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Everything posted by MorgonKara

  1. Either Powertech, Mercenary, Marauder or Juggernaut with healer companion are best for soloing bosses and whatnot. Assassin tanks are good but Inquisitors don't get their healer until Hoth ~lvl 40ish. Hunters get Mako at lvl 10 on the starter planet and Warriors get Quinn on Balmorra ~lvl 20ish. My main is a Rage Marauder in full custom purple gear with might augments and with Quinn she can kill anything.
  2. Sometimes I like to go to a planet that I have out-leveled, solo all the daily heroics & and sell the loot. It's probably not the most efficient way to earn credits but it works. You won't get XP but Elite npcs/quests drop more creds than normal ones plus they still drop loot and quest rewards. The threshold for soloing Heroic 4s or Flash points is about +8 levels or more. +10 levels if you want to play it safe.
  3. on the positive side you get extra cash shop cartel coins for being subb'd all this time. the cash shop is supposed to go live on the 15th
  4. What you mean like a character creation editor?
  5. That or they beat Diablo II and realized that GW2 is lame.
  6. Empire side of the game is better and Sith Warrior has the best story IMHO. I have 2 Warriors. I don't have a single Jedi toon that I am playing now.
  7. I think it's worth it if you like the RPG class stories.
  8. You can't buy lvl 50 but you could just queue for Warzones non-stop and eventually you will lvl up.
  9. The funny thing is you had to go way out of your way to actually get Strength stats as an Assassin because no light armor or doubleblade lightsabers come with it.
  10. One of my former guildmates tried this when SWTOR first launched but I think it was because he didn't believe Assassins had Willpower as their main stat. Needless to say it didn't work.
  11. Instead of adding new schems and things you earn through in-game activities they are adding things you buy with cash shop currency. I don't like the trend. Artifice in particular is getting boned.
  12. I gotta say I'm a little annoyed they are adding so much gear to the cash shop because I think it will definitely effect the crafting market. It'll be so much easier to get cartel coins than earn credits in-game.
  13. I hope this works. I really like SWTOR and I don't want to see it fail.
  14. I disagree. Playing perfectly means queuing an ability the moment it becomes available, not spamming buttons. If spamming buttons is causing ability delay, then you aren't playing optimally now are you? Spamming hotkeys is actually counter-productive because it interrupts the ability queue. If you insist on spamming the buttons then you at least need to set the ability queue to 0.
  15. Serious raiding guilds and progression raids in SWTOR? You got to be kidding. Drunken keyboard-turning clickers beat the raids in this game lol.
  16. This thread is basically the exact argument against damage meters that came about when they were first brought up on these forums. People get tunnel-vision when they start looking at their damage numbers and forget to consider other factors. So optimal spec toon with BIS gear doing the optimal rotation of attacks does slightly more damage than the next optimal spec toon with BIS gear doing the optimal rotation of attacks. Any proper DPS class can beat the content when you're actually playing the game.
  17. Damage numbers don't account for utility. Utilities and stats like; crowd control, debuffs, stealth, group buffs, armor rating, hitpoints & defenses don't get counted in damage parses but are an important part of class balance. They could balance it for the math junkies by making every class exactly the same, but then SWTOR would be a MMOFPS.
  18. This doesn't really happen to me very often, but then again I don't constantly spam the hotkeys for my toon's abilities.
  19. People used to laugh at me when I told them I spec'd my Marauder Rage. They aren't laughing now.
  20. Hammerstation is a tier 2 lvl 17-24 Flashpoint. Should have stuck with Essles/Black Talon. /endofthread
  21. Any spec with high kinetic or elemental area-damage is going to do well in PvP.
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