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Everything posted by SithEater

  1. I have used Tharan almost exclusiverly since I got him, Qyzen is a beast in the beginning but later on the mobs do so much damage I find myself healing him more than DPSing and I didn't roll a healer lol. With Tharan as long as I keep my shield up when possible he heals me just fine thru everything I have faced. Plus between his CC and mine it makes fights so much easier.
  2. If you are specced TK or Balance and they keep asking you to heal tell them no, you are there as DPS and not as main healer. If they pitch a fit then leave and find another grp. I advertise as DPS and make sure they know off the bat I am NOT a healer. 40 DPS LFG Colicoid "can you heal?" "no I am TK" If you are a healer well...suck it up its what you are meant to do. As far as the DPS breaking CC and acting the fool simply stop healing them. After they die a couple times tell them they are not tanks and you won't heal them if they try to be. Sometimes during a fight tho the best move the two DPS can do is burn down the weak enemies asap so you can concentrate on the main boss. In those situations you simply need to heal all 3.
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