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Everything posted by KryloKillian

  1. Well there's also charged shot the first time you enter cover, which opens up trick shot. Also casts are fine for alphas, so another rotation would be, smuggler's luck, cover, aimed shot, flourish, trick shot, charged shot, sab, and then open into speed shots and 1.5 second aimed shots at that point if they're still over 30%, or quickdraw if they aren't. Edit: And at this point I'm just putting off going to bed. Which I really need to do!
  2. The entire quote box is italics. This is the only thing I found new in there though: By interrupts I was more talking about things that can pull you out of cover (which will interrupt your abilities, too). And you wouldn't really face the danger 'either way'. If you use all instants they shouldn't have time to react to do any of those things. Also, I wouldn't call 1.5 seconds near instant. When I said the damage was instant/'near' instant the near was there because it takes a bit to hit all the keys and the animations to go through. That said, I'm seeing where you're coming from looking at your other posts in conjunction with this one, and I'm willing to just, well I wouldn't say agree to disagree so much as just say that both methods of PvP probably work pretty well. Which is more just agreeing to agree more or less I guess. I'll try doing more casting bar attacks next time I go in and see how it works. I'll admit I may be biased from Rift/WoW/AoC/Guild Wars/Whatever other games and not given things with cast times a fair shake on the gunslinger, especially considering the cover mechanic itself already denies the classic MMO wisdom of stay mobile. EDIT: You edited while I was posting, but I don't really have anything to add to the other stuff, anyway.
  3. True. It has use for getting people away from you as well. All also true, but in 1.5 seconds of casting Aimed shot, or while channeling speed shot you're open to being interrupted, stunned, charged and stabbed in the face, etc. Which is why in any MMO you go to you'll find that Instant and Near Instant casts are preferred, and that any MMO's with heavy PvP elements (such as PvP specific talent trees) will focus on reductions of cast time and mobility retention. I'm not saying it's not a good/useful ability even in PvP, but it probably shouldn't be your go to one in PvP because it's more designed around PvE functionality. That is exactly how I suggested it be used. Though I'd say waiting for the energy to recharge is optional, particularly with the added in cover energy recharge speed. I was saying use flourish to detonate the charge. I apologize for the lack of clarity. It's because I don't really keep track of names. I could point out the icons, though! That burst should finish someone off or very nearly do so, and leave you with quite a bit of energy left over at the end. You'll have popped your cool downs, yes, but that's what bursting does. I mean, in PvE yeah. You want to do steady DPS, but that's never been the goal in a PvP situation where you're just going to end up getting killed soon anyway so being careful with energy isn't really worth it.
  4. Quick successive damage is more important in PvP than big numbers on a hit in any MMO. Sab Charge is good in PvP because it's instant. Aimed shot isn't that great in PvP because of the long cast (only really useful as an alpha strike if they don't know you're targeting them yet). Pop into cover, put on your crit bonus for charged shot, throw out a sab, pop the sab with the armor break, pop off an instant charged shot, follow up with an instant trick shot, and finish off with... quickdraw was it? The instant that's only available at 30% or less health. It pops off a ton of damage instantly/near instantly and opens by reducing their armor. The armor reducing opener might not even be necessary. Pulling off charged shot -> aimed shot -> charged shot ad infinitum with trick shots and what have you thrown in as applicable is a pretty good rotation in PvE for energy economy vs damage, but players are smarter than NPCs (usually) and will break LoS or throw out stuns to interrupt or do whatever other things to screw you over because you're taking too long to hit them with your damage, and you shouldn't really be shooting for energy economy in PvP.
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