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Everything posted by dronepilot

  1. dronepilot

    Anger on hoth

    They just need to put level 50 champions on all faction bases, that support open world PVP, and be able to to have high stealth detection. I have have to say, while your on a PVP server, this is going to happen. Some Fresh level 50s like to take it upon themselves to gank lowbies just for fun. Maybe out of frustration that War heroes and higher kick their *** in War Zones. IDK, but its lame, level 50s come pick on us level 50 pubs and leave our lowbies alone ! that said, if this was more 'balanced' I would not see a problem with it, but of course no one, under geared and 10 or more levels lower than a level 50, is ever going to stand much of a chance at winning against a level 50 ganking them. I have to ask ? why are you doing it ? it can't be for a challenge, you know your going to beat them all the time, so ok ! its 'for fun' ok, 'so' would it be fun, for some guys to do it to one of your lowbie Alts that you have in your legacy ? is that fun too ? I just hope you really get the enjoyment, out of stopping people play their PVE story nodes, as I get when I kill a fresh 50 in Warzones. Just my two cents.
  2. no, stack on Willpower, and power, then Endurance, any anything else after that. a good crit level is around 35
  3. Don't do him on that level, well that's a given. he is a story boss, so he is supposed to be hard to beat. You can also play Flash points, or PVP War Zones to advance more levels, remember though, any XP you get the higher you are, will be reduced, than what you would get if your 'at level'.
  4. its not just healers, DPS get marked too. I have been 'tagged' as well in Warzones, doesn't necessarily mean either that you might be a thread, it might be they just think your a nuisance, or your easy to kill, ? "hey I marked this guy, he/she is really easy to kill" get your free valour ! Seriously, what I mean is, there could be better reasons for this sort of thing. Its not just healers who get marked.
  5. Some one whining about people 'whining'
  6. The options sadly, are to re roll and re grind another toon to 50, on a better server as things are at the moment. I did this too on another server, and my progress on that server has been smooth really. I much rather play on my level 50 War Hero though, but is impossible, other than playing dailies and general pve content. I am a PVP player, on a PVP server, where PVP no longer exists. I really do sympathise with the OP, I understand that sort of thing happened a lot on the server I am on, and yeah the imps got geared much faster than any of us Repubs. I am saying don't leave and give up, just re roll another character, for now, and see how things go. it amazes me, how no action is ever taken against accounts who are being rude to people telling them to 'quit' I have had infractions on here for less.
  7. Bioware, made a mistake, and also seems they violated their own TOS, and Privacy Policy, best they can do, is offer compensation to everyone who has been affected, especially, if they took action wrongly against the players accounts.
  8. After reading, this, I take back anything I said earlier about this. Really does seem they are fixing the Project/Shock problem after all for 1.3
  9. I take it you have sent a ticket in about this ? - seems like a severe bug to me.
  10. Well I said I wasn't going to, but yeah I will renew just to see 1.3 at least
  11. This has my vote ! Show me to the Fresh 50s camping you.. On another note, I heard a nice little story the other day, of how a lowbie, actually killed two level 50s by knocking them off a cliff on Tatooine good job to you ! Well done, who ever did that.
  12. Not 'entirely true'. I have taken down lots of Pyro's with my Infiltrator. Pyro's do some really stupid damage, but with the correct method, you can be beaten easily.
  13. I understand your views and frustration OP, but with what players are left, and many servers having 'light' populations, due to people leaving the game, or have finally given up waiting for some thing, I would say its pretty much wishful thinking, that 1.3 will help stem any damage.
  14. I admit as an Infiltrator spec, its the worst skill tree the shadow has, its neglected I have said this for months. Yet Bioware ignored it, even in the last update, they seem fairly happy with where the Shadow is in general. However playing a Hybrid shadow, or a tank, and pure dps, they all play very differently I think. I have played different specs over time, and as far as I see, Infiltration spec, is the worst out of them. Yet I still play the spec. Thanks to lots of tips and advice from other shadows in the game, and some better experienced players, I eventually have managed to work out different tactics and strategy. I think on the contrary, we actually have a lot of 'up time' you really need to know when to use a certain skill, and understand what's going on around you as well. Just takes time, to understand the class, and how it works, I think ! This spec is really squishy, but you can be useful to pvp regardless.
  15. Doesn't really say getting fixed now, but it sounds like they re did the animation. Its still not going to be mirrored properly with Shock.
  16. All I know is, I wont transfer, unless all my characters in my legacy can come with my main toon. I won't transfer, unless the guild I am with, want to transfer, so I will move with them, because I like the guild I am with, and would prefer to stick with them as well.
  17. Not reading the comments, but here's some thing in reply to the OP anyway For a start, I agree with you, either they (the developers) should implement an honour system, that devalues that persons Valour rating, if they attack players that are more than 10 levels below them, by questing area's on any planet. (exception could be on level 50 planets) where your expected to be already at the right level to face off against other 50s. They could improve turret defences around faction aligned quest nodes, that can instant kill enemy players attempting to camp on those zones. Its a problem, I have already been through this sort of play on my main character, I know its not fun, to have a level 50 come and stomp you into the dirt, when your only level 30. But same time, its a PVP server. However, the logic to PVP and open world PVP seems actually unfair, and presents no actual challenge, when you are 10 or 20 levels higher than those you are just 'killing for fun' as it were. At best, its a kind of bullying, and should be remedied, perhaps by doing some thing like I have suggested.
  18. dronepilot


