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Everything posted by SithEater

  1. This should be the end of the thread. Who cares about lowbie or midbie pvp? I've got 3 years of max level pvp invested on my main and the idea that they should break that so lower level characters can cry less is ridiculous.
  2. Bubbles are not spammable and are in fact on a 15 second cooldown, they are not the highest sustained nor are they the highest burst dps spec, the heals that can be done on the run are laughably small and if you are relying on them during burst then you are simply dead. The idea that if not being actively guarded and healed they should be able to be killed in seconds regardless of what they do is the sum total of 75% of peoples ideas on how Sage/Sorcs should be, ie WAAAHHH I WANT EASY KILLS /sniffle /pout.
  3. Fixed this post for you too.
  4. So they are supposed to nerf a class based on a bug? His rebuttal was in the right, the issue is the bug not that it can be spammed constantly with nothing to stop it.
  5. THIS I have played a Sage/Sorc since day one early access and slogged thru 3 years of being sub par in PVP simply cause I love the class. Now that we are actually viable, and not insta targets for kills, its a giant whine fest. I don't give a rat's *** what they do to Forcequake/Storm cause I don't spec into it anyway, I'm of the opinion that for most its about pumping up epeen numbers and not about burning people down. But to do just about any of the other things people are suggesting in this thread would cripple us to the back of the line again in PVP just to stop the whiners from whining. Especially when most of the whiners don't really grasp the ins and outs of PVP anyway, they just see big numbers at the end of a reg match, even tho they don't understand the story the numbers really tell. The Sage/Sorc with 20% more damage but 50% as many kills. Hell I was in a reg match and saw people complaining about a Sage who had 840k damage to the next highest 600k... and the guy had 3 *********** kills.
  6. So what is it, their main DCD or something they use only after all their other DCDs have been used?
  7. Sorry, but no a Mara/Sentinal main DCD is not stealth, a Shadow/Sins main DCD is not stealth. Bubble IS the Sorc/Sages main DCD. A Sorc/Sage moving is not a DCD, as moving is not an ability. Anyone can move and ALL the good players, regardless of class move around and don't just stand there.
  8. Stealth is not any of those clasees main DCDs, so no it does not compare.
  9. What I read: I only do regs and have no real idea about how classes should be balanced because I only know as much as the numbers on the board say at the end of the match and numbers not only never lie but they are also the holy grail of PVP.
  10. I don't know where you play your ranked matches but Shadow/Sin and PT/VG are 3/4 of most ranked matches I am in and quite often I am the only Sage/Sorc in the match on either team. Once the VG/PTs have blown their wad on whoever is targeted first, whoever else is on the team is safe from that particular danger so whats it matter who else would survive what? Once the bubble has been used their big defensive cooldown is done and so even if you switch to another target while they're bubbled then when you do get back to them their ace in the hole has already been blown. And unlike ALL other classes its the only DCD that essentially removes the class from the fight for its duration, meaning you aint doing **** for damage except maybe one or two DOTs and as TK/Lightning that doesn't amount to much. Everyone else can pop their DCDs and still lay out damage, so while its the best DCD defense-wise its mitigated heavily by the fact its essentially a 3 on 4 fight while its active.
  11. Can barely catch them? Who can barely catch them? Scroundrel/OP with their rolls? Or Warriors/Knights with their leaps? Or Shadow/Sins with the exact same ability as Sage/Sorc or maybe Force Pull? Or VG/PTs with Hydraulic Overrides and Hold the Line and Harpoon? Just because Sage/Sorc no longer are turrets all of a sudden we "can't be caught" lol. And if you are sitting there watching a Sage/Sorc while bubbled that has more to do with your effectiveness as a teammate than it does the heals they get while bubbled, IF they took that utility.
  12. Why did the thread even continue beyond this point? Balancing around regs is the real issue as well, hop on a Sorc/Sage in ranked and you will more than likely be the only one on your team. Then watch as the VG/PTs and Shadow/Sins burn your *** down, and after the Shadow/Sins come out of stealth and stun lock you, you better hope you get bubble off before the 2-3 VG/PTs shoulders cannons burn you from 80% health to nothing in about 2-3 seconds. Balance for ranked, and let regs sort themselves out.
  13. ROFLMAO thats a good one. Bad players are bad for a reason, because no matter how badly or often they lose they refuse to see how it could possibly be their fault and cry haxx and nerf class X cuz op obv. Btw nerf shadows/sins cuz op obv.
  14. Elitist mentality? You act as if this is something other players did to you lol. The devs just don't think you should be able to get the best comms in the game for doing content 5 LEVELS LOWER THAN YOU! Want some of the best gear in the game? Do something thats actually level appropriate. By that way, can I have your stuff?
  15. Are you guys all gaming on an easy bake oven?
  16. Yes please do program in a special mode of operations just for those 12 people who want to "see the story" but somehow can't be bothered to go into SM (Super easy Mode) and actually, you know, do the operation. Also could you make a WZ where you fight only against easy to beat computer controlled players?
  17. I spent 2.5 mil on my slot machine 4 days ago and then started rolling for mats and converting the jawa junk to adaptive circuitry for augs and have not only made my money back but an extra 3 mil, and that's only playing between WZ pops. Today was my last day doing it because the augs have dropped roughly 50% in price, killing the market and its simply not worth my time anymore. Sure all the whiners who dont want to have to spend anytime at all making the easy creds to gear up their toons win, but the crafters are getting the shaft hardcore. Not to mention companion missions skills are absolutely worthless now.
  18. This. Its about making the best possible spec you can, without knowing exactly what you need, and then adapting once you get in. That's where the skill comes in. Not what do I need for this one match, but what will be the most useful the most often.
  19. Good god man how long does it take you to load in?
  20. What?!?! There is nothing new for players to learn to get better, its the game is broken or classes aren't balanced right, or the brackets aren't set up right. Getting better and improving your own skill? Its a myth!
  21. That is exactly what PVP servers are about and that's exactly why people play on them. Nobody wants a fair fight between them and another player, they want to gank lowbies and team up on people. It's also why I play on a PVE server lol. If I PVP its because I choose to and its nobodies fault but my own if I flag. Even if Imps are trying to be dbags and run into my aoe you know what I do? I don't aoe. Yes they should fix it like WoW did so AOE attacks cannot initiate a flagged status but until they do adapt.
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