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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. The reason this happens because there is no loss for SWTOR PvP... there is only valor gain.


    Like I've always said. People will always find the the best items for the least amount of work. Right now the least amount of work (for PvP) is to kill trade.


    Yeah I agree. The problem is that there is nothing to lose. If you lost Valor or Expertise every time you let someone kill you there would be no benefit to fight clubbing. I suppose people could create lvl50 alts and let their guildies farm them but that would be a lot of effort.

  2. Here is an idea;


    1st remove Expertise from PvP gear.


    2nd make Valor rank/points based on win/lose & kill/death. (You gain Valor for killing enemy players/winning Warzones, you lose Valor for dying to enemy players/losing Warzones.)


    3rd tie Expertise stat directly to your Valor rank/score.


    4th reset everyone back to 0 Valor/ 0 Expertise.


    They would probably also have to make it so you have to get the actual deathblow on someone to earn Valor, so you can't farm kills by just getting a few AOE hits on a group of enemies.

  3. Man when I used to play SWG there were epic PvP battles every night and we didn't need gear incentives to do it. You lost rank for getting defeated so you had to have a good win/loss ratio to become high ranked. People didn't strip their toons naked and line up to get killed. We actually fought PvP because it was fun and competitive, not for easy-mode purple gear.


    These people aren't SWTOR PvP Battlemasters. The whole system is a complete joke.


    One of many vids.


    How is that fun? Seems kind of boring to me. I mean, yeah you get your Battlemaster title or whatever but to what end? So you can bunch together in a group and be a willing victim of the enemy team?


    This saddens me because I really wanted the open PvP to be good in SWTOR.

  5. I'm not buying it. It's totally random, I've been in WZ where the Republic dominated like 4 or 5 matches in a row and I've been in WZ where the Empire crushes he Republic. If you queue solo it's random PUGs in an uncoordinated PvP match. I've seen plenty of Republic Champs and Battlemasters, there is no secret conspiracy against the Republic faction. If you never win a match is either because you're really unlucky or you just stink.
  6. I have Synthweaving/Archeology/Underworld Trading as well and it was pretty good while leveling up. I've used it to make gear for my Force User companion & my Juggernaut and it's worked out well so far. I'm probably going to keep it if nothing else but to make gear for my alts and to save up to make the Rakata stuff.


    I read the entire OP and you bring up some good points. The amount of time and resources used in Reverse Engineering to get Artifact recipes seems out of proportion with what it takes to get Champion Bags or loot drops. I know that Champ PvP gear isn't optimal for PvE, but so far it's superior to anything I can craft (except maybe for the BOP Rakata stuff).


    I don't like the redundancy in Reverse Engineering either, if I get a successful RE roll I would like a new recipe, not, "You already know that schematic". If you consider it only takes loot drops/daily to make crafted gear obsolete, it doesn't seem right -but what can you do?


    I'm hoping there is more to it that I haven't discovered yet.

  7. I wish there was an option to lock the target reticule center screen like a FPS game. Aim the camera at your target and click to select it. Tab is unreliable and using the cursor to click on a target disables camera control.
  8. It does more damage in the aoe sense, but less in single target.


    Hey look, all I'm saying is I have Rage-costing abilities that I don't use anymore because they aren't boosted by my skill tree. Heck, I don't even have the basic attack on my quickslots anymore because I have Sundering Assault talented to produce the same amount of Rage & it cuts enemy armor by 8% with every hit up to 20%.

  9. It's only usable after a successful defence. It's a tanking ability.


    The PvE guides won't mention it because:


    a) You shouldn't be getting attacked, therefore shouldn't be getting successful defence.


    b) There are more efficient DPR abilities to consume your rage with.


    This is talking FPs/Ops of course.


    That's what I was thinking. It's good for tanking because Immortals get talents to reduce the cost and high defenses. I almost always get the proc for it so I just throw it in with my regular rotation. It's not really a great DPS ability IMHO, maybe at early levels. I would think that by lvl 50 you would want to save Rage for the heavy hits.

  10. Sorry, I'm not an expert at Marauders, I'm just wondering if it isn't better to use the 3 Rage for more powerful attacks. Slash for example comes around every 1.5 seconds as it doesn't have a cooldown besides the GCD.
  11. Retaliation is kind of expensive Rage-wise for the amount of damage it does for Marauders no? Jugs have a talent that can reduce the cost to 1 Rage so I use it all the time since it's almost like a free attack that doesn't trigger the GCD.
  12. I hope that now they are finally getting some money from subscriptions they will have more resources to hammer out some of the annoying & persistent bugs that have been around for a while. People like to complain and stomp their feet, but these devs have been doing a pretty amazing job with this game. I play it pretty much every day.
  13. You know, I didn't realize that so many classes have interrupts. You would think that more channeled abilities would get interrupted during gameplay. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that uses it. In PvE some Bosses can kill you with a single channeled ability. I'm always shocked at how many of those get through when my interrupt is on cooldown.
  14. Snare abilities aren't particularly useful in PvE. I do use mine occasionally because Juggernauts have a conditional attack ability that requires the MOB to be snared/immobilized to use it. It also slows melee NPCs that are moving to attack my ranged companion.
  15. common guys.. stop it..

    we are month from start and most of you are wearing champion or even battlemaster gear. Thats the endgame armor ! there is nothing more..

    do you think other games provide you same?


    Aion - after a month i wasnt able to have my max lvl not talking about gear either

    WARhammer - after 8 months from relase i was wearing invader / warlord geear and thats still not the engame one !

    Guild wars - thats the only different game where you can get gear faster then here..


    But please do not forget the time investment... i know the bags are stupid concept but same you could be upset about not getting roll or whatever.. in fact the gear progression here is more or less 1-2 months till max gear. Thats not that bad.


    I agree. The randomness can be frustrating but SWTOR is just over a month old. If anything it's too easy to farm for endgame PvP gear. You don't even have to win Warzones, you just have to show up.

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