    Yes you have my vote I agree, since the nerf to surge, we are definitely not considered a good dps class. People have actually told me they think I am mad for playing Infiltration spec !
  19. Nice to see they admit that cross faction abilities are NOT mirrored then ! "Visual improvements" ? - Ohhh, I see ! you made new animations ? They still aren't properly mirrored though, am I right in assuming that then ?
  20. Bioware, your game is really nice, as far as a single player PVE game goes. Its terrible with PVP, its not just one area's its in many area's. I guess you can't get everything perfect for people though, and to be honest with PVP, there is always going to be some one complaining about some thing with it. But seriously, ? Ranked Warzones still not going to happen, ? lots of people left my server because they got bored, or they were unhappy about their not being Ranked. To suggest that there still won't be any ranked, it means those guys who left, won't come back to the game at all now ? I got less than 30 days, no I am not renewing this time, and I am sad to leave. But I can't play on my level 50 War hero as the server is dead, and also I find levelling new characters on other servers a grind and half. Those of us who are leaving, have put a lot of work into our characters, and spent thousands of hours on Warzones over the months, and at the end of it, I feel as a customer, my expectations just have become disappointing, as the game has so much potential. Er, No, you can't have my 'Stuff' I might one day come back, If things improve. I am reluctant to walk out on a game, but I don't feel I want to continue the grind, on new characters, I feel forced into rolling, because I can't play on my main character. FYI, I don't think Transfers is the answer, and mergers, only might stem the damage a little. You guys should of had cross server queues months ago, its a simple as that. Feel free to flame me, I quit, because I a tired, and bored, War zones are non existent on my server, and rated WZ's are still a while off.
  21. From what I have seen, you guys still do a hell of a lot of burst dps, so no, I am not surprised you beat tanks.
  22. Speaking of bugs, I ran into one, on one of my other Characters, in Voidstar, and this happened twice, where the healing node, didn't actually restore my health.
  23. Merging and Transfers would stem the bleeding, for sure, what the OP maybe has not considered (I am assuming your a PVE player) from what you wrote, is that there are people still playing this game for the end game Dailies, such as Black Hole, Ilum, and also Belsavis. On top of this, many of the players who left, didn't just up and leave because, of the lack of end game content, with no bonus missions (you get bonus missions when you complete the class quests) for each planet. But people play Warzones too. People left our server because of the lack of Warzone's not because of the lack of PVE content. WZ queues took too long to pop, and people got bored and left for other games. some suggesting they may come back eventually, if the game changes, or after such merges and transfers have happened. On my server, where I rolled my level 50, yesterday, not one WZ popped there were also a max of 11 level 50s online, and very similar for the Imps side too. Yet there was no one getting a WZ. I assume no one was even bothering to queue. Its a whole lot of things that's caused this mess, PVE, is one of the best and strongest components of this game, that is still strong. But for hard core PVP'ers its not enough, they want WZ's queues, not PVE, and they want Open world PVP. They don't get, they leave, no one, wants to pay a sub, just for sitting around on a server all day, with hardly anyone on, waiting for a WZ to start. The OP is definitely on the ball I think though, as far as end game content is concerned anyway, considering I would of liked another new chapter to play like a bonus chapter. All you get is dailies to play, which get very tired after playing them a 1000 times.
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