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Everything posted by KryloKillian

  1. Watch above Diego's nameplate (assuming you haven't messed with your UI), and there's a cast bar that will show up when he starts to cast his heals. Hit your interrupt any time during that, and it should work. With distraction and dirty kick you wanna time it near the end of the cast, as it gives your other abilities another second and a half or whatever to work off their cool downs. With flashbang you wanna time it near the beginning or middle of the cast to account for the animation time.
  2. No you don't. I've skipped out of ord mantell with a trooper and korriban with a sith warrior at level ten to go get my AC and then went back down to finish up the story line and other miscellaneous questing. The rest of this is spot on, however. This is what you're missing.
  3. Make sure you don't attack him after flash grenading. Let the entire cool down go through to give your other abilities time to come off CD to redo the cycle. Edit: Also try to use distraction close to the end of its cast time to give dirty kick/flash grenade time to come off cool down.
  4. To spell it out: They don't have their 4 second CC immunity against SS because SS is rarely out of cover and a good one is using hunker down to stay there. So while your DF or Sab build can't control a mara or jugg an SS can, usually, due to the greater impetuous on staying in cover.
  5. That's not how math works. Just to make the numbers simple: Lets say you're doing 100 damage (obviously you're doing more, but we're making it simple). Your crit is 2x. So you crit at 200. You get a 5% increase, so now you are doing 105 and crit for 210. 10 is still 5% of 200. The crit damage also increases by 5% of what it was before. The same as the difference to the original. And this works out regardless of the numbers. You're doing 1500 damage, crit for an extra 70% damage (somewhat more in line with actual gameplay numbers) or 2550? Normal hits are now at 1545, crits are now 2626.5 (so probably rounds up to 2627), which is a 3% increase from your old crit, or a 70% increase to your new base damage. What this means is that unless you change rotation, or gear, your crits aren't going to increase your DPS more than the 5% increase to the primary abilities. In fact, your DPS will increase less, probably around the 4% that's been stated by the last couple of people, because some of your DPS is still from other abilities. THAT SAID the person saying 5% makes no difference is still dumb. 5% makes a 5% difference, this should be obvious. It's a tautology, in fact. One can't even really argue it's not a significant difference without either some degree of intellectual dishonesty or a complete failure to understand game mechanics. One COULD argue that it doesn't matter as much as playing a class that feels right for you, or it doesn't matter as much as having fun, or it doesn't matter as much as a lot of other things, and I'd be inclined to agree with all of those things, but they really have no place in a thread about people being happy about a pretty decent buff to our primary attack abilities.
  6. Depends on what you want. If you want survivability: Corso -> Nar Shadaa, then Either Corso or Bowdaar doesn't matter -> Hoth then Guss. If you want faster burn down: Risha or Akaavi once you get them as a companion. I feel like Risha kills things a bit faster with single target burns, while Akaavi takes more aggro onto herself thanks to so many AoEs. Which makes me prefer Risha all the more, personally, as with Risha I can play aggro pinball to get lots of survivability for both of us as well much more easily. Basically your two best companions are Risha and Guss depending on what you want.
  7. I got that too, though I didn't look at the art long enough to be that critical of it. I was just all "Why? Is he really so bored he wants to be sent off to make more guns?"
  8. In the context of a use anytime ability? Maybe. In the context of hey I can now toss out two unbreakable four second stuns when I'm getting pummeled and need regeneration and an extra edge in battle? Dirty kick is far more useful. You won't even get off a flyby or orbital in most situations that you'd normally use a heroic moment because the pushback on your cast bar while getting hit is going to destroy your cast time. Unless you have, say, a four second uninterruptible stun to hit them with first. Also: You're entirely missing the point of legacy. It's to motivate people to play different classes. Dirty kick is immensely useful on my marauder, and, honestly, force choke will probably be not nearly as useful as dirty kick for most of my characters (but it does have an amazing animation so I'll probably use it when given the chance, anyway, especially as I can just do both). Because this thread doesn't exist for flyby or the (relatively boring) operative version of dirty kick. Edit: Also because they don't want to give mirror skills to both mirror classes, because, again, Legacy is supposed to incentivize playing more classes, and it would fail at that if you were getting the same abilities from IA as Smug or from Trooper as BH, etc. etc.
  9. This thread has a few builds listed for every spec that should be pretty viable. So far the new DPS Parsing has shown that DF and SS, at least, are on par DPS wise, I don't know if I've seen one for sab. Both are also very close to other class DPS, as well (within 1-5%, but the GS is usually ahead by that much). There hasn't been much testing yet, however, as that we just got parsers. Mostly just look around the gunslinger specific section of the forums, for anything you don't find answered in that thread there.
