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Everything posted by dronepilot

  1. ^ I agree with this entirely. Think we have all been in the situation like this too, on both sides of the equation. Its not trophy stealing, its team play.
  2. After playing PVP today, I changed my mind.. We are not only faster to kill now, but do not do much in the way of dps any more either. Infiltrator with PVP, basically has become un viable
  3. Shield is ok if your PVE I believe. In PVP wont make any difference, and to be honest as a Infiltrator, you should really use a focus one anyway.. especially in PVP, as your not really a tank, your supposed to be a DPS role. You will get better survivability from using combat tech, and a shield gen, BUT, I think you would get less damage from that, and you won't be using any thing you would normally get anyway, from your shadow technique. That gives the buffs to the Infiltrator tree anyway.
  4. *well* the game, is way broken, I know my class is squishy anyway, but I am in fact dying in WZ much faster now too. Seeing huge chunks of health just flying off. Enough to make you feel depressed trying to play at all rly. Plus ganking has gotten much worse, with teams of dpsers.
  5. Not 'really' no, your assuming. I am *supposed* to have full battlemaster gear, yet I am getting torn down in seconds. It's a ganking dps fest.
  6. *op* and your Shadow loves you too ! Seriously, I do too, I got other alts, but I love my first character I made, that I got to 50, and that is my Shadow.
  7. I understand where the OP is coming from, so am also assuming, he is the same spec as me, that is "Infiltrator" - Not Kinetic. People forget, while were all playing shadows, some of us play tank spec, others play as dps. I really don't know what's wrong with stealth, but it is pretty weak, and can be detected by every man and his dog. I was given a tip recently by another good shadow player, and tells me that to use 'black out' first, to increase the stealth level to get you gap closer, otherwise you will probably be detected by some people. Could be its the stealth level you are, and their ability to detect stealthers on the enemy side. I do not agree though that we do not do any damage, we do enough, to make the build viable in PVE and PVP. I worked out a rotation I like to use some time ago, boosted by power pots, and relic and expertise. (Plus additional buffs from other players) all help with things.
  8. I totally agree with the OP. I do not even entertain this skill on my command bar. Its really useless to me, would be better being removed altogether, its only worth was with low end NPC's its totally useless against any thing stronger. I think to remove it, it needs a replacement first, but I doubt they will give us Consulars and sins a saber throw, (we already have the clairvoyant strike) its as close as we will ever get to a throwing saber.
  9. Take a step back for one second, and think why they didn't implement PVP on to questing worlds. *just* for one minute. Might it stop some people being able to progress with their Bioware story ? So it wouldn't be just frustrating to come across one of your story quest area's to find it camped by 10 to 15 sith ? because they know Republic players or say sith players have to go their, to find it camped on by the *other* faction. Think this is why Ilum failed. In PVE content terms, it means some people *might* not be able to progress with their stories, because of the constant camping of story nodes. Now look at the fact that you got 50's in full PVP expertise gear, hunting down lowbies and farming them for valor.. Probably not much, considering your killing low level players. But still annoying for any lowbie to be at the hands of this kind of player. Just a thought.
  10. Pwetty pwease with cherry's on top ! More roots, and stuns, and knockbacks ! I *LOVE* them !
  11. "nerf healing even more" - please tell me you were 'joking' ! - If you have any idea what you said, you really would *blush* then kick yourself for being so silly. It sounds like to me they were well 'coordinated', ? you and your team of pugs, had no idea how to deal with the situation you faced.
  12. "get a medal for quitting!" roflol - priceless !
  13. Doesn't bother me at all the delay, just the 'floating' rocks, are kind of er.. silly.
  14. lol, actually 70 is considered LOW IQ, (I'm assuming your inferring that) well, never mind.. Mara's and Sentinels are fine. Your not playing 1.1 any more, we all need to adjust to the new changes, and learn how to be beat these guys. I do 'not' believe in nerf's either, BTW, this has to me, proven to be knee jerk responses to negative feedback on the forums. People don't need nerf's they need buffs.
  15. OP your very arrogant to assume 'most' DPSers don't have any sympathy to your situation. I have friends who are healers, and tanks. I understand your strong views, and you will most probably get what you want in the end anyway, countless times Bioware have come to the rescue of complainers on these forums. On a more direct note, I do not feel the game is 'balanced' at all, it still isn't even with 1.2 - people die too fast now because of the insane dps killing. Any defence / damage reduction buffs do not seem to work as well, as DPS seems to just swamp it.
  16. In fact, tabbing to next target is just as annoying, can't even lock on to some one at times, I have seen it literally target the furthest away enemy in the game. Yet the enemy yards from me, it cant treat as a priority target.
