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Everything posted by KryloKillian

  1. I can enjoy the Scenery when I'm AT the scenery. I can enjoy the gameplay when I'm playing. I can enjoy the cutscenes once I get to them. I can not enjoy sitting back and doing nothing during a game for 5 minutes while a taxi flies around static scenery. I also don't see how it breaks immersion any more than moving to and from your space ship, or fast travel in games like Skyrim. Heck, last time someone tried to make an open world game without easily accessible fast travel (Dragon's Dogma--excellent game, btw) they got basically crucified for it in reviews. --When I want to play a game I want to PLAY a GAME, not sink time on useless travel. When I'm my BH I want to capture bounties, charge imperials for my services, and blow stuff up. When I'm on my Smuggler I want to roll around in cover, shoot guys, and be incredibly irreverent and mercenary to the Galaxy's most important people. When I play my Warrior I want to be an unreasoning force of will that charges through whatever obstacles may get in my way--discussion or otherwise. None of this is served by getting up to grab a snack or something because I've got nothing better to do during the fifth time I've watched this ride. I honestly can not comprehend the reasoning behind disliking instant taxi rides. The long versions are a very very minimal advancement of immersion for a huge loss in quality of life gameplay. In fact, that's probably being too kind, because I find the boredom of watching a taxi ride or, worse, getting up to do something else/tabbing out of screen while it finishes, to break immersion much much more readily than a quick fade to black and then back to the game.
  2. I kind of dislike it, because they also reduced trickshot damage, meaning it doesn't hit as hard as it used to as a balancing factor for making it so much easier to use. I never really had trouble working it in before. The two charged shots to aimed thing is also kinda aggravating. . . . Over all, though, I still love my gunslinger. I hadn't played her in a long time and god does it feel good to be back to it. I'll be sad when I finish out Makeb with her and end up moving on to other characters again.
  3. I'd guess future expansions, once they get large enough, will begin including more class story things. Or at least I'd hope so, as the class stories really are the primary draw to this game vs other MMOs.
  4. I figured this to be the case. Mostly just letting you know your wording seems to contradict. Trying to be helpful, 'cause it's a pretty good guide for PvE!
  5. One thing I'm wondering about reading it is that you state that a point of Aim is worth .20 damage, and a point of Power is .23. However, this is only partially true, as with consular buff + Aim buff from the skills you're sitting at an extra 14% Aim, meaning Aim works out to .228 bonus damage per point (as each point is actually 1.14 points). I.E. the difference in bonus damage between main stat and power is negligible, and mainstat, as you stated, provides a small crit boost, which, while perhaps unnecessary, seems it would still be preferable to JUST damage, given you get both. Which, it seems you know. Actually, let me just quote the two sections that seem contradictory: Seems to be clearly advocating statting for Power over Aim, which I would disagree with, while later, under datacrons: Clearly advocating Aim over Power.
  6. You're not the King of the Underworld just because you found Drayen's wealth. You're not even close. Further: Their offer was to point you toward extremely lucrative marks, let you keep a percentage of what you find on those marks, provide you with a pardon, and give you a Letter of Marque. Without them you'd never find It's a ridiculous promise of money, and yes, Darmas does, further, promise to continue helping you hunt down Rogun while you're working for the Republic. So reasons to help the republic: 1: Mountains and mountains of money and opportunity you wouldn't otherwise have access to. 2: 3: A full legal pardon making any further illegal activities much easier. 4: A Letter of Marque, making you basically untouchable by Republic law enforcement, so long as you don't do anything treasonous. 5: There's no actual government oversight on Privateers, meaning you can easily skim even more off the top than you're already allowed, or flat out keep the Republic's 'cut', claiming it was never there Reasons NOT to sign on as a Privateer 1: You'd rather run your life in 'hard mode' 2: ???
  7. I did this one in the early days of the before times and I don't remember him being hard at all, but I'm pretty sure I was also level 35 as this was before the free to play players and their lowered xp gains. If you've having lots of trouble I'm just gonna suggest you go ahead and do the nar shadaa bonus series and any other bonus series you might have missed. Otherwise gear or looking at your build. If you're doing chain interrupts and whatnot it sounds like you're playing right so I don't think it's anything with your playstyle. Also: Make sure to time the finisher to a dirty kick. It won't really change anything, but it certainly made me feel better.
  8. Would require a ton of new art assets and animations. It'd basically require reanimating the the entire marauder class. Wouldn't hold my breath, guys.
  9. Allow me to introduce you to a thing called the Extended Universe. I apologize in advance.
  10. Your attempts at logic are insignificant next to the power of the Force.
  11. Just went ahead and fixed this one for you. The Imperial players get just as many completely inane decisions, and everything almost always works out worse for everyone involved when you choose the darkside options on them. Just check out Black Talon for a quick and easily gotten to for instance. . . .I guess Imperial players can at least justify their rampant inane murder on the basis that it's just how the culture of the Empire is.
  12. You don't work for the emperor until late in the story line and when that happens you only have one enemy of the Empire you're really ordered to kill. Everything else is just damage control and it doesn't matter. Also: The Emperor's a problem. Light or Dark, Jedi or Sith, he's eventually going to have to taste lightsaber--if you kept up with any of the extraneous lore released in comics on the site and whatnot. Further, Dark Side tends to be "RARGH KILL EVERYONE TO HELL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES" while Light Side is getting everyone on your side and using all your resources in the most intelligent manner. Whether you go light side enough that end goal is to reform the empire into not. . . whatever it is now, well that's up to you. Either way, though, if you're rolling light over dark, you're rolling to gather more resources in the long run. By 'fall deeper and deeper' you mean 'immediate, jarring, and ridiculous complete 180 on her personality' right? 'Cause that's what happens. And it's terrible.
