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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. I consider myself an average SWTOR player and I will say you are not crazy, the 4 person group content is a lot more difficult than the "solo" stuff. You really have to have good group coordination, know how this game works and have decent gear on your character to beat it. -Especially once you start to get into Hardmodes, where one mistake can mean a group wipe on certain bosses.


    Once I learned how group content works in TOR, I explain it to any pickup group I might get into as best I can and that usually helps, but the main thing that has been most helpful for me is getting into a good guild with other players that are willing to learn the fights and help each other get geared up. Hardmodes and Heroics seemed almost impossible until I took the time to learn the fights with a group of friends, learned the group dynamics and got my character better gear, all while dying a bunch of times. Now that I know how most of them go, I can run many of the group missions & Hardmodes without dying once, provided I'm with a group of guildies that knows what they are doing.


    You have been playing a month so you are a newb, but I only say that because this game does in fact provide a decent challenge (and I've also been playing SWTOR since day one and have been in testing 3 times). I'd say for the average person it requires some practice and patience. It's fun once you get the hang of it, mostly (There are a couple hardmode fights that can be frustrating even with a "seasoned" group). Part of the fun is learning how to overcome the challenges.

  2. I've seen worse. In LOTRO there are some classes, like Minstrels for example, that have upwards of 4 full bars of abilities and a lot of them are very specifically conditional -like short duration buffs that can only be applied with another pre-requisite short-duration buff present, abilities that can only be used after a critical hit or defeating an enemy and different CCs for different races of enemies etc, etc. You actually have to build up to your most powerful abilities by going through tiers of pre-req abilities in the right order and they all have different pre-reqs. It makes SWTOR look like child's play.
  3. FUnny, i never use sweep slash. I use vicious slash to dump rage.


    Just a lot of abilities that are.. meh.


    Depends on your spec too. For example Rage spec gets bonuses to Vicious and builds rage relatively fast, but Immortal can tend to get a bit resource starved in PvP so I have prioritize how I use my rage.


    I wouldn't say 100% of the lvl 50 abilities are totally useful in all situations but personally there are only a couple I never use. PvP and PvE are really different too because tanks mostly rely on getting hit to build resources, but in PvP if you're getting hit there's a good chance you are also CC'd.

  4. I think Jug has tons of bloat at 50.


    I have 2 bars i use constantly in PvP and a third that has relics healthpacks, stances and buffs on it.


    Yeah same here but I don't find them to be redundant. I use Sunder instead of Assault and that's about it, the rest sort of have unique utility/function. The only other one I never use is Vicious Slash which is a single target attack, but that's because it costs the same Rage as the area Sweep Slash ability, which I figure is generally more useful.

  5. I wouldn't say there are too many abilities for my Juggernaut, although there are definitely a few that I rarely use and a couple that I never use because of my advanced class specialization. I will say that I find the two conditional abilities that are non-functional in PvP to be a bit annoying, but I usually just swap them out on my toolbar with my area snare and CC break for PvP. If those two weak/strong attacks worked in PvP I think my ability set up would be perfect actually.
  6. That's why I never do World Bosses, Hardmode Flashpoints or Operations in pick-up-groups. My guild and the people I run with usually know what gear our groups need. That's the chance you take playing with random groups, people are likely to roll Need on any decent drops.
  7. That doesn't seems like a big issue, considering it's lvl 30ish loot you're going to out-level it quickly anyways. Wait until people start ninja rolling Need on Columi stuff that hardly ever drops in Hardmode Flashpoints for their companions. That I can see complaining about. You need to gear up in Columi to do the hardmode raids and companions are not allowed in Ops. No reason someone should Need roll on set gear for a companion over a player character.
  8. Last night i tanked KP and we couldnt get past the heavy fabrication droid, but the fights lasted a very long time which made me notice that the first 30 seconds of the fight were the hardest to hold aggro, after that it became much easier.


    Now this is my first mmo and i wanted to tank right off the bat and im just now starting to really learn how to play my class to the full potential. i have another jugg tank in our guild who has been tanking for years and acted as a mentor to me. He always told me that if im using taunt ive already failed. And ive been trying to avoid taunt mass much as possible. And i seem to be doing fine now without it. If you want to get you tanking to its best dont use taunt, just start practicing in hm fps and over time you will get the hang of it and be better for it.


    Don't use taunt? I don't know about that, a tank isn't supposed to let the healer struggle to keep the DPS classes alive. Jugs are supposed to be tanks, if I hit a MOB it should turn to fight me, not continue munching on the DPS. The two taunts and backhand are the only way to pull threat, the stance threat does almost nothing as far as I can tell.