  17. No, that can be easily exploited by healers, to 'self harm' and heal themselves, thus getting easy medals.. Don't 'think' that's a brilliant idea at all.
  18. No, to this. Sorry, I know Nadia has a leap ability, but we don't need this. We got force speed.. That's our get out of the way, or get close to a target ability. Trust me, a lot of other classes don't like us having force speed either.. So that's some thing to think about too.
  19. I just recently done this boss, with my level 44 DPS Sage. He takes a little time to wear down, but Holiday should pop in a cc him some times, and also, during those breaks, get your own shield back up too, if Tharan is getting his butt kicked, then use 'rescue' on him, to pull him out of the way of the droid. If you can stun the droid at all, use that time to heal Tharan, I didn't have to at all, he basically went through the whole thing with near full health. Healer - seer, don't use Tharan, you should be using your tank, which should be Quzen. Keep his heals up, and make sure you got health pots, and may need to use 'sacrifice' to maintain your force. For DPS, just wear the bot down, with sustained damage attacks. use Tharan for heals, and Holiday should cc the droid some times too. You should be able to use stun at least to get a small break while you do some thing else, like put your shield up, or heal, yourself or your companion.
  20. I really have to lol, at that comment you made, sorry about that. Its just 'some' people are 'not' like you, and don't like being put into a game they 'can not' enjoy, because its over, before it even started for them ! - ohh go figure !?
  21. This is exactly right. I look at this from a business point of view, and you know if your customers - even a tiny portion of them are not happy, then it will affect your future sales, and marketing, because no one who walks away from this game, with a bad feeling in their gut, will recommend the game to any one else ! This is a game, not real life, loosing doesn't have to be so severe, as receiving 50% less rewards, or no commendations at all. I think what you put into a match should be realistically offset to the work you put into the match, however, people 'do' have bad matches, and bad days. A minimum of 3 medals is harsh in my own view, to prevent people from 'not' getting anything from participating, so if a guy or a girl, cannot see any chance of them gaining enough medals, 'this' doesn't work, at all, ! of course they will quit a WZ, after all, what's the point of staying, just to get rolled for valor and farmed by pre made teams ? That is of course the point of view, mostly associated to solo players, who often find themselves in a pug team, against a pre made, with no chance of even getting 1 medal let alone 3. I heard they are changing this, and I hope Bioware do, because the current game play, is too harsh, for some thing that is supposed to be enjoyed by 'every fan' not just an elite cluster, 'because I has the gear' mentality, of it all. I am a geared player, but I do feel for those guys who aren't, and I want a fair PVP experience for all, so no one has to walk out of a game, because they feel they are just being punished by the game rules.
  22. hahaha, I like how you said "IF" FYI, if you don't get the three medals minimum, in 'any' war zone, you get 'nothing' - zero, nada, in other words: Duck eggs on your scoreboard. Now that can happen for any number of reasons, not necessarily related to your own fault or performance. Yesterday I was put into a game that was just ending !, this is after spending 5 or 10 minutes in a queue. People are leaving for all kinds of reasons, please don't try to categorise those, people all have different reasons, but not exclusive, to opinions shared in this thread, which are a little one sided in their view. If some one leaves Huttball before even the first goal, it could be any reason for why that happened.
  23. I really don't know what you guys are all talking about.. I usually get the whole imperial or republic army down my neck as soon as I am spotted, and get killed within 2 seconds. Shadow strike is a lame duck, and use that only when their hp is really down. Its not good for our spec, its ok if your balance spec probably. I do try to look around the battle field and see what's happening, I really can't wave a magic wand though if people are just bad players, and are not lasting through any attacks. I don't think its our job to guard people anyway, that's for a tank to do. But we can affect the environment by using our CC's and using stuns - making sure you monitor the enemy resolve bar. You really also need to know how much of the resolve bar will fill when using that skill. If their resolve is full, then you just waisted your low slash, or stun or what ever else you were doing. I play 0.33.8 by the way, have done since January with Shadow. Its my play style, and I hope if there was any buff in the world we could have, would be for defence. Were fine with everything else for the most part.
  24. on my Alt, I play sage, and Disturbance is really good, when you get the extra points for it in the damage tree too. We have known about the delays for too long, 'nothing' will ever get done about it either. As a Shadow ?I have seen my rocks floating in mid air while it was trying to make a connection to a target, this actually, seems more like a deliberate handicap on my class, so its probably a 'Intended feature' or 'Works as intended' !
  25. Yes Orange gear, DOES have a requirement of Valor 60 to wear, while Recruit gear does not. Only you need to be Level 50. Its really a loop hole this, considering you can wear the same robes or armour as a battlemaster, with no valour requirement, and quite enough expertise to boot.
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