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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. that can't be true as my Sage has 200k *rounded down* and only needs 120k more to lvl *rounded up* <-Real rounded numbers


    i have noticed that i get a set amount of rest EXP and it seems to cap at some point but i do belive that cap gets re-newd with a log in.. for example i rested 100k exp and the cap is 130k i log in cap is reset to 0/130k *these are just examples not real numbers*

    or maybe im just wrong and you can only have 2x your lvl req would love to actually know..


    The cap is the same number of xp you need total for your next level. If you are lvl 1 and you need 1000xp total for lvl 2, the maximum number of rest xp you can have is 1000 -even if you already have 999/1000xp it doesn't cap at 1xp, it's still 1000. Mouseover your xp bar, the second number that says how much xp you need for the next level? That's how much rest xp you can have saved.

  2. I think the endgame PvP stuff is far more interesting than the PvE stuff. The PvP is at least dynamic, the PVE Flashpoints are mostly gear-gated bosses with enrage timers. I wonder how many people PvP in SWTOR just to get tier 2 or 3 PvP gear in order to do the PvE endgame content? The PvP is good, I think they need to fix the PvE stuff personally; broken dailies, tank & spank PvE Bosses with 200% enrage damage timers and weak melee classes. It could be better.
  3. Just proved my point. Luciela is a Gardian (Jugg) thus getting a free 30% overall damage boost to Smash in his Vengeance tree. Mara/Sents get to dual wield (what a joke) thus max 5K5 damage.


    Juggs/Gards can crit upto 7K2. Mara/Sent can't.


    Juggs/Gards are CC-Knockbacks immune after a Force Charge/Obliterate. We aren't.


    Juggs/Gards can push people 50 meters away. We can't.


    Juggs/Gards wear heavy armor. We wear stupid medium armor (refer to why it's stupid for us not to wear heavy armor as well, being that there are only those two AC to wear STR gear... Wait there is neraly none of that gear except T1-T2-T3 anyway)


    Like I said, stop spreading lies.


    And like I said, MAra/Sent is a rushed designed class. Overall, Juggs/Gards are superior.



    If you wore your glasses grandpa, he does indeed have a healer on his back at all time :o


    Roll a Juggernaut.

  4. Bumping this by the way.


    This is why Juggernauts can pump out much MORE damage in their Smash then Marauders :





    No wonder you can do 7K crits as a Jugg/Gard when I struggle to get my 5K medal... You still get the +30% crit damage in force abilities (thus Force Scream, which hit quite hard already and you get to have a free rage one when Force Charging, and you get one Rage once each 6 sec via a talent in Rage tree too, wonder why this "common" talent tree isn't identical)


    Thus; 1100 base damage. X2 for having 4 stacks of ShockWave. X2.25 for being crit (X1.95 cause you end up at 95% surge crit damage multiplier after a relic pop up, add to this 30% for being a force ability crit) X the whole by another 1.30 for Decimation.


    Thus: 1100X2X2.25X1.3 =6430 hand down without counting POW Adrenal in which case it's even more imba:

    (565 power= roughly 129 more base damage) 1230X2X2.25X1.3= 7195 !


    No wonder Juggs/Gardians can do more damage in their Rage/Focus spec than a Marauder/Sentinel ... Design flaw for the win ?


    Scream isn't free/low cost unless you spec points into Immortal.

  5. Idn, it seems to me that all the classes deal with similar issues. The only abilities that don't seems to have some kind of animation delay are the instants that don't trigger the GCD. It's difficult to have quick counter-reactions in this game, you have to anticipate situations when you go into combat and know what abilities to use for each GCD. 9 times out of 10 when I get countered it seems more like luck than reaction.
  6. I don't know about that. The only major imbalance I've noticed in PvP is that ranged classes can easily knockback, stun & kite melee classes and that playing melee like Knights or Warriors puts you at a disadvantage, especially in 1 vs 1 fights against ranged DPS. Sorcerers and Sages definitely seem to be the superior healing classes but they don't seem all that overpowered to me. If you get a couple of DPS sages focusing on one target they can do serious damage, but if you focus against them they are pretty squishy.


