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Everything posted by SithEater

  1. I know exactly how long my epeen is and don't need to measure it against anyone else.
  2. Actually prolly not for either. Look at their first two content patches. I think (and hope and pray) this will be the way they continue. New without making the old worthless. WoW is the only MMO I have ever played that did it in a way that made all old stuff garbage to be sold to a vendor as soon as you got your first new greens.
  3. I gave up my set bonus gladly. I'd give up my first born if it meant I didn't have to look like I got my gear made for me by a flamboyant banana. Sages (especially if you are male) got shafted when it comes to gear looks. Even the new Black Hole/Campaign and War Hero gear looks bad if you don't have bewbs.
  4. This was a problem in EQ because they released expansions way more often than anyone else. IN their first 7 years they released 14 expansions. It wasn't the way that they did the progression that was the problem, it was there was just so damn much to progress thru. I think that type of gear curve but at a slower pace of release would be the way to go.
  5. The "WoW way" is not the ONLY way to raise a level cap. In fact its about the worst. In old school EQ the gear was worth getting but no where near good enough to ditch raid gear for random crap. 4 expansions into EQ you know what you started raiding once you hit max lvl? The first expansion. There was no choice, no dailies to grind or dungeons to farm for tokens. You wanted to raid one expansion you started on the first and actually progressed thru content till you had gear good enough to take on the next. WoW did it so wrong post BC that you'd think a horse had kicked them all in the head...for a couple of months straight. Anyone else remember Ulduar almost completely negating Naxx and then Tournament of Champions making both Ulduar and Naxx totally pointless? And those weren't even expansions, just patches with new content. I don't know what they will do but, what I hope they do is take a page from the EQ handbook of common sense and not simply make all the old stuff useless and old raids a waste of space. Based on the fact that two new raids have come since launch and all are still worth doing (apart from those pushing the end of end game content) I would have to think they will take this same approach to their expansion as well. New stuff that doesn't negate the old. Please for the love of all thats holy don't be another WoW raid hamster wheel SWTOR.
  6. 250k lol The Harbinger: 55+ pages and counting. The lowest are for 90k atm and dropping about 5k an hour. I sold a few early, then logged out and set my crew to making a bunch more. Now I see I might as well throw them in the bank and save them for my toons as they aren't gonna be worth throwing them up on the GTN. The only people who made good money on this were the ones who threw them up first thing and it certainly wasn't economy breaking money. EDIT: prices have settled around 90-100k atm but I am sure they will keep going down over the long run, there is no ruined economy to see here, move along folks, move along
  7. East Coast its Fatman (PVP) and Jedi Covenant (PVE), West Coast its The Harbinger and I believe Drooga's Pleasure Barge both PVE.
  8. A) I don't believe for a sec this is a real internal document from BW B) I'd gladly pay what amounts to a month or so of sub fees to get 3 free months, plus a bunch of content.
  9. Well said, I don't agree with all of it (like healers getting the aoe damage mitigation instead of slingers, as long as someone has it thats all that matters), but this is one of the most thought out posts I have seen. Lets hope it goes from your keyboard to their eyes.
  10. Here's a trick that will cost you nothing in repairs.
  11. THIS The only way this game could be easier is if they paid you to play it. On the contrary I think 1.2 is a step in the right direction, ie being a little harder.
  12. They will to investors. if they don't that's called fraud and the FCC has something to say about that. When they talk dollars they have to be as accurate as they can within their own admittedly shady math
  13. 2.2? Last quarterly report said 1.7mil.
  14. Secondthousanded They start doing micro-transactions and I am going to find a new game to play.
  15. Whew I was worried someone wasn't going to make a thread about stuff I don't care about. Thank god for this then.
  16. Exactly. The sky is falling, the sky is falling! I know and you do not because I believe "expert Z" and you refuse to drink the kool-aid he is selling to get people to post links to his articles on their websites.
  17. 2. LIES! Facts about women gamers: 99% are men, 1% are liars.
  18. In theory I know that's the case, like paying for space travel, but I have never noticed it either. Its is such a insignificant amount that it simply will not be noticed.
  19. Or it could come from people like you who are arguing against how hard it is to find grps at 50...when you haven't hit 50.
  20. Well here I assumed we were using common sense and not common knowledge. One requires that you think and form your own opinions, while the other simply requires that you listen and believe. So most of the people on the guild summit panel have spent 5-6 years of their lives making this game...yet somehow they never played it? Come on, you're smarter than that. Have they played it all that time free form, doing whatever they felt like doing, or did they spend most of their time playing specific aspects of the game to make sure their overall design for the game is on track? That I will grant you. No they weren't hopping around zone borders looking for holes in the landscape geometry, they were running thru the class quests and OPs and FPs and so forth.
  21. No because it does, plain and simple. I had played that other game for years and I watched it happen with my own two eyes.
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