  13. Yeah, I think it served as a good gating encounter. Basically you went in, got beaten up, and were forced to step back, really look at your abilities and figure out how to use them to beat this thing. And once you did the rest of the game just got much easier as a result, because your own skill level with the smuggler had advanced considerably. --Or you just leveled through another planet and came back, or got help, I guess. But then you'd miss the point, and I imagine some later engagements would end up being nearly as frustrating without the practice lightspring gave.
  14. Pretty sure you got DS and LS mixed up there, as DS just does everything Baras tells them with a. . . well okay, it's with a grimace, granted. A Liefeld Grimace. However, LS makes Baras his toy from day one. He does literally nothing Baras wants him to do. Every single objective Baras gives him, he circumvents to do something he feels is better. That's pretty much the opposite of an '*** kiss and a boot licker'. Nah it's because I mean, you could call all that plot armor, but it's more like a 'perfectly good reason that you're not being killed' in my opinion. Basically Baras just isn't as completely stupid as a lot of Darths.
  15. Except other classes can't fight from the same range we can. Other classes can't gain 100% ranged damage mitigation on a whim in almost every situation. Other classes don't have access to the degree of CCs we do. Other classes don't get near immunity to CC. Other classes can't chain interrupt as well as we do--at least not from range. Etc. etc. A marauder might do more damage but they're much more vulnerable doing it, and need what little extra healing they get to survive without Quinn out. A gunslinger doesn't. A BH might get some heals and heavy armor, but without the same degree of mitigation or as many useful CCs they still go down faster than a properly played gunslinger in PvE. I'm saying that his suggestion that EVERY class needs a cleanse and a heal because most have it is a faulty assertion.
  16. Sometimes, when I get bored, I'll run up out of cover, and kill people with blaster whip just because the animation is hilarious. Or put my companion on passive, throw a sab charge on them, then run up and use dirty kick. Same reason.
  17. In PvP don't attack open targets. Attack people engaged with others and/or looking the other direction from range when possible. When you have to attack open targets who can easily identify where your damage is coming from, leg shot is an instant cast root that can hold them down long enough to **** them over for trying to LoS you. Or use AoEs around their cover. If they couldn't LoS you and whittle you down there'd be no real way for them to win, ever, and even trying to do that isn't 100% effective because you can root them, and then throw a flash bang etc. to keep them from running out. They can't interrupt you because you have access to hunker down. They have trouble hurting you with cover, and scrambling field, and distraction, and diversion (use diversion on a marauder the next time he gets close to you and lauuugh and laaaugh as every attack whiffs). If they get close to you, you have Dirty Kick and pulse detonator to knock them away. Root them at range if if you want. Drop an AoE on yourself. And all of this while being able to attack from the furthest range of any class. If you could also cleanse and heal off their DoTs, how, exactly, would anyone beat an equally geared/skilled GS? And in solo-PvE just bring Guss. He's not necessary at all, but he does make the game complete easy mode. Actually, don't bring Guss. Bring Risha. She'll teach you how to play. In raids and what not just play DPS as you would in any other MMO and you're fine.
  18. I used Vette all the way to 50 with my Marauder. Brought Quinn along to the last fight and on some dailies just 'cause his being boring doesn't really matter on dailies and I wanted him to watch me kill the old man. It's honestly not that hard. Just use your accuracy debuff and defensive buffs more or less constantly and you're basically unhittable while tearing things apart.
  19. Got a 50 marauder, buncha ~30characters, and a 50 GS. Agree there's lots of skills to juggle in order to play effectively, at least soloing. Group situations are actually much easier because you don't have to be throwing multiple defensive cooldowns on while debuffing enemy accuracy every single fight in addition to a large DPS rotation (though I guess if you bring Malavi everywhere you can get away with not doing that, but then you're bringing Yawn-Fest Quinn for all the dialogue and boo on that). However, that's just the play style for this class. Some people enjoy that. I found leveling to 50 quite fun, myself. If you're feeling overwhelmed by it, I'd suggest either doing as someone else said and rerolling and devoting to your warrior for awhile to learn all the skills and rotations more fluidly, or just not playing it if the class doesn't suit you. That said, lulz at the people saying the class is fine if you buy an eighty dollar peripheral. As if requiring a gaming mouse to play normally is a defense of the class. Luckily, it doesn't actually require that and is quite playable on keyboard and a normal mouse. Once I got the hang of the class I actually found it to blow through content much more easily than my other characters--though it certainly required paying more attention, and took longer to get the hang of.
  20. GS in no way needs a personal heal. We do ridiculous damage at ridiculous range that no other class can compare to, we also have 100% ranged defense in natural cover, about ten million ways to control enemies, etc. etc. A heal would be ridiculously over the top. If you're having trouble with Dot and Run, you need to read your abilities better. Use things like leg shot to root and burn.
  21. Natural cover's defense bonus is larger--being 100% when you aren't shooting.
  22. You guys are missing the real question here, which is this: What in the world is a hazzle?
  23. If you have Risha with, this is followed up with her saying, "Oooh, this is going to be a tough one for you, captain."
  24. I wish there was some way to just click something on that post to say 'I approve', but there isn't so I have to actually type out and post this just to say I approve.
  25. Yeah I got 2.4k myself, same situation. Except, you know, level 50. None of the armor sets looked all that good to me. I was pondering getting a pet thing or two or maybe that carbonite chamber for lulz, but I was thinking instead maybe I'd just wait for them to put more things on, or until I could unlock all the unlockable subscriber benefits and then fly off into a F2P sub.
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