  9. It's probably just as well, the last two bosses in Battle for Ilum are annoying as hell :p One guy has a melee shield so you cannot beat him with melee dps without it enraging, plus he spawns bugged adds, and the last guy stealths, stuns and one-shots the whole party. At this point I don't even care if I never get my columi off-hand because that hardmode is a pain. It's worse than Directive 7. :cool:
  10. This for me as well. I loved leveling my Immortal Juggie.


    Yeah it's great, if you are tired and just want to plow through some quests without having to worry about stopping, you just pull out your healer companion and can grind for hours. You might not kill stuff very fast, but you don't have to stop to heal or even worry about dying.

  11. The only thing I can't solo with my Juggernaut is at-level group quests. I can even take down some Champion minor-bosses that appear in the game world. Juggernauts are great for soloing but a bit slow to kill stuff in tank spec. For soloing and PvP I am spec'd tank (Immortal) but I equip damage-dealing gear. For group PvE I equip tank gear. It works well.
  12. I take it you don't read the forums much.


    Threat is indeed our main problem area/area of improvement needed. And you will find many topics on this in this forum and how people would recommend improving them.


    Everything from increasing the threat on Soresu to making Force Scream a cone AOE.


    well i didn't see any topics about it on the front page so i made this thread.

  13. So I'm noticing that Juggernauts don't have great threat generation. I've been playing my Juggernaut main as Immortal spec since December and I do okay. However I have noticed that it's pretty easy to lose threat on MOBs in PvE if my taunts are on cooldown. The tanking stance supposedly increases threat, but I have noticed that DPS classes can pull MOBs off me pretty easy if I don't keep them taunted and it happens often. It's not a huge issue because the cooldown on taunt is pretty fast, but I'm just wondering if any Jug tanks have noticed the same thing. Sometimes I wonder if the stance threat really works, it's hard to imagine DPS doing enough damage to override a supposed 50% threat increase.

    I mean if you're fighting bosses with enrage timers in Hardmodes you can't really ask the DPS to stop so the tank can build threat with some minor damage hits. If my Taunt is on cooldown they just have to take a few hits until it's back up again.


    What's the cool down on taunt? 15 seconds and it works for 6? That's 9 seconds or about 6 GCDs that DPS can have aggro.


    Any advice is welcome.

  14. Only 2 set pcs have surge. when you crit it does contribute to the damage that ups your threat. What you should be worried about a lot more is the defense you are trading for absorption.


    Meh, if it's meant to increase threat then Surge seems kind of random. Wouldn't Power be better for increasing damage and thereby threat? Or even better Shield or Absorb for tanking. :p Defense is a great stat for tanks but Surge?

  15. Juggernauts can do good damage when built for it, especially if you have decent gear and weapon, but you won't be able to tank well without Immortal spec and tanking gear. Once you start doing hardmodes and operations you need all the tanking ability you can get in order to tank for your group. If you are Rage spec stick to damage (Vindicator). If you want to tank, spec Immortal and get tank gear (Warleader).
  16. Need vs. greed isn't as simple in our game because of companions, as well as Orange Gear and mod extraction.


    We will probably limit the 'need' button to only people who match the primary class the gear is meant for, and add a new button in between need and greed for players to choose if they intend the gear for these purposes - this will allow CC users to roll against each other without competing with the guy who wants to sell the gear for credits.


    I don't have a timeline on this for you guys right now, though - certainly not in the next major patch. In the meantime, I strongly recommend that players who care clearly decide the expected need/greed role behaviors ('no companion need rolling or you're out!') when a group is initially formed. In the meantime, I'll work on getting this feature in the works.


    That would be an improvement for sure. If it's an upgrade for your main then you roll Need, if you just want it for a companion then you roll Greed, that's how it should be.

  17. All the while forcing the group dynamic of every fight to be tank/healer/dps/dps because that is the only way to avoid the timer. Anything possibility to form a group of your guild mates that don't meet the above criteria is more than likely to fail.


    I, for one, take exception to being put in a box by a fail mechanic just so you can feel good about your DPS doing what they should be doing anyway.


    That's actually a good point. Also chances are your group needs to have at least 2 Sorcerer/Sages, 1 dps and 1 healer, because the other classes simply don't perform as well in the same roles. I'm sure it's possible with other classes but, lets say you bring a Juggernaut tank and 3 Sorcerers (2 DPS & 1 Healer) into a hardmode, you're going to destroy everything provided you know the strategy. Other class combinations might struggle.

  18. I think it's an improvement and I'm saying that as someone that got lucky with the Champion bag tokens. Now you can actually buy Centurion with Comms while you save up for Champion. Progression. The way it was before it was too easy (or random) to get Champion gear and a huge grind to buy Centurion.
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