs to play some other games for a while. now regarding Content: I can Read a Book that took Months or Years to write in just a few Hours, if you think it's so easy to make Content, do it yourself.
  9. 306 Gear became worthless the moment you finished your first Conquest on any 76+ Character. I repeat: BIS Gear has always become "worthless" the moment new Gear is released. it's only Value is to prepare for patch day.
  10. to have the best Gear Possible to start into the new Operation the minute the Servers go live, it literally always worked that way. casuals wait for the patch and grab the easy to get gear. Hardcore players grind BIS only to do it again the very next time new gear drops. No-one forced you to be a hardcore player, and let's be honest here, if it took you 8 Months to get gear you either had no clue how to get Gear efficiently or you are actually a casual who spent less then an Hour / Week in the game.
  11. Correction wrong: several of the Veteran FPs can be soloed. that will get you Blue Mods. (edit: just checked that stuff is green)
  12. if that Player dies and gets rezzed it should make them appear alive, but maybe they'll appear dead for someone else or even the same Person yet again, so keep rezzing them until they are alive for all Healers and live with them being dead for DPS / Tanks if it's especially bad, that should be a bit faster then leaving the Instance (that usually involves crashing the Game like you said). It's an extremely annoying Bug.
  13. why would you want others to mess with your UI? that sounds stupid to me. you can Cloth your character however you like, leave my UI alone.
  14. from how I understand you, you want to play a Game that doesn't get Updated anymore, there is Plenty of those around, take your pick. I hope SWTOR never becomes the Game you want it to be, I like getting new content.
  15. use it on the Forum to complain how bad the Game is, this has multiple advantages: you don't have to grind Gear to use it on the Forum. it will never be outdated, "the Game sucks and here's why" posts will always remain "true" because even if the DEVs fix all of it they can't undo what was. In game gear on the other hand will always become purely of cosmetic value at some point. there's no need to think about it, just stating "is bad" will suffice ... and that's just what I could list on the spot
  16. you don't start from scratch, if you have 328 PVP Gear, just get 328 non-PVP Pieces Dropped and upgrade those, even if you don't, you will not notice any difference whatsoever between 328 and 330 in any PVE Content, if you scratch your nose during a fight that will have a bigger impact, and Crit is still chance based so even if you don't scratch your nose that variance is bigger then the one upgrade. from scratch means you start at nothing, if you have 328 PVP gear getting 330 takes maybe an Hour if you stocked up on currency if you don't have currency stocked then you don't do PVE -> 330 and above would just be bolstered down and be identical to 328 in PVP, the only content you do, so why the Rage? Conquest Players pay for the higher iLVL with far more time spent, FP players pay with far more time spent, Legacy Ops players pay with far more time spent. removing PVP Gear, THAT would mean PVP Players have to start from scratch in case they want to PVE. alright now that your "from scratch" mistake is pointed out. explain, how is it silly? it's probably the smartest thing they've done. The potential Issue I see with 7.1 Gearing is the 10 iLVL gap between Anomaly Veteran Mode and everything* else NOT the 2 iLVL Gap between PVP Gear and everything* else. everything* Except PVP and Anomaly Veteran Mode Gear
  17. for Implants it would depend on how many characters you want to kit out 328 won't get you the "alt discount"
  18. gearing alts in 7.0 is much much better then it was with ******** Kai Zekken Gambling. Maybe you like gambling, I don't. And yeah I still considered the log in every Friday to check if kai zekken had what you needed as gambling, worst of all it cost valuable time instead of a currency you'd likely have plenty of. you don't have to PVP either, Worldquest Boxes will be at 326 if you wear 326 they just won't upgrade if you are below 326 and they won't target the lowest iLVL Piece like weekly Boxes would, but you get like a dozen of them in no time at all. if people don't farm separate Gear for alts it's because they don't have to thanks to Loadouds and the Legacy Bank. Getting the Pieces a 2nd time if you have them once is less then 1/10 the effort getting the first Piece was, but water takes the path of least Resistance as do MMO Players so anyone with a Brain would use the Loadoud System instead of using the mostly as viable same iLVL Drops.
  19. "do your best!" does NOT equal "put yourself in Harms way". if you experience Physical pain while playing, stop playing. If it Hurts you are doing more then your best. At least in Games that's true, if you are hanging one handed off a Branch rooted in a cliff I'd recommend using the version of "do your best!" you seem to want to apply to a game if the alternative to your hand hurting is dropping to your death, but for any game your version is extremely unhealthy. the ToS does not ever require that of you, neither in writing nor in spirit. but let's pretend it did, "being a handicap to the Group violating the spirit of the ToS" luckily there's enough people who disregard it every day the alternative would be the worst case possible for multiplayer gaming as a whole: if only Players who had already played a bunch of WZs recently and know the intricacies of each map listed for PVP, PVP would be dead. if only people who know each spawn of all adds in all FPs to not handicap the group would list for FPs, FPs would be dead. if only people who read what all their Abilities do and how they interact with each other joined Group content, group content would have at most 20% of what it has now. each of the above is a "handicap", and thankfully enough players are willing to put those handicaps on their groups else all Multiplayer games (not just SWTOR) would be completely dead. If someone doesn't like playing with a "handicap" that's what premades, guilds, private Servers, etc. are for. But if you'd rather grind Conquest for months then play in a Group that is rightfully your decision.
  20. if you play the best you can that doesn't violate TOS at all. Doesn't make you a bad Person either, I'm pretty sure what ZUHFB meant to write was: "under performing doesn't even affect your Ability to get Gear from PVP/GSF, because at least half the People in most PVP games under perform just as much if not more then whatever you could possibly claim your best performance is. "
  21. well I did write the AND in all caps for a reason, Spend that one minute thinking.
  22. there's no reward for Story Content, dailies usually have a Reward and often that Reward feels like it is "required". at an absolute minimum the new Dailies will reward the Daily Currency (same as the previous dailies). Being able to play Fresh Dailies for the Currency Grind instead of the same old Stuff that was Grinded the last few years is certainly an Improvement. even assuming there's no reward at all, one type of Content is locked behind a different type of content, imo that's just bad.
  23. anyone who thinks 7.0 is alt unfriendly has not spent a single Minute thinking about how they should approach alt-gearing in 7.0. AND they just flat out refuse to use the Legacy Bank.
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