    I will say this though, if they nerf Sorcerers and Sages, PvE group content is going to get a lot harder. The other healing ACs don't seem to be anywhere near as good.

  7. SWTOR is a mostly gear-based game. You need to keep your gear as up to level as possible on both your main character and your main companion. If you cannot find gear on vendors, loot or the GTN then you need to either craft it yourself or PvP Warzones and buy PvP gear with Warzone commendations. Trust me it makes a big difference. If your armor is even one level below your character-level you begin to lose damage reduction. If you are using lvl 17 armor on a lvl 24 character your damage reduction is less than a lvl 17 character.
  8. They need to adjust the PvE progression too IMHO. It's basically the same deal, someone gets lucky on loot drops and gets set up in tier 2 before they can even afford to buy one piece of tier 1.
  9. A screenshot wont strengthen my point unless I give you a screen shot of my entire bank, storage, and any place else I could possibly put the gear.. otherwise you could just accuse me of banking the pieces away. You are just going to have to take my word on this one.


    For whatever it's worth I believe you. If one person can open 35 bags and get almost a full set of tier 2 and another gets 3 pieces of Tier 1 it's not a good progression system. It's good that they are changing it.

  10. Yeah, and I have bought my 3 centurion pieces, it just seems like a very small pay-off for the amount of time I have invested towards getting those 35 bags.. Especially when you see people around you in full champion gear.


    The Centurion stuff isn't bad. It's rated at least as good as dailies purples and you get some expertise. Champ stuff is obviously much better but hopefully with the next patch it will be more steady.

  11. 35 bags and one piece of Champion gear? That means you have 102 Centurion Comms no? You can buy 3 or 4 pieces of Centurion armor.
  12. The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


    The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


    To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


    I think it's a good idea. Steady and more predictable is better; Collect comms to buy items.

  13. That isn't exactly true. In WoW you would do normal dungeons > heroic dungeons > normal raids > heroic raids. In TOR is normal raids > heroic raids. The flashpoints drop the same loot as normal operations so you can include that in the first step. So WoW had 4 steps whereas TOR has 2, and anticipate most people won't even do the second.


    Whatever, the point being that progression is gear-based. This isn't old-school SWG, it's WoW-style Star Wars. People grind for gear because that is how the game is designed. Try to do nightmare modes in quest greens and the boss will enrage and wipe the floor with your Op.

  14. It's exactly that mentality that's ruining MMO's. End game is end game, you do it to enjoy it and the gear is a perk. If you go to the end game purely for the gear and you'll see it as a grind, but it shouldn't be.


    It's probably why WoW and this game are so easy now, because everyone is motivated by gear and it needs to be easy to get.


    Ehh not really. This game follows WOW's gear progression style. You have to get better gear to progress to harder content. Most of character strength/ability comes from gear. Try stripping all the gear off your character and look at their stats and you'll see what I mean.

  15. Honestly I don't think its that bad, but I think I can relate to the halt your are hitting, I run through it on my BH and it was a little like pulling teeth, but couple this as playing a tank and not gearing enough and well you get a grinding halt.


    Geared up Make and myself and the last half that plan was fine. Now I make sure I do a gear check every 5-10 levels.


    Yeah Tatooine is kind of like a test. Your character progression has to be on-point otherwise it's going to seem really hard.

  16. Tatooine is a snap. I will say this, it is a turning point in the game where you really have to build your character and companion to take down the NPCs efficiently. You either need a couple lvls ahead or you need to max out your gear & spec and learn which abilities are most effective, because the Sand People/Mercs on Tat are tougher than the MOBs on previous planets. You can't slack off on Tatooine or for the rest of the game after that point for that matter.
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