  10. Firstly: 4 Second. Secondly: In the context of heroic moments? Yes. You can't use a heroic moment when you're in a four man group (usually not even in a three man, unless you're the lucky one guy who gets to have a companion out), so anything about killing bosses in groups or whatever is out. You can't use these abilities for that. They're only really useful when soloing or two manning things with a friend. Further, heroic moment is an 'oh ****' button that adds regeneration on a 10 minute cooldown. Given that you're only using this in those situations, you don't want to stop and cast for (over, if you aren't in cover) 3 seconds and potentially get interrupted. On the other hand, delivering a swift kick to an enemy and taking them out of combat for four seconds unbreakable by damage while you're regenerating? That buys you valuable time to get life back and/or cast Orbital Strike if you have a 50 IA too (or XS if you're using the legacy version of dirty kick on your smuggler for some reason), or use whatever other damaging abilities to finish them off. Unless you're using your heroic moments whenever they're off cool down to open a fight every ten minutes, dirty kick is the far superior option. And if that IS what you're doing, it's more just a method of wiping groups you wouldn't have much trouble with, anyway, quickly.
  11. I've been having fun with the Sith Warrior's story line, though I think I'd have less fun if I weren't playing it pretty strictly light sided. I'm not quite to the end of the first chapter on it yet, but I'm hovering around level 28 and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. Had* a BH around that level as well, and that storyline is pretty great, as is all the dialogue. Kinda feels like the smuggler story but from the other side of the pond. Great fun. And some great companions (Jawa with a rocket launcher). The Jedi Knight story line hasn't exactly been turning my crank, but I'm not very far along yet on that one at all, and going dark on it has provided a good amount of humor to the whole thing so it's at least playable. Trooper has been alright. Not nearly as good as the smuggler one but not bad. I've heard Jedi Councillor is basically the worst of them all. Anyway, point being smuggler's one of the best/the best, at least for just being 'fun', in my opinion, and there's a few that aren't very good, but there's still more fun to be had if you poke around on both factions. *Deleted it because I quit for a few months and didn't want to start the story up again in the middle, might remake as an unlocked race or go cyborg again, not sure yet, but I WILL remake
  12. Yeah, but on the other hand, I had gotten burned out 'cause I had nothing to really do at end game with my GS and was tired of the general quests, and just couldn't punch through them for the story on my alts. Blah blah blah, took a few months off. Log back in, my GS Sharpshooter who had been fine before was now buffed all over the place. I was taking down accidental double pulls while forgetting half of my abilities. What I'm trying to say here is that I've grown a fond appreciation for people who don't know how to play GS and whine about it.
  13. I don't remember Han ever hitting anyone in melee, nor sneaking around (at least not effectively). He's constantly shooting people, usually from cover. More GS than Scoundrel, but the guy above me who said a mix is probably most correct.
  14. Dirty kick roots. Sniper equivalent does not. Explosive probe spawns instantly upon casting, allowing you to cast snipe, deploy probe, and have the snipe you cast BEFORE the probe set the probe off. Sabotage charge has a delay from animation and this is not possible for smugglers. Etc. etc. You should probably educate yourself on animation delays and the differences between mirror classes. Well, if you're going to comment on them, at least. Regardless, there's a number of them and they almost all favor the imperial side.
  15. I dunno, I've used them all throughout my career as a smuggler, and they all retain their uses. Thermal detonator and sweeping blasters were both awesome when I got them (right away for thermal detonator), but declined in usefulness as I raised in levels. They still find use, even now, at 50, for wiping out groups of weaker mooks who need to just go away soon. XS Freighter is a wonderful opener. Scrambling Field, Dodge, and... defense screen? The absorbing damage one? They're all great defensive cool downs for when **** hits the fan. Hunker down makes any fight with someone who has knockbacks infinitely easier. Distraction and Flash Grenade are basically necessary to deal with anyone with highly damaging cast abilities, as they both make great interrupts (like those annoying sith the level 34 above me should be dealing with on alderaan, or have just finished dealing with), dirty kick, pulse detonator, and leg shot (as well as aimed shot when talented) are all basically necessary for dealing with melee elites. Etc. etc. Basically every skill is useful. It's true you'll fall into a rotation of like 5-6 abilities for most fights, but you still want more or less everything you have access to available. Just read the descriptions for what they do and you'll figure it out. Except quick shot. **** quick shot.
  16. ...There's a crouch ability. It puts you into cover without rolling. It's default bound to shift-F. This thread pops up a lot, and it literally amazes me how many people write huge rants about this kind of thing without even looking at their abilities tab. Also: Force Wall gives less defense than natural cover. You can still use natural cover with crouch though. Just walk behind it and then crouch.
