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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. I guess I'm not really seeing how this will fix things. The Biochem reusable items will still basically grant healing and buff abilities that you can only get by having that crew skill.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is how I understand it; The best endgame gear (armor, weapons, jewelry etc) is either loot drops or bartered with commendations except the unlimited buff and healing abilities you get from endgame Biochem crafts. So why do I need to have any other skill than Biochem at endgame?

  2. Kill the silver then use disrupt to interrupt the elite's channeled attacks. If your health gets low hit saber ward and use a medpack. Sunder, choke, ravage, scream, enrage, slash etc.
  3. I don't have this issue.


    Change your ability queue to 0.0 and you won't either.


    Do NOT raise it to 1.0 like was mentioned earlier in the thread. What this does is make you wait if a skill isn't ready, and it will queue it up if you hit it up to a second before its ready. If you happen to hit it again before its ready, it turns off the queue.


    Changing it to 0 will only fire off your abilities when they are ready.


    I'm think going to try that, I think the ability queue might be messing me up a little bit.

  4. I would say that you pretty much have to go Immortal if you are main tanking in PvE Heroics. Rage is probably fine for DPS or soloing with a healer companion but if you try to tank rage or vengeance spec in at-level heroics you're gonna get squashed (or give the group healer a headache).


    IM lvl 41 and i went rage spec.Im using Jaessa as my companion but my only problem is with elites i have trouble fighting them i usally win but with less than 1k hp and less hp and sometimes i do still die. When i speced rage it seems like i was having trouble with elites more than usual it seems like im doing something wrong. is it my companion?. I have lvl 40pvp gear. its geared for dps so thats not a problem.


    strongs and normals are no problem for me. Should i switch to pierce for a tank pet? or quinn for healing? i could use your guys imput on this please.




    Thanks for reading



    Jaesa is a good damage companion for tank spec. I think if you use her with damage spec your going to have problems with survivability vs elites and so forth. For damage spec use a tank or healer companion. IMHO. Quinn is a healing beast if you gear him up and have good affection rating.

    Balance is the key, especially for soloing. You don't want to have a damage main with a damage companion or a tank main with a tank companion. I think it's better to use a companion that boosts or compliments your main role's weaknesses. If you're spec'd for damage then defense/healing is your weakness. If you're spec'd for tanking then damage/healing is your weakness.


    I go by this strategy and I've never had any problems with solo content up to lvl 45 so far. I've got 2/3 of the trinity built into my main and companion. Immortal spec with a damage or healer companion and Elites are little more than easy credits. I can solo some Heroic 2s and Champion difficulty NPCs.

  5. Rank 60 is required for Battlemaster (Tier 3) PvP gear. Rank 65 is required for the vanity mount.


    Every 10 levels is a title... I know 90 is 'Basement Dweller' and 100 is 'Elite Basement Dweller'


    lol, thanks, I actually didnt know that. been doing a lot more PvE lately to try and lvl my main.

  6. You're ignoring the fact that something that is scripted/choreographed becomes easier and easier the more you do it. Yes, raiding a new boss is difficult for a couple of weeks when nobody is really sure what they're supposed to do. But you'll get to that point where raids become farm status once people get more gear and they know the fights.


    PvP on the other will never reach that "farm status" point in good premade vs. premades. The matches will always be intense and never easy. This won't ever change, whereas raiding always gets easier over time.


    There is a reason why there's no competitive sports tournaments against scripted encounters in games or real life. It doesn't take much skill. Playing against other people of equal or greater skills will always be harder and take more skill.


    I agree but warzones reward even the losers and the exploiters. Just saying.

  7. It is worse than that. In Pve you have to be succesful. In pvp you just have to show up. The threshold for pvp gear acquisition is so low it is mind boggling people are complaining about it.


    Yeah the Warzone exploiters prove that I think. Hardcore early access PvPers definitely got an advantage by being able to farm newbs to get geared up at lvl 50, but what is sad is that it's not much more of an advantage than the exploiter that queue up for warzones and then wait them out. :(

  8. They could have expertise rating tied to valour rank. So the higher valour you have the better your expertise. That would mean it would come down to actual ability to acquire rather than grinding.


    That's how I was thinking it would work before I got to play. It doesn't make much difference for this argument though because instead of grinding tokens for gear you would be grinding valor.

  9. What the hell are you guys talking about... people who say juggs are underpowered get proven wrong over and over again on this forums. heres a vid of me personally ruining days of the same kinds of people who probably QQ that their class is under powered.




    I'll be curious to see if that holds up once the lvl 50 bracket goes live. *I don't doubt that damage spec'd Juggernauts can do well in PvP but a video of smashing lvl 25 PUGs in Hutball doesn't really prove it IMHO.

  10. It's not something that has only happened on one occasion, can't really miss it. many times I hit, lets say, invincible and wanna hit saber ward right afterwards, the GCD is over, the skill is not greyed out, you can see it being pressed, it just won't activate until I use an offensive skill and then it goes off right away if i use it after that. I haven't changed the default for que times so its also at .5, maybe I should play around with that.


    But I guess it's not happening to everyone so it answers that, just don't know why it happens to me other than the generic reason of this game having horrible activation delay.


    Yeah I have had the same thing happen to me a few times. I'll hit Invincible and then Endure Pain in an emergency and sometimes EP won't fire. Or I'll hit Disrupt on an enemy channel (which is the Juggernauts most twitchy ability) and it won't fire or it will be ignored.

    I assumed it was due to latency or something because it doesn't happen every time.

  11. The point is, marauders have more anti kiting tools than juggs currently. Thus juggs are getting buffs, even if they are terrible buffs that don't actually increase target uptime.


    Seriously, their solution to being kited is to have them push the player out of range? lulz.


    Isn't the idea that Force Push resets the cooldown on Charge? In other words, you push them out of range -knocking them down and then immediately leap right on top of them.

  12. You have to consider that Expertise is really only on endgame lvl 50 gear. You can get a few points from PvP weapons but basically any significant Expertise is endgame. Once they add the lvl 50 bracket to Warzones and more people are max level in general I don't think it will be as much of an issue TBH.


    Maybe people running around in quest reward greens will be hurting, but let's face it, in this game anything below prototype or custom is subpar. (I'm not even sure why they have NPC vendors that sell stat-less or green gear because they are quite pointless.)

  13. I recently made a new toon, a Sorcerer, and I queued up for a Warzone when I got to the first PvP daily on the fleet at like ~lvl 12. The enemy team had several 50s and I can say with certainty that my toon had no hope for victory even if I was a skilled player. All my attacks were either resisted or barely did any damage and I was getting 1 or 2 shot every time I spawned. My teammates were actually finding places to hide to wait out the Warzone. I'm not really complaining because I know they are adding the expertise 50 bracket, it's more of an observation.


    I think expertise is designed to give dedicated PvPers an edge over raiders in PvP at endgame. At this point it makes Warzones severely unbalanced so it's good they are adding the bracket. I'm going to wait until the bracket goes live to queue for Warzones with any sub lvl50 characters.

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