  17. Scoundrel is better BURST but much much much worse DPS. The two terms mean different things. And I can't even say for sure how much better the burst really is after the nerf, considering a sab charge -> aimed shot opener can do ridiculous burst on someone who doesn't notice the charge right away. The difference being that the GS can still keep laying on the damage just as thick after that initial burst instead of being more or less out of tricks.
  18. He. You'll find out in a planet or two. It's a bug that he shows up before you go through the story line up to him.
  19. Yeah, companions count Flash Grenade as a CC. The only time they break it is when they're in the middle of a cast when you throw it on. They won't interrupt their casts to avoid breaking a CC.
  20. Honestly, I haven't read all the EU, because I think the EU is pretty terrible, if you didn't get that from my Hurf Durf Solo Kids comment. But again, repressive and emergent genes easily explain all that. Annnnnd, there were also long swathes of time when the jedi didn't forbid anything of the sort (see Jolee Bindo, and datapads about jedi married couple when hunting the terentaraks in KotOR1, just for two quick examples that show the order wasn't always 'no marriage or love eeeeveeeeeeer'), and there are entire near human species that are ALWAYS force sensitive to some degree, even if not to the degree necessary to be trained as jedi. And no, it doesn't mean it's the only way to be force sensitive, but I should point out that I don't really even care about midichlorians. I think they were a silly/dumb addition to the mythos, but on dumb things added to the mythos they aren't even in the top ten. If I can suspend my disbelief through an entire species that consists entirely of Jabba the Hutt and people like him, I can certainly do it through midichlorians. I'm just explaining that people aren't dumb for hating them. They have very good reasons from the standpoint of the narrative of the OT vs the PT and how the force was handled in each.
  21. I was speaking for both PvE AND PvP. The trees synergy with crit, not power. You're going to get more out of crit over the length of a fight as a result. I haven't looked at healing trees/abilities much, but I was kind of wondering if it wouldn't be the case that power was more a healing stat than crit. With DPS you don't really have to worry about hitting consistently high against a boss, doesn't matter if you don't crit half the time. You work on the assumption you will for threat management (if it's at/around 35-45% as a GS should have once they're all geared proper), and at the end of the day all your damage is rounded together into an average. With healing you need that healing to be hitting as hard as you're estimating it will right now. You can't risk it doing 80% less healing because you got unlucky and didn't crit. However, all the DPS trees I've personally looked over synergy with crit, not power, suggesting very very heavily that a crit/surge build is going to be much better. All the math done has also backed this on the SS and DF builds.
  22. ...I'm not going to touch religious discussion on an internet forum dedicated to an MMO with a ten foot pole, man. Just, not gonna happen.
  23. False. Firstly, the sith believe and have believed that the purer their blood the more powerful their force powers. This generally plays out to be more or less true, as well. Force users beget force users, force users who are particularly powerful beget force users who are particularly powerful. Bastila/Revan -> Satele (after a generation). Anakin/Padme -> Luke and Leia. Han/Leia -> The solo kids. Etc. etc. It's very rare to see a child of a jedi or sith lack force sensitivity. Further, you're ignoring repressive and emergent genes, such as how a family of all black haired bown-eyed people can suddenly have a blonde or a red headed child because a great great grandfather was such. It's rather unlikely but it happens. There's also numerous heaps of evidence that there's various levels of force sensitivity, and many people have some but not enough to be trained as jedi/sith, or they're discovered too late in life to be trained. These people go on to have children who may display equal or greater levels of force sensitivity. Basically, there's heaps and heaps of indirect evidence that jedi force powers are passed down the family line, and no evidence that it doesn't. And throwing in a purely biological cause for the ability to wield the force only strengthens this evidence. Not that I expect anyone in Star Wars or the EU was thinking of genetics when they wrote all this stuff, so much as 'man wouldn't it be cool if Solo's kids were all jedi hurf durf' and Lucas playing with the archetype of the father brought low by the son and the mirroring of father/son that occurs in lots of classical stories and mythology which he drew on heavily for Star Wars. That said: People don't like midichlorians because the difference between science and magic is what is knowable. Magic is magic because it is mystical and unexplainable/unknowable. Once you can explain the whole thing, it's not magic anymore. It's just sufficiently advanced technology. Or to put it in other words, the force is like bringing a semi-automatic to the dark ages. It's totally a magic death stick! But then you explain that, like, no it's actually this powder that explodes when hit hard and the force propels a metal ball, and welp. Now it's just science again. The supernatural is not longer 'super'natural once you have sussed out its workings. It's just 'natural'.
  24. Not what I thought this thread would be about. Not sure if disappointed or